                    __ _ / _|_ __ ___
           _____   / _` | |_| '_ ` _ \   _____
          |_____| | (_| |  _| | | | | | |_____|
                   \__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|
                   Another Foggy Moment

 These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
 of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
 Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
 cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
 another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

    WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
    If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
    punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
    the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
    Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
    89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                          - 134 -

 This coming Saturday is the 129th Anniversary of former Mayor
 Corliss P. Stone's great Skeedaddle From Seattle. Perhaps 
 still under the influence of his Valentine's Day celebrations, 
 Mayor Stone made a small withdrawal of $15,000 from his law 
 firm's bank account and, with somebody else's wife on his
 arm, blew this Popsicle Stand for San Francisco. Since there
 were no highways to Frisco let alone cars at the time and 
 aircraft only flew in the imaginations of lunatics, he must 
 have caught a ship to get down Coast. After ripping-off a 
 bunch of lawyers and grabbing the finest look'n gal in town, 
 he/they apparently lived happily ever after. There was no
 mention of them getting caught. Now that's what I call a 
 REAL mayor! Beats the hell outta those butt-kissing wimps 
 we got today. 

 The ultra-Hindu Shiv Sena Party in India went on a rampage on
 Thursday burning Valentine Day cards and harassing any young
 couples who seemed to be observing the occasion. The leader 
 of the Party warned days before that anyone who attempted to
 interfere with their campaign 'might face a scuffle'. Whoa!
 Thems fight'n words pardner! The Party Leader of Shiv Sena 
 says Valentines Day sucks because it's a Western import that 
 is leading their youth to pursue impure, indecent and wayward 
 activities. Yeah right. Guess who couldn't get a date for 
 his high-school prom eh.


 Hey! I gotta idea! After Kenny Lay copped a 5th before our
 Congress hows about we ship his slick ass over to the CIA's
 Garbagecan Bay Leisure Club in Cuba, stick him in a dirt-cage 
 and let our Gestapo types rubber-hose him for a few days to 
 see what he REALLY knows. Might be interesting. Certainly 
 would be fun. Afterall, he actually personally ripped-off
 thousands of Americans leaving more than a few of them 
 destitute after a lifetime of work. The guys in the Cuban 
 cages are only guilty of possibly knowing somebody who may
 be inclined towards ripping off a few Americans. "Kenny Boy"
 as President Yellowbelly likes to call his buddy, actually
 earned some cage time. With our Buy A Judge Justice System 
 it's gar-ohn-teed he'll retire in comfort while his former
 employees fish around in dumpsters for something to eat.
 It's the American Way of Life.


 How about Noam Chomsky showing up at an Istanbul (Turkey)
 courtroom during the trial of one his writing collaborators
 and petitioning to be named a co-defendant. For some stupid 
 reason it reminded me of that Woody Allen movie where a bunch 
 of academic posers are standing in line for tickets at a
 theatre and one of them begins pompously and pretentiously
 berating Marshall McLuhan's then current book about Media. 
 And who's standing right behind the guy? Yep - Marshall 
 McLuhan. "Excuse me.", he says as everyone stands gapped
 mouth staring at him, "I don't think you quite understood 
 what I was saying." And goes on to explain his point. The 
 guy in Turkey had his tooth-brush packed for a 1 year stay 
 in the Hoosegow. No need - the judge let him walk. Nice 
 work Noam! That's pretty ballsy for an MIT prof.

 CAPITALISM: You have 2 cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your 
             herd multiples and the economy grows. You sell them 
             and retire on the income.

 CAPITALISM: You have 2 cows. You sell 3 of them to your publically
             listed company, using letters-of-credit opened by your
             brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity
             swap with an associated general offer so that you get
             all 4 cows back, with a tax-exemption for 5 cows. The
             milk-rights of the 6 cows are transferred via an
             intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned
             by the majority shareholder, who sells the rights to all
             7 cows back to your listed company. The annual report
             says that the company owns 8 cows, with an option on
             1 more. You sell 1 cow to buy a new President of the
             United States from Texas, leaving you with 9 cows. No
             balance sheet is provided with the release of the annual
             report. The public buys your bull and you use a small
             portion of your profits to buy Congress' support for
             deregulating all transactions involving cows.

 from: www.StraightGoods.com

                    SCIENCE ON THE MARCH

 Those fat-ass science journal owners like Britain's "Nature" 
 are about to get a run for their money. As if it isn't bad 
 enough that they charge bizarrely huge subscription rates 
 into the Mega-Pig-Out range and legally lock up anything they 
 publish, they also arbitrarily decide just what will be considered
 scientifically Kosher and what won't. They've had it nearly all 
 their way and the bastards don't even pay squat for the papers 
 they accept. A 'pure-profit' enterprise. Their only competition 
 from the get go was the legendary LANL e-print site that has 
 offered scientists a free and open alternative place to 'publish'
 their papers. Our National Institutes of Health revved up their 
 little Pussy operation a year or so ago but it's largely 
 Crippleware by comparison.

 Now the Filthy Rich Hungarian-American financier George Soros
 has committed to funding an international group of scientists
 and researchers who are out to pull the plug on the fat-asses.
 George likes to twist the tails of Paper Tigers - he's generally
 credited with pulling the plug on Asia's Baby Tigers a few years
 ago. It's known as "The Budapest Open Access Initative" and is 
 now calling for collegues internationally to post their papers 
 and create on-line journals. Soros' "Open Society Institute" 
 has given a cool million to get things started. It's not a 
 helluva lot but with Soros you always know there's much, much 
 more where that came from. And if the Fat-Asses want to rumble, 
 he can make a real fight out of it.


 Looks like we'll be a little short of Monarch butterflies this
 year. Something like 250 million of them froze to death in a
 freak snow-storm in the Mexican mountains where they migrate 
 each year. Since the butterflies generally arrive from their
 3,000 mile journey around the time of Mexico's traditional Day 
 of the Dead (November 1st), poetic people that they are the 
 Mexicans imagine them to be the souls of their dead returning.
 The Monarchs have never died in such large numbers all at once
 before. No one is sure just what sort of impact it will have.


 Our scientific slimebags are at it again. Nearly a year ago they
 asked Internet users to donate computer cycles to cancer research.
 Very similar to that SETI@home deal. You just had to know that our
 research assholes who've milked the great Cancer and AIDS Cows for
 for GigaBucks the past 25 years without delivering a goddam thing,
 ain't likely to be good for their word on something like this either.
 Sure as shit - two months into the deal they secretly and quietly
 redirected the cycles to anthrax research in hopes of coming up
 with a lucrative diagnostic or maintenance drug. Not a peep to the
 well-intentioned Suckers who signed up for their fraudulent little
 scam. When word leaked out about what they did, many people were 
 pissed. Some of them just yanked the plug while others diddled 
 their code back to cancer research only. Nice try guys. Maybe you
 should stick to using babies for lab rats like your buddies over 
 at the Hutch.


 Speaking of scientific slimebags...
 MIT physicist Theodore Postol and Nira Schwatrz claim 2 other MIT
 physicists cooked their data on a 1997 Ballistic missle test to
 accomodate their Pentagon funders. What's more, MIT Prez Chucky
 M. Vest knew all about it and failed to intervene. Scientific
 fraud is a serious charge and the MIT, Corporation that runs the
 school is especially concerned about the involvement of President
 Chucky. They would be disappointed if they found he was On The Take.
 The 2 Data Chefs responsible for the bogus numbers are in hiding. 

 Congressional hearings open soon on earlier fraud allegations made 
 by Drs. Postol & Swartz. Apparently much of the science behind
 the Star Wars missle-defence system's technology is fraudulent. 
 Not that surprising really from a Pentagoon whose Auditor General
 Office (responsible for keeping everybody honest) got caught by
 the IRS in an inter-agency audit falsifying and altering it's own 
 books. Corruption at the Pentagoon is at record levels. But don't
 expect Congress to clean them up. They'd kick the ass of any
 Congress Critter who even hinted at such a thing. The do whatever 
 they whenever they want. There is no Congressional oversight any



    1832 - got fired from his job
           ran for state legislature - lost
    1833 - his business went bankrupt
    1834 - ran for state legislature again - won
    1835 - his fiance died
    1836 - he had a nervous breakdown
    1838 - ran for Speaker of the House - lost
    1843 - ran for Congress - didn't get nominated
    1846 - ran for Congress again - won
    1848 - ran for re-election - lost nomination
    1849 - applied for job as Land Officer - rejected
    1854 - ran for the U.S. Senate - lost
    1856 - sought nomination as Vice President - lost
    1858 - ran for the U.S. Senate again - lost
    1860 - elected President of the United States

 from: Right Wing News

                      'OL YELLER'S TWAT
              (aka The War Against Terrorism)                 

 Senator Daschle is almost ready to begin writing the Official 
 9/11 Fairytale. Many months after the fact, with all the evidence
 long gone, his inquiry is a waste of time and money. If he had
 the balls to call for it a week or two after the event before
 Presidental Panic set in, it might have been useful. No need 
 either for the Grand Wizard of the White House to warn him about
 diverting valuable TWAT resources. Tommy's a Game Player. He
 always does what he's told to do. He's the Gerald Ford of the
 Democratic Party...The interview with the First Bimbo about her
 recollections of 9/11 was certainly weird! Somehow she completely
 forgot to mention the first 18 hours. Even for a hillbilly Babe
 she ain't too bright...The boys at America's leading terrorist
 organization, the FBI, kind of screwed the pooch when interrogating
 the American Taliban, the kid from California. They forgot to
 turn on the tape recorder. Doh! As a result, have no record at
 all of anything he said, no signed statement, nada, zip. Just
 a short, unsigned summary by the head screw-up artist. The 
 Pentagoon's Boyz were too busy with their rubberhoses to have
 any time to record their 'interrogations'. Besides, tape recorders
 are a little too technically complex for that crowd. Your tax
 dollars at work.


                          DA MUTTS

 They're off and run'n! Coach Knutson's Puppies opened their 2002
 season with a BANG! at a big annual tournament in Phoenix that 
 involved U Missouri, Northwestern (Chicago) and UBC (Canada).
 Cleaned all their frik'n clocks baby! No word if ex-Rocker Alice
 Cooper showed up with his snakes. He's a regular at ASU games. 
 - The University of Missouri, on Thursday, was their first victim. 
   Edmond's Ty Davidson boxed their ears with 2 homers while the 
   Wicked Wonder of Woodinville, Shawn Kohn, tied their batters 
   in knots. Da Mutts won 10-6.
 - On Friday they went up against Northwestern University. Elma's 
   Clay Johnson helped Da Mutts pull out to a 7-2 lead then tired. 
   A couple relievers later, the score tied 7-up with 2 out in the 
   bottom of the 8th, Ephrata's Bryan Johnson belted a double that 
   brought home Ty Davidson for what proved to be the game winning 
   run. Mutts win 8-7.
 - Saturday morning they played Northwestern again. Mercer Island's 
   Sean White, coming off a shoulder injury last year, pitched 1-hit 
   ball to NWU for the first 6 innings before Woodinville's Brian 
   Carter stepped in the finish them off. Ephrata's Bryan Johnson 
   provided the fire power with what proved to be a game winning 
   2nd inning solo homer. Mutts win 2-0.
 - Saturday afternoon they took on the Canuks from up at Vancouver's 
   UBC - a late addition to the tournament. UBC hung on pretty good 
   for foreigner girly men as Coach Knutson let 6 of his pitchers 
   toy with them. Then in the 8th inning Federal Way Freshman Nick 
   Batkoski yelled "Here's One For Wreck Beach!" and belted a Grand 
   Slam to put them outta their misery. Mutts win 9-4.
 - Sunday they played Missouri again.   

 Next weekend they're off to SoCal to take on UC Fresno and begin
 working their way up the coast to their home opener against Utah
 the following weekend on March 1st.

 And somewhere in a Yakima insurance agency, Eddie Erikson, the Yakima 
 Yiant, legendary, all-time Mutts homerun King, feels that inexplicable
 annual urge to smack something over a high fence. There'll never be 
 another Eddie.


                    -  MONDO VATICANO -

 Fr. Dick Weisenberger's preparations last week for Ash Wednesday 
 kind of got a little more exciting than he really intended. It
 all started when he got out the cooking pot and a pile of last
 year's palms, invited some of the parish kids over, and started
 making ashes in the rectory backyard. A passing motorist saw 
 the smoke billowing out of the backyard and called 911 on his
 cellphone. Next thing Fr. Dick and the kids knew, 4 firetrucks
 and 2 Cop cars came screeching up the rectory with sirens wailing
 and lights flashing. Opps. The firefighters chalked it up to an 
 over-eager do-gooder with a cellphone.
			+	+	+
 When Pope John Paul II High School met Western High in a Florida 
 Scholastic Hockey League game this past week, it was about as
 civilized as a Bishop's Conclave. The ref called 22 minutes in
 penalties during the 32 minute game. And they had to call in the
 Cops to break up the wild brawl that broke out in the last few 
 seconds of the game. One player was sent to hospital. "After 
 the game everyone was arguing about who had kicked whose ass.", 
 said one of the proud JP-2 secular fathers. Eight players from 
 JP-2 High and 12 from Western High got multi-game suspensions 
 from the League. JP-2 High won 1-0. The enigmatic Navarro-Valls 
 back in Roma, wearing a big smirk, had no comment.
 			+	+	+
 Monsignor Ugo Moretto was the Head Spin Doctor over at Vatican
 TV seven months ago. A lady journalist by the name of "BB"
 kind of caught his eye. A little vino, a candle-light dinner, 
 some soft accordion music and next thing you know Ugo's shacked 
 up with her in his Milano condo. Three months ago the doctor 
 told her she was pregnant with Baby Ugo. Opps! But Ugo's no 
 Bishop Milingo. Ugo's gonna do the right thing - he's resigning 
 the priesthood and him and BB are gonna get hitched and make
 a ton of babies. Atta boy Ugo! 
			+	+	+ 
 Harvard historian Daniel Goldhagen's recent article in the New 
 Republic magazine about Pope Pius XII's antisemitism and his
 collaboration with Adolph Hitler's Nazi Reich in WW-II Germany 
 has evoked shreiks of protest from the Old Queens at the U.S. 
 National Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Ecumenical 
 and Interreligious Affairs. While Sy Reich, Chairman of the 
 official Jewish liason with the Vatican praised Daniel's article, 
 Eugene Fisher, the Associate Director of NCCB-SEIA, Spazzed Out 
 and went Postal. Purple with rage and spewing foam, he drew on his 
 non-existent psychological credentials and screeched that Doctor 
 Goldhagen was mentally ill. He really said that. I guess that's 
 what passes for respectful, intelligent ecumenical dialogue at 
 the Vatican these days. Ol Eugene seems to have a little 'Jew
 Problem' of his own eh. It's easy to see how he got picked for
 the job.
			+	+	+
 The workers in the abortion clinic in Warminster, PA thought
 it was a little odd there were so many high school kids out
 on the anti-abortion picket line across the street this week. 
 But there was a good reason and it had nothing to do with 
 abortions. The kids in the "Morality" class at Archbishop 
 Wood High School got 10 bonus points on their next test for 
 being there. "I'm trying to get my grades up and get into a 
 good college", said one 'protester'. Ain't that cute? Bribery
 as a Catholic core value.

 Cardinal Tony Bevilaqua of Philly often dips into his High
 Schools whenever he needs some warm bodies, bussing in kids
 for events like his recent Washington, D.C. protest on the
 anniversary of Roe v. Wade. What are kids for except to 
 serve the needs of the clergy. That's the way Fr. Goeghan 
 in Boston saw it too.
			+	+	+  
 Looks like Boston's most famous Drag Queen, Cardinal Bernie
 Law, picked himself up a little political help. His recent 
 Weasel Words to the parishes, that slimey attempt to schnooker 
 the Butts In The Pews with a deliberately misleading list of 
 pervert priests and that phony ovation he got this week, all 
 got 'Professional Spinmeister' written all over them. Between 
 the Kennedy Boyz and former Senator Kerry, there's some Heavy 
 Hitters in Boston who owe Bernie bigtime for his help in 
 getting messy annulments granted. And annulments ain't the 
 half of it. Lots of Footsy go'n on under the pews between 
 those clowns.

 While Future-Super-Saint JP-2 hypocritically whines about
 divorce, going so far as to counsel Catholic lawyers and judges 
 to refuse to handle such cases, he's got his hand stuck out
 behind his back raking in MegaBucks of annulment loot. Divorce 
 is only a sin if you ain't got an annulment from the Church 
 saying your marriage never really existed in God's eyes. What's 
 it take to get an annulment? You got the money honey, they got 
 the paperwork. Couldn't be easier.

 JP-2's American Bishops long ago discovered that divorce is 
 Good For Business. Cranking out 75% of all Catholic annulments 
 in the world and granting over 90% of the annulments requested 
 by Catholic divorcees (ask and you shall receive), American 
 Bishops are rolling in Dough. All you have to do is stick a 
 few Grand under the good Fadder's nose and Bob's Your Uncle - 
 you're back to going to Communion and Scope'n out the Babes 
 at the Bingo games just like when you were single. There are 
 paralegals with guaranteed ecclesiastical connections who 
 specialize in this trade. For divorced lay employees of the 
 diocese, there's no choice - you pay-up for an annulment or 
 start looking for a new job. Religiously edifying ain't it - 
 reducing God's favor to a few bucks under the table.

 Since everybody handling the paperwork is guaranteed to be a 
 guy, any hysterical objections from the Little Ladies are sure 
 to be put in proper perspective and duely ignored. Like that 
 pushy Episcopalian Broad Joe Kennedy was married to. After
 Cardinal Law blew her off, she went crying to JP-2 asking the
 Holy Father to help her preserve her marriage and deny the
 annulment. Our favorite Future-Super-Saint, staunch opponent 
 of divorce and legendary Guardian of the Sacrament of Marriage, 
 told her to get lost. It was bought and paid for. A deal's a

 Obviously, if the Holy Father were to make annulments as hard
 to come by as they were intended to be, it would up the ante
 for any Catholics who were thinking of divorce. He could do that
 tomorrow if he wanted to. The only reason he hasn't done it can
 be summed up in a word: M-O-N-E-Y. Like any good business 
 executive, he never lets principles get in the way of profits.
 Anything for a Buck. 

 Amazing ain't it? And the Old Pollock and his Curia Wops have 
 the nerve to call Jews Scheisters! That Vatican crowd are truely 
 the corrupt, perverted, profane modern-day successors to the 
 priesthood of the ancient Jerusalem Temples that so mercilessly 
 and viciously exploited and fleeced God's People. The very same 
 priesthood that Jesus roundly condemned before He was murdered 
 by them. It's not difficult to understand why the Church is in
 such sorry straits these days - religious vocations evaporating,
 Confession the forgotten Sacrament, 75% of Catholics no longer
 believing the Host really is the Body of Christ, Catholic women
 30% more likely to seek abortions than Protestant women, divorce
 turned into a lucrative business, etc. etc. The shepherds have
 abandoned their flocks. Everybody's wandering aimlessly around.

 Despite all the under-the-table help, the polls say Bernie's 
 flock is running about 80/20 against him sticking around. He 
 can stay if he likes but he has neither their confidence nor 
 their respect. Soon he ain't gonna have much of their money 
 either. The Kennedys and other Mandarins can pick up most of 
 the donation slack if the Suckers stop handing over their 
 hard-earned loot. But sooner or later they're going to figure 
 its cheaper to just buy a new Cardinal. There are plenty of 
 willing canidates for sale. Our own Archbishop Brunett for 
 instance. He'd love to wrap his lips around those fat, pink, 
 rich Catholic butts in Boston. 10-to-1 Al's got his 'Uncles' 
 back in Rome trying to line him up for the job. 
			+	+	+
 The Catholic Church, U.S.A. Division, is an $8.2 BillionBuck
 per year tax-free enterprise. If it were a corporation it would 
 rank in the Fortune 500 ahead of Union Carbide, General Mills, 
 AOL, or even Pepsi. It collects twice as much from its Butts 
 In The Pews than the New York Times collects from subscribers
 and newsboxes. Throw in Notre Dame University, Georgetown 
 University, Boston College and all its other educational and 
 medical institutions and you're looking at another $3 Billion
 Bucks in annual income. All tax free. The European Division is 
 thought to be worth 10s of Billions per year. And, the poor
 and destitute benefit about as much from the American branch
 of the Catholic Church as they do from Enron, Exxon or any
 other MegaCorp - not a helluva lot. But then the Corporatoids
 ain't pretending to be a charity operation.

 The Archdiocese of Boston, home of Cardinal Law who likes to
 try passing himself off as merely an ah-shucks, humble, little
 ol pastor/teacher/father and not the Buck-Sucking Corporate 
 Gnome he really is, is the U.S. Division's 4th largest market,
 with 2 Million donation-units and an annual budget of around
 $300 MegaBucks. All tax free of course. Mazola Oil is presently 
 being sold for that price. 

 The Church is Big Business baby. Mucho Bucks. And the arrangement
 couldn't be simpler: we pass over the loot, they spend it in 
 whatever way they see fit. Anyone who questions their judgement
 or objects, goes to Hell.
			+	+	+
 Last Wednesday was the feastday of Blessed Eustochium of Padua. 
 She was born in a convent. In fact her mother was a nun. Opps! 
 Nuns ain't supposed to be mothers are they? Eustochium's bio  
 euphemistically says her Ma got 'seduced' and BOINK! nine months 
 later Eustochium popped out. Most likely Ma got 'seduced' by a 
 priest - anybody else and they would have called it rape. For 
 centuries the Vatican has turned a blind eye to the practice of 
 some dioceses of using the nuns in convents as a discrete sexual 
 outlet for the pent up lusts of their celebate clergy. I guess 
 they figure it ain't really sex if it's with a nun eh. As long 
 as deniability could be maintained, a blind-eye was granted. 
 It's a practice that continues right up to the present day. You 
 may recall last year's scandal involving this very thing. The 
 Vatican said it would look into it and we ain't heard a thing 
 since. Maybe they just forgot - what with Bishop Milingo and
 all, it was a busy year. On the other hand, as long as nobody's 
 holding their feet to the fire, why should they bother?
 Eustochium was said to have normally been a very pious, gentle
 and patient young woman. But she also had a lot of mental problems. 
 Heaven only knows what sort of upbring she got under the unusual 
 circumstances of her birth, but she was given to violent attacks 
 of hysteria (whatever that might be). It goes without saying that 
 the Sisters figured she was diabolically possessed and frequently 
 exorcised her. Actually what they did was put her in a prison cell 
 and feed her nothing but bread and water - not even any real food. 
 They kept her in there by herself for months on end. At the age of 
 25 she took her vows and became a nun. She died shortly thereafter. 
 They found the word "Jesus" burnt into her chest. Such a sad story. 
 At least someone had the decency to preserve her memory. She'd make 
 an excellent patron saint for neglected and abused children. She 
 would happily intervene with Jesus to see that they were loved 
 and cared for.
        		*	*	*
 Anthony "Fat Tony" Scalia, super-Catholic Supreme Court judge,
 entertained everyone last week by hopping around with his foot
 in his fat mouth. The dumb Wop wants to String Up any Catholic 
 judges who aren't ready to String Up anybody who comes before 
 their bench. This, despite the U.S. Bishops and the Pope's 
 opposition to the Death Penalty. Tony let it be known that he
 knows a helluva lot more about Catholic tradition than that
 old Pollock and his Wop buddies in the Vatican. Tony's chubby
 super-Catholic, Nazi-loving pal Pat Buchannan piped up to 
 second his motion and defend his Goomba. What dah!? First the 
 crazy Wop and now the crazy Nazi?! What the hell next? 

 How about the crazy Cardinal? Yep. Decrepit Cardinal Allen 
 "What Planet Is This?" Dulles shuffled his walker to the mic 
 to defend both Tony and Pat. Apparently believing he's an old 
 Jewish guy this week, he started rattling off Mosaic Law like 
 a misghuga Rebbe in support of Captial Punishment, implying 
 strongly that the Pope don't know Squat. He conveniently
 skipped over that embarassing Jesus stuff about no killing and
 no retaliating. It would just weaken his argument. Yikes! A 
 Vatican coup! 
 That did it! Pope Ratso the First (aka Cardinal Ratzinger) 
 got on the Horn to New York and had a little chat with the 
 Prince of Senility. Dulles quickly recanted and began 
 Kissing Holy Ass to beat the band like the Good Catholic 
 Boy he really is. Leaving Fat Tony & his Nazi buddy out in 
 the cold. Nothing like a morally-uplifting discussion to 
 get the old juices flowing eh. 

 The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
 ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
 I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
 I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
 on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
 it into Lutefisk.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 ARCHIVE: http://www.geocities.com/tofoggymoment