                    __ _ / _|_ __ ___
           _____   / _` | |_| '_ ` _ \   _____
          |_____| | (_| |  _| | | | | | |_____|
                   \__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|
                   Another Foggy Moment

 These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
 of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
 Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
 cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
 another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

    WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
    If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
    punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
    the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
    Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
    89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                          - 132 -

 Despite our recent brush with snow, winter's over. Spring is 
 starting to happen. The crocuses are already up and the 
 daffies aren't far behind. Pretty soon those magnolia trees 
 will be sprouting their lovely pale-violet 'flames' and 
 the trees will be pregnant with leaf buds.

 It's certainly amazing to watch the Ravens flocking off of Lake 
 Washington in the morning. They gather in waves of hundreds at
 the crack of dawn cawing, squalking and clattering. And its 
 impossible not to imagine they are having one helluva good time. 
 A great swarm of them will go dashing off at top-speed in one 
 direction only to suddenly break up into a swerving, show-offish 
 Hot Dog manouvers, then quickly regroup and dash off in the other 
 direction. It's a wonder they don't all collide. Back and forth 
 they go like that. Groups of them occasionally take a break and 
 all gather together in the shoreline trees raising unholy noisey 
 ruckus as they watch the others going through their paces. They 
 gradually break off in small groups to venture inland for the day 
 until they've all dispersed. It's like they're dancing in the air 
 and celebrating. Happy they survived another night and lived to 
 see a new dawn? Who knows? None of the other birds whoop it up 
 like this in the morning. 

 In the evening they reverse the process but it's a much more
 subdued affair - they're noisey but the return is much more
 drawn out and they're really drag'n butt. They withdraw far from
 humans for a good night's sleep as do most of the other birds.

 West Nile Virus, which has wiped out thousands of the crows 
 eastern cousins, has crept over the Mississippi River now and
 is expected to spread at least to the Rockies this year. Maybe
 all the way to the west coast. The Grim Reaper's on his way.



 It was 34 years ago last Thursday, while the Grateful Dead were 
 getting busted in that hotel room down in New Orleans, Seattle 
 City Council announced that it was throwing in the towel - there 
 was nothing it could do to stop people from being hippies. God 
 knows they tried. The Hooterville Yacht Club, with the willing if 
 not eager assistance of the King County Inferior Court and local 
 Donut Patrol, had tried rousting them, beating them up, arresting 
 them and whatever else it could think of to stomp out the dreaded 
 social phenomena, but all to no avail. The gol dang long-haired 
 varmints just kept a-come'n, smoke'n their Wacky Toobacky, trip'n 
 on Acid and sniff'n flowers. Flower Power won out in the end 
 and our civic pols went back to reading comic books and picking 
 their noses or whatever it was they do when they aren't getting 
 Plastered down at the Local Watering Hole.

 Though not officially a Hippie myself, I do admit to being a 
 Fellow Traveller and spent many a enjoyable evening in their 
 Dens of Inquity. Most were 'weekend hippies' - kids who snuck 
 away from the house of a Saturday morning in their finest bell-
 bottoms, Paisley shirts and Love Beads to Hang with other Posers 
 and Freak Out the Straights. The shopping-mall thing hadn't 
 kicked in yet. Hair was always a touchy subject. It wasn't easy 
 straddling the thin line between Gestapo school principals and 
 good taste. The 'full timers' tended to look down their noses at 
 these Posers nearly as much as the proper Citizens did. Frank 
 Zappa made a musical genre out of mocking them. 

 But once our merchants copped to the fact that many of those 
 Posers were packing hefty 'allowances' from Mommy & Daddy, 
 they warmed to them nicely with Head Shops and stores full of 
 Way-Out, Groovy, Day-Glo, Psycho-delic Vibes. Posters that glowed 
 in Black Light were a hot item. Lava Lamps weren't actually 
 very popular at all. Tune-In, Turn-On, Drop-Out was the message 
 of the day. It's sobering to think that those Wacked Out Hippie 
 Posers are our present day 40 to 50  year old parents and Grand-
 parents. It certainly explains a lot things, doesn't it?


		         KILL YOUR TV
 Over 10 years ago I threw my TV away. At the time, I had a nifty 
 little Jap laptop with a 8088 CPU that blistered along at 2 MHz 
 and had a whopping huge 10 Meg hard drive. It was my gateway to 
 the world of modems and BBS's. And then I stumbled across something 
 called the "Internet". Aside from academic systems there were only 
 about 50 ISPs in the entire freaking world and the closest one I 
 could find was in Rhode Island. I had to wait until after midnight 
 for the cheap long distance rates. But I was hooked - USENET groups 
 with full CalTech astrophysics profs posting, live reports from 
 U of Mich's Weather Underground, and plenty of neato Gophers plus
 Yakov's List of FTP sites. I had never seen anything like it. I 
 felt like I hit the Motherlode. No time for TV after that. Out the 
 window it went.

 I got a funky little portable TV in the closet that I bought off Hank 
 the Crank for $5 after he lucked into a nice color TV in a dumpster. 
 But aside from a couple occasions when I couldn't make it to Emerald 
 Downs to watch the Kentucky Derby on simulcast, I haven't watched 
 any TV whatsoever since then. I've never seen a single episode of 
 Seinfeld, nor South Park; completely missed all the 9/11 coverage. 
 I have no idea what our Prez looks like moving around. Elections,
 especially Federal Elections which are now conducted almost entirely
 in the Media, are very nearly invisible to me. I don't miss any of
 it in the slightest. There is nothing on TV that can't safely be
 ignored - absolutely nothing.

 I grew up with TV. My generation was the first to do so. I remember 
 seeing the "Eddie Cantor Show" for cry'n out loud. Dave Garroway and 
 the "Today Show" was a standard part of my morning routine before 
 trotting off to school. I used to watch the Gillette "Friday Night 
 Fights" with the Old Man every week. The "Mickey Mouse Club" (forget 
 Annette - Darlene was my Hottie) and the old "Our Gang" were personal 
 favorites along with those incredible Warner's Bros. "Looney Tunes" 
 cartoons with Carl Stalling's bizarre musictracks. "Life of Riley", 
 "Topper", "The Bob Cummings Show" and "I Love Lucy" was the stuff I 
 grew up on. On Sunday mornings there used to be this weird "American 
 Industry On The March" thing with lots of steel mills and factories. 
 It was just boilerplate they stuck in for lack of anything else but 
 it appealed to my young imagination. "Dick Clark's American Bandstand" 
 wasn't as cool as our local "Rock'n Robin". "Disney" and the "Ed Sullivan 
 Show" were Sunday night regulars. Yep - not only saw the Beatles first 
 appearance on Ed's show, I saw Elvis's appearance too. I used to run 
 home from school at lunch time to watch Soupy Sales with White Fang 
 and Black Tooth. I can even remember Pinky Lee and Buffalo Bob. "Amos 
 & Andy" was also a favorite. I grew up believing cab companies were 
 all owned by black guys. I loved TV back in those days. It truely was  
 the Golden Era.

 Round about the early 60's a great cultural change came over America.
 We shifted from things of lasting value to mass-produced mediocrity.
 It occured when that WW-2 generation hit their stride. It wasn't merely 
 a change in consumer patterns, it was a change in thinking - we started 
 thinking Cheap/Quick-And-Dirty/Disposable. A shift from Quality to 
 Quantity. We traded in our built-like-a-tank Studebakers for new-model-
 every-year Fords and Chevies that incorporated 'planned obsolesence' 
 in their design process. Houses went from being 'homes' to 'real estate 
 investments' as we hit the road. Neighborhoods changed from roomy lots 
 in which people often had chickens/cows/goats and big gardens, to 
 densely packed subdivisions of ticky-tacky cheap boxes. "Made In the 
 U.S.A." began to equate to "Lotsa Cheap Junk". Just like we used to
 think of "Made In Japan" not long before.

 TV during this time became technically prettier as color took over
 from black and white and production standards improved. But it also
 became a lot dumber. Bimbo Programming took over. The News, which
 used to at least try to be informative, degenerated into today's
 Battle of the Lying Spin Weasels. The 1-minute advertising spots 
 running on TV programs routinely cost far more to produce and are
 done to much higher production standards than the 30-60 minute 
 programs they run on. But most disturbing of all, TV no longer just
 reflected it's audience's interests, it began dictating them. I
 began to rapidly loose interest.
 "So what in the heck do you do if you don't watch TV?", people ask.
 I read and listen to music a lot. I write crap like this. I talk to
 people and ask them many embarassing questions. I go to the horse
 races, hockey games and ballgames. I also program for the fun of it 
 and build little electronic gizmos. I chat with people all over the
 world on my Ham Radio station. Often I just go for long walks. There's 
 tons of things to do. It's a big, fascinating and lovely world out 
 there. Far more interesting than anything on the Boob Tube. 


                      'OL YELLER'S TWAT
              (aka The War Against Terrorism)                 

 Two charter members of the National Bullshit Association (War Wimps 
 Division) were forced to dive for protective cover this week when 
 they experienced heavy 'Incoming' - Governor Jim Janos (aka Jesse 
 Ventura) of Minnesota and President Yellowbelly recently of the 
 Nebraska White House. 

 Governor Jim, who served in the NAVY SEALS during the time of the 
 Vietnam War, has frequently and loudly hinted strongly that he's 
 seen combat. He hasn't. He has no more combat experience than the 
 ladies in his accounting department. While he was awarded the 
 Vietnam Service medal as literally millions of others were, he 
 didn't earn the Combat Medal for coming under enemy fire. Maybe
 former-Senator Bob Kerry can show him his to refresh his memory.
 Governor Jim frequently likes to claim he knows what it's like 
 to 'hunt man'.  Maybe he's thinking about cruising the Gay bars 
 in Minneapolis. He does have that Gay "Village People" look. At 
 any rate, he got schnookered into finally admitting the truth 
 about his phony combat experience during a stormy interview this 
 past week. 

 President Yellowbelly, who often blubbers on about how he 'chose 
 war', wouldn't know war if it jumped up and bit him on the ass. 
 His daddy bribed the then-head of the state's National Guard to 
 get him a comfy position there during the Vietnam War where they 
 let him clean Jeep windshields and peel potatoes. One of the guys
 involved in the Fix spilled the beans this past week. Yeller's the 
 Gomer who used to poke his finger at people yelling "BANG! BANG!"
 He spent the rest of the year at home watching TV and snorting 
 Coke.  He didn't even rate the Vietnam Service Medal. And of course 
 they issue no medals for Presidents who run and hide like cowards 
 when the nation comes under attack. Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, 
 on the other hand, stood his ground like a Mensch. There's little 
 else about Rudy that I admire, but he's no Yellowbelly.

 All of which reminds of the time I took a snooze on the very same 
 couch that former Vice President Dan Qualye spent the Vietnam War 
 on. While on an unofficial tour of the National Guard camp at which 
 Dan spent his annual 2-weeks of training with the Indiana National 
 Guard, the soldier who was showing me around proudly pointed it out 
 in the basement of the admin building where the Public Affairs clerks 
 worked. I couldn't resist trying it out. It was VERY comfortable.
 There even were still little tokens of Dan's Love Life embedded in
 the fabric. My guide assured me, with a wink, that they went to
 great pains to confirm their authenticity. There may be a couple 
 other guys in there but most of it is Dan's work.


 That Cuban Death Camp is really getting to be an embarassment. Terry
 Waite, who spent 5 years as a hostage in Lebanon, got the shivers
 watching news coverage of our treatment of prisoners there. He said
 it was indistinguishable from the torture he had to endure. He found
 our Camp pretty disgusting. Lacking any values or principles of our
 own, we've now descended to taking our cues from vicious thugs. My
 aren't we the morally superior little darlings!


 Yellowbelly came out of hiding long enough to appear before Congress
 this week and deliver his State of the Union address. That the signal
 for the gang at Princeton to issue this year's SOUA Drinking Contest.
 You've got to knock back x number of gulps each time Yeller says a
 particular phrase i.e. "Evil" (3 gulps), "Terror/Terrorists" (1 gulp),
 Everytime he uses a Bushism (pretend word) (3 gulps), "Don't Mess With 
 Texas" (finish the bottle and hit yourself over the head with it). They 
 also include camera shots i.e. "First Lady smiling" (1 gulp), "First 
 Lady Not Smiling" (3 gulps), Hillary (1 gulp), etc. Most of the
 participants had passed out 'gagging on their pretzels' 15 minutes
 into the speech.

 As you might expect for a guy who's got a steady job, a nice house to 
 live in, tons of invisible terrorist friends to play with plus lots of 
 neato toys, the State of the Union looks pretty good. Life is so much 
 simpler without a brain. The rest of us are pretty much screwed. With
 tens of thousands outta work from his recession, our Paycheck Patriots
 profoundly confused about just which country they're supposed to be 
 protecting, concentration camps breaking out all over the place and 
 the FAA terrorizing air travelers with mindless bureaucratic stupidity, 
 the Good Times are definitely over. The Democrats, snickering cynically 
 in the background, are just stringing out the rope, letting Yeller 
 hoist himself on his own petard. His brand of extremist, religious-nut
 conservatism isn't even vaguely Mainstream America. Notice how General
 Powell's trying to clear as much distance as possible between himself
 and Yeller's Yahoos.


 "The religious aspect doesn't really bother me, and I'm Jewish.
  But I just don't like things sticking up in the air. And, at
  25-stories, it's going to be absurd-looking."

		     - Karen Mendelson -
                      of Ann Arbor, MI
                commenting on Pizza Fruitcake
	      Tom Monaghan's intention to erect
              a 250-foot crucifix near her home


                    -  MONDO VATICANO -
 With all the hullabaloo about posting the Ten Commandments in
 high schools and such where the little jerks don't even know
 how to read anymore, the well-intentioned idiots behind the 
 move have encountered a problem - whose 10 commandments? The 
 Catholic 10 ain't the same as that of the Jews or the Southern 
 Baptists. Don't even mention the Mormons or 7th Day Adventists 
 unless you wanna start a fight.

 Amazing eh!? After decades of ecumenical expense-account Pig
 Outs the Boobs in our clergy haven't even come to an agreement 
 on something this basic. What are they doing in those little
 get togethers? Arguing about whether to get cream-filled or
 chocolate covered? 

 Commandments #2 and #10 are the big problems. Jews and most 
 Protestants have #2 as 'no graven images' and #10 as 'no 
 coveting'. Catholics and Lutherans make no mention of 'graven 
 images' at all and divide the coveting between #9 and #10. We 
 Catholics are understandably a little sensitive about the 
 'graven images' thing on account of we're historically heavily 
 leveraged in statuary. Start calling them 'graven images' and
 our portfolio goes down the tubes. Those statues are strictly 
 for visual stimulation. Honest. Even the stuff that bleeds and 
 talks to people.

			+	+	+

 My oh my! The tongues are sure clucking in the Archdiocese of
 Boston these days thanks to Fr. Geoghan who recently swung and
 missed on the first of his 3 criminal trials for molesting over
 130 kids. Only 80+ families have so far come forward with suits 
 but that will likely change. The recent criminal court ruling 
 ought to help speed up Fr. Geoghan's 90 civil cases and ditto 
 for the other 90 or so against the Archdiocese itself. His boss,
 Cardinal Law, who belongs in the cell next to him for obligingly 
 feeding him an unending supply of young victims, ain't alone. 
 The Parade of Hypocrites inspired by the Holy Spirit includes:
    * Cardinal Medeiros - Law's predecessor, may his rotten soul 
                         roast in hell, for Geoghan's early years;
    * Bishop Tom Daily - presently in Brooklyn, NY;
    * Bishop Bob Banks - presently in Green Bay, Wi;
    * Bishop Bill Murphy - presently in Rockville Center, NY.;
    * Bishop John McCormick - presently in Manchester, NH.;
    * Bishop Al Hughes - presently in New Orleans, LA.;
 plus many, many others who knew the Score and kept their mouths
 shut. They're hiding in their confessionals hoping nobody notices 
 What's missing of course, is the Bishop who said, "This man 
 is sick. He needs help. Let's get him out of circulation and 
 away from kids - pronto!." That Bishop doesn't exist.

 The good Catholics of Boston have a right to cluck. They're 
 about to get financially plastered in civil court thanks to
 Cardinal Law's screwing around. And no amount of Weasel Words 
 like those he distributed in a letter to the parishes of his 
 diocese last week, will soften that blow. If similar cases are 
 any indication, they're going to be paying through the nose for 
 the sins of Fr. Geoghan and Cardinal Law for many years to come. 
 Former altar-boys of Fr. Rudy Kos in Texas nailed his diocese 
 for $23.5 MegaBucks. Two California brothers molested by Fr. 
 Francis O'Grady nailed the diocese of Stockton for $30 MegaBucks. 
 And the Church in Ireland wants to settle out-of-court for a 
 whopping $110 MegaBucks for a few of their pervert priests. But
 the victims say that's peanuts - they want a helluva lot more.
 Just multiply by 90 to get a rough estimate for Boston.

 Cardinal Law continues to Spin & Dodge. He released what he said
 was a complete list of all priests known or suspected of being
 pedophiles. It had the names of 10 no longer active priests on
 it. Next day the Boston Globe released the names of 20 ACTIVE
 priests suspected of possible pedophile activity plus tons of
 others who either were actively under litigation or who had been
 quietly settled out-of-court. Cardinal Law is a very slimey
 And why not? What's he got to lose? While the kids have to spend 
 the rest of their lives remembering the humiliation and embarassment 
 of this time, while Fr. Geoghan's life is essentially trashed, while 
 the good Catholics of Boston pick up the tab, Cardinal Law and his 
 loyal Bishops just walk free and clear. It ain't gonna cost them a 
 cent and they face no personal accountability. They answer to Rome, 
 not the people of Boston. At worst, they may find themselves 
 'reassigned' to some obscure post in the Vatican. That would be 
 hard to take eh - Rome. 

			+	+	+

 And while they're clucking, Fr. Ron Paquin, formerly of the 
 Boston Archdiocese, admitted this week he was also a molester. 
 Being a professional at this pedophile business, Fr. Ron has 
 been in self-treatment and wants everyone to know he's feeling 
 MUCH better now. What a relief eh. The Archdiocese had to dish 
 out Mucho Bucks to 4 of his victims back in 1980. So what did 
 they do? Of course - they transferred him to another parish for 
 a fresh batch of victims. A short while later, he 'accidently' 
 ran over and killed a kid who had been on a weekend outing with 
 him. That's one way to shut them up eh. But it didn't work. A 
 short while later he had to be yanked out of that parish as well, 
 for diddling kiddies. No comment from Cardinal Law's office on 
 this latest pervert screwball to come out of the woodwork. But 
 no doubt the lawyers are revving up for another go round. They
 might check into that 'accident' while they're at it.

		 	+	+	+

 Cardinal Eddie Egan in New York City has got to be laughing at
 this whole schmozzle with his buddy Cardinal Law. When it comes
 to hiding pervert priests, he's the Grand Master. Take those 4 
 priests at St. Simon Stock in the Bronx who got caught diddling 
 a teenage girl working at their rectory last summer. A little 
 Gang Bang action for the Holy Boyz. Not a peep to the Cops or the 
 Media of course or the little Sweetie would have lost her job. 
 One of the priests got quietly transferred to St. Pat's on Staten 
 Island. The good parishoners there weren't told a thing about 
 his history until the Media clued them in. SCHWANG! Eddie yanked 
 him outta there like a shot. Where? He ain't saying. It's a 
 secret. Eddie leaned on Mayor Giuliani last year and killed off 
 a City Council Bill that would have required churches to report
 child molestation incidents to the Cops, just as doctors, teachers 
 and social workers have to. So much for the theory that Rudy 
 Guiliani has any balls eh. Now there's a Cardinal who knows how 
 to cover his ass and keep things quiet.

 And where's Future-Super-Saint JP-2 while all this is going on?

			+	+	+

 The American Conference of Bishops new Prison Ministry continues
 to grow by leaps and bounds. Aside from Fr. Geoghan, their resident
 expert on Deviant Behavior, there is Fr. Thom "The Golden Domer" 
 Crandall from St. Rose of Lima in Florida who knows just about
 everything there is to know about retailing methamphetamines and
 Ecstasy to the youth market. And this week the Cops introduced Fr. 
 Jeff Windy of St. Pat's in Illinois to the faculty. He's a whiz 
 at chemical production who specializes in Date Rape drugs. It's 
 sure nice seeing priests taking such an active interest in the 
 sciences eh. Who says the Church ain't modern? Cardinal Rog 
 Mahoney of L.A. is filling in pro-tem as episcopal director of 
 this new ministry on account of he already knows a few guys in 
 the Joint from his fundraising for his new cathedral. If this 
 keeps up we'll have to drive to our local Peniteniary for 
 Sunday Mass. 

			+	+	+ 

 Speaking of lawyers...

 Last Monday (January 28th) was the feastday of a most inspiring 
 near-saint: Blessed James the Almsgiver. He hasn't quite made it 
 to sainthood yet and the circumstances of his life likely explain 
 why. As a young man in 14th century Italy, he went to Law School 
 and got his degree. But, instead of hanging out his shingle, he 
 turned to Christ and became a priest. Since his family seemed to 
 have a few Lira to throw around, he persuaded them to help him fix 
 up an old and abandoned hospital. After the reno-job was finished, 
 he set about performing Acts of Loving Kindness in his derelict
 old hospital - tending the sick, feeding the poor, etc. He quickly
 became well-known for his Good Works, compassion and spirituality. 
 On the side he offered free legal advice and put his law degree to 
 use doing Pro Bono work for people who were too poor for a lawyer.

 Whilst going over the books in the cellar he discovered why this
 old hospital went broke and became derelict - his Bishop had been 
 illegally raking-off its revenues and putting them in his own pocket. 
 So James politely asked his Bishop to hand the money back. His 
 Bishop told him to get lost - possession is 90% of the Law. Finders 
 keepers. Naturally, being a lawyer, James sued his Bishop in both 
 ecclesiastical AND civil court for the theft. He was as good a 
 lawyer as he was a priest - he won in both courts. 

 His Bishop was not pleased and wasn't the kind of guy to take 
 a thing like this lying down. He went out and hired himself a
 couple Hitmen and had James murdered. Martyred by his own Church.
 Don't hold your breath waiting for the Vatican to canonize Blessed 
 James. Ain't gonna happen. Though they might think of canonizing 
 that Bishop. Sounds like just their kind of thug. 
			+	+	+

 It'd be a good idea to dress informal if you're heading to 
 Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Toronto suburb of Etobicoke
 for Mass this Sunday. The Archdiocese just suspended 32 
 parishoners in an effort to keep the fist-fights during Mass
 down to a dull roar. I've heard of liturgical experiments 
 but Clash Masses!? How Extreme! It seems some of the Butts
 In the Pews got upset when their Bishop suddenly Turfed
 popular priest Fr. Bernie Lee without explanation. Having no
 other avenue of protest open, they took to expressing their
 displeasure during Mass. Which upset some others. One thing
 led to another and next thing you know they're all Duking it
 out every Sunday. There are also allegation of financial
 Monkey Business with the parish Books. The resident Curia 
 Wop in Canada, Bishop Luigi Ventura, has been asked to 
 intervene since the local Bishop don't seem up to it.

			+	+	+

 Even for a guy from Krakow Future-Super-Saint JP-2 ain't too
 bright. He really should leave the thinking to Pope Ratso the 
 First (aka Cardinal Ratzinger). While major scandals are making
 headlines in America and Europe over his pervert priests, he 
 just cluelessly ignores it all and goes wandering off on a 
 bizarre new tangent - divorce. "Oh! Oh!", you're thinking,
 "Here we go with Bishop Milingo again!" Shhhhh! Dammit!  We
 don't want to remind people about that. They'll think we're
 screwballs or something.

 For a guy who pretends to be a moral paragon JP-2's sure got 
 some sleezy advice to offer. First he's advised anyone who 
 encounters a pervert priest to just ignore the civil authorities 
 and keep it 'our little secret'. Now he's counseling Catholic 
 lawyers and judges to engage in dereliction of their civil 
 duties - refuse to handle any divorce cases. He says Holy Law 
 superceeds Civil Law. No more of that 'render unto Caeser' 
 crapola that wimpy little Jew, Jesus, used to Sling. JP-2's 
 call'n the shots around here now, see. So wise up, see. Or 
 he'll have to slap you around, see. He thinks he's a real 
 Tough Guy these days.

 The Curia Wops will start fluffing-up the pillows if JP-2's 
 little demensia problem don't improve soon.

 For us Catholics a situation like this is easy - just ignore
 the old Fruitcake. We've been doing it for decades now. Pros
 that they are, the Vatican Spin Doctors just Deep Sixed the
 story behind unintelligable headlines and obfuscated verbage
 and followed up with their usual 'misinterpretation' Sling.
 It's their standard response to Papal screw-ups. But it's 
 funny watching the World Media deal with it. They are in 
 something of a dilemma. On the one hand they have to maintain
 the fantasy that the Old Screwball is a venerable and saintly
 religious figure or they'll have the Catholic Mafioso gunning 
 for them. On the other hand, they now realize he's obviously 
 fallen off his surfboard and ain't coming back up to the
 surface - not on this planet anyways. What to do? At least 
 they were kind enough not to bring up Bishop Milingo who 
 remains married to that nice Moonie lady from Korea. The one
 he just walked away from. There's a guy who really respects
 the Sacrament of Marriage.

 Christ did indeed unequivacally forbid divorce of any kind. It 
 was part of his commentary on the 10 Commandments during the 
 Sermon on the Mount. It was the part where he also unequivacally 
 forbade killing of ANY kind as well as all forms of retaliation. 
 The 'ol "turn the other cheek" schtick. Somehow the Vatican has 
 managed to philosophically weasel its way out of that with its 
 Just War baloney. Surely it can find a way to weasel out of 
 Christ's teaching on divorce. As they often like to remind us - 
 they have the authority to 'bind and loosen'. Go for it baby!

 The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
 ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
 I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
 I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
 on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
 it into Lutefisk.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 ARCHIVE: http://www.geocities.com/tofoggymoment