                    __ _ / _|_ __ ___
           _____   / _` | |_| '_ ` _ \   _____
          |_____| | (_| |  _| | | | | | |_____|
                   \__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|
                   Another Foggy Moment

 These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
 of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
 Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
 cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
 another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

    WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
    If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
    punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
    the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
    Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
    89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                          - 146 -

 Mr. Trummel's humble webpages remain up:
	contracabal.net [Washington State version]
        contracabal.org [International version]
 So I assume that he remains locked up in the KingCo Hoosegow
 on orders from King Country Inferior Court judge Jimmy "The
 Token Twinkie" Doerty's orders until he 'sanitizes' the org
 site. But being in jail, Paul has no web access and couldn't
 clean the webpage up even in the unlikely event he wanted to. 
 Doh! Catch-22. King County Inferior Court judges ain't too 
 bright. But they all give good Political Head. Just ask 
 Governor Stinky.

 Maybe they should sign Judge Jimmy up for that same Anger
 Management course a Chicago Cook County Circuit Judge was
 compelled to take after he constantly bickered with the
 lawyers in his courtroom and berated witnesses while 
 displaying open bias in the cases he heard. At least they
 have some sort of judicial standards in Chicago. King County
 sure don't. Any nutcase can be an Inferior Court judge and
 many are.


 Our dumb Pollock Police Chief's phony Crack Down in the 
 U District in the wake of the skateboard murder didn't 
 even last the usual two weeks. We got no donut shops any 
 more and MacDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell have all 
 moved out. Those fat freeloaders don't want to hang around 
 here - they'd starve to death. All the Gay Boys on their
 skateboards are back out in number. They gotta be Twinkies
 or you'd see at least the occasional girl in there. I've
 never seen even one.

 How about that bullshit citizen Police oversight committee 
 Mayor Invisible and our City Council came up with eh? The 
 message is pretty clear: you get screwed by our Donut
 Patrol you'll have to get your justice on your own. You
 won't get any from City Hall. Until that starts happening
 all we'll ever get from our Civic Screw-Ups is phony
 crap like this.


 Speaking of useless parasites...
 I've been hearing those ads about the upcoming seat-belt
 checks all week on the radio. Excessive speed is far more 
 of a problem but Cops can't be bothered doing traffic any 
 more. That's Meter Maid work. This ain't about seat belts 
 or traffic-safety. Unh unh.

 Armed with the Patriot Act and with everyone's databases
 now linked to one another, all across America, Cops have
 started using innoculous seat-belt checks as their all-
 purpose excuse to go on 'fishing expeditions'. Sure they'll
 be checking seat belts...and also drivers-licences/I.D.s,
 your attitude and anything else that may pique their 
 curiosity. Congress has given them licence to do pretty 
 much anything they want to you irrespective of your guilt 
 or innocence. If some database somewhere says you're a
 suspected Al Qaida operative, you will suddenly disappear
 and join the 2,000 or so others held without charge and
 without access to legal counsel. And if it was all just a
 matter of a mistyped name - tough luck.

 Think of them as mobile "Citizen Check Points". Sort of 
 like calling a "National I.D." a "Drivers Licence". Sure
 it's dishonest and misleading but it sounds better that
 way. Calling it by its real name would scare too many
 people and likely raise a ruckus. So they call it a 'seat
 belt check' instead. It's the American Way.

 Thanks to the interlinked databases, they can now not only
 check your criminal potential, they can also check on your
 politics and many other previously 'irrelevant' personal
 details about you. Undoubtably they'll nail a few Baby
 Daddies behind on their Child Support payments and likely
 a couple people with outstanding warrants. Many drug busts
 are a certainty. But they'll also be able to harass and 
 roust anyone whose politics or race or religion they may 
 find offensive. All the details will be sitting right there
 on their little computer screens.

 Sieg Heil y'all! And have a nice day.


 "Mistrial!", screamed our News Nazis on the news that the
 trial of ex-Mayor Paulie's alleged Bonker ended in a hung 
 jury. With a complete lack of any kind of objective evidence
 and nothing more to go on than the highly-subjective "eye-
 witness" accounts, you have to ask how it could have turned 
 out any other way. That dumbass from the KingCo Prosecutor's 
 Office who handled the prosecution has a lot of nerve even 
 trying to pass himself off as a lawyer. The only place Lusers
 like that can get work is with government. Nobody else would
 hire them. He got handed his ass by the alleged Bonker, a
 man with no legal experience whatsoever, who was acting as 
 his own lawyer. That's OK. Mr. Prosecutor gets paid whether
 he wins or loses. We pick up his tab.

 It was cute the way our News Nazis immediately played the
 Race Card against the only black guy on the jury. Like
 somehow he might be a bigot for voting for acquittal while
 the nice white guys weren't bigots for voting to string up
 the alleged Bonker despite the lack of evidence. Absence of 
 objective evidence is normally considered grounds for 
 'reasonable doubt'. No mention at all about the white guy 
 who voted for acquittal. Damn Race Traitor! The Hooterville
 Yacht Club must have been pissed off. Here they got out 
 their white sheets and burning crosses for a BBQ and the
 jury stole the dark meat right off their plates.


 Tuesday morning on the way to work I passed two video vans 
 from our more prominent News Nazis outfits parked nearby
 with their telescoping transmission masts cranked to the
 max. They don't usually come around here except at Apple 
 Cup time to cover the parties the night before. Everything 
 was otherwise very quiet as it normally is that time of 
 morning. No signs of the cameras or any activity.

 When I got to work, the communal radio in the break room
 told the tale. A student fell to his death from a second
 story balcony in the wee hours of the morning at one of 
 the frat houses on Frat Row. Almost exactly a year ago one
 of the students in the residences on-campus fell to his
 death. It's becoming a gruesome spring tradition.

 I passed by the place on the way home that night. It was
 easy to spot. People had put many little votive candles on 
 the short retaining wall that ran along the sidewalk. A 
 few of the guys who lived there were kind of aimlessly
 wandering around on the lawn. It's not one of the fanciest 
 of the frat houses. Rather, it's a small-ish, older place. 
 One of a string of smaller frat/sororities that run along 
 that side of Greek Row. The News Nazis made it sound like 
 a mansion with allusions to the white columns on the front. 
 It's a nice, respectable place but it ain't no mansion.

 I remembered that place. Earlier in the spring the guys
 living there laid their own grass on the front lawn. It's
 very tiny as lawns go. Far smaller than your average home
 lawn. But it was their baby. It was funny watching them 
 all out there carefully measuring it with great precision
 beforehand. Then once they laid it out they cared for it
 like a bunch of hippies nuturing their favorite marijunana
 patch. They watered it, caressed it, pampered it, mowed it
 and so on with considerable loving care. It seemed far too
 tiny for the large cadre of amateur landscapers who were
 working on it. They did the whole job all on their own. No 
 landscaping company was involved. I was impressed. It's 
 rare to see Frat Boys with dirt in their hands instead of
 a beer bottle.

 Last year's death on-campus was quickly swept under the
 carpet by U Dub and almost immediately disappeared from 
 the public eye. This frat death has been a different 
 matter. It's been getting a lot of coverage.


 Nearly half-a-million Missouri taxpayers won't be getting a
 tax refund check from the state anytime soon. Claiming that
 its too broke to pay back the monies it ripped-off (ed: surely
 'deducted from') the paychecks of these people, it simply put 
 a stop-payment on their refund checks. If anyone else did it, 
 it would be called theft. It ain't the state of Missouri's 
 money. The question is: how many other states will now start 
 doing the same. And how far behind will Uncle Sammy and the
 IRS be? We fortunately don't have a state tax or you could bet 
 Governor Stinky would be first in line to pull a "Missouri".

          And so farewell Seattle Slew.
          Even if you didn't come from Seattle
          And never raced here
          Visiting only once for a few days
          To parade around Longacres on a leash
          In your retirement.
          We're a little short on Winners around here.
          Even a dead horse looks good to us.
          Perhaps we'll drag your dead carcass down
              the Avenue of Champions.


                         CREDO IN DEO

 I believe in God. Yeah, I know - isn't it bad enough I'm a 
 nationalist, flag-waving patriot I gotta believe in a Supreme 
 Creator too? Sorry. I can't help it. My affection in both 
 regards is not for the institutions that embody the two 
 concepts, but rather for the concepts themselves. Which makes
 me a traitor in the eyes of the institutionalists. What the
 hey - you can't win 'em all. If I've got to choose between
 the President and the Constitution, the Constitution gets my
 vote everytime. If I've got to choose between God and the 
 Pope, God gets my vote everytime.

 Either you believe in God or you don't. It's as simple as that.
 It's not like buying a car or discovering a physical law. It is
 not a rational/logical matter. Rather, it is a matter of faith.
 There just isn't any natural way that a burning bush would talk
 or the Red Sea divide itself on command or a virgin give birth 
 to a Son of God or dead men rise from the grave and ascend into
 Heaven. Just ain't gonna happen no matter how much you jiggle 
 the numbers. Nor are you going to be able to measure an entity
 whose dimensions are immeasureable and beyond time. Only a total
 fool would even try.

 This bothers many theologians and religious leaders. They find
 faith embarassing and not nearly as sophisticated as reason.
 Heck, ANYBODY can have faith but only a real Wiseguy could be
 a scholar and make a living out of it. Having little or no faith, 
 they instead believe you can talk, write or reason your way into 
 unity with God. It's been great for the book industry  but not 
 much of anyone else.

 Why do I believe in God? A reasonable question, and therefore,
 largely unanswerable. The simple answer might be: because I 
 sense the evidence all around me every moment of every day. 
 I literally feel God's presence within and around me. It imbues
 everything. This Creation, the physical world that we exist in, 
 is an inconcievably enormous, terrible and awe-inspiring thing 
 of infathomable complexity, ingenuity, beauty and terror. It's
 got it all. And that's only THIS world. God is Master of ALL 

 Our scientists like to delude themselves into believing they 
 have some sort of handle on it but their 'belief' is not
 any different from my 'faith'. They can't prove their 
 proposition any more than I can mine. Logic is afterall, 
 a human invention. Bubbles know nothing of how to compute 
 circles with 'pi' but nevertheless form lovely spheres with 
 great ease and regularity. Clearly, scientific reasoning
 ability is not a prerequisite of the universe.

 My religious tradition is Christian as defined by Catholicism. 
 Which isn't to say that I think God is a Catholic. Far from it. 
 It's simply the path to God that I was born into and am most 
 familiar with. There are many such paths to God. God's home is 
 a mansion of many houses. Like the other traditions, Catholicism 
 has produced many men and women of extraordiary spiritual insight 
 over the centuries. Only a handful were recognized by the
 Vatican. The Vatican is of little relevance to me. Popes and
 the Curia have no significant spiritual insight to offer and
 no longer have the integrity or physical means of enforcing 
 their 'advice'. Therefore, I find them readily ignorable. 
 Catholic traditions, on the other hand, offer an excellent 
 means to unity with God.

 Unlike many of my fellow Catholics, I highly value our Jewish
 roots. Christ, the Messiah to the Gentiles, pursued his entire
 ministry from within the community of the people of the Original
 Covenant. While he challenged many Jewish traditions, He lived 
 within and dearly valued Jewish Law. While defining a New Covenant 
 for Gentiles, He insisted that the original Covenant with the Jews
 remained valid and true - for Jews. Jewish religious traditions 
 represent a vast and rich spiritual treasury. One I find very 
 helpful and inspiring. If I were made Pope, I would institute a 
 new annual religious feast day - one that thanked the Jews for 
 their faithfulness to God which made our Covenant possible and 
 a sincere wish that their promised Messiah appear soon, in their 
 time. We owe them a great debt.

 But don't get the idea that my God is a lifeless concept or a
 disembodied principle in the universe. I don't believe that at
 all. Mine is a personal God. I talk to 'Him' (sure its sexist,
 but being a guy, I find it easier to relate to God as a 'He'
 but, no, I don't believe He's a guy) all the time and He 
 responds back. No, I don't hear voices nor do I see visions. 
 God seems to think that talk is cheap - He speaks by actions 
 not words. He has His own special ways of letting you know 
 He's there and listening. Besides, visions are cheap tricks 
 needed by those of little or no faith. If I had any visions 
 I wouldn't trust them. I would instead take it as a strong 
 hint that I likely need a rest and might go to the horse-races 
 instead of Church that Sunday. I've found that to be an 
 excellent remedy for 'religious exhaustion'.

 I don't believe in God in hopes of getting lots of stuff I
 imagine I need. I don't ask God for things. I ask God to show
 me how to get closer to Him - guidance and direction on how
 to walk in His ways. I found that He'll provide whatever I
 need to do that. Admittedly it's usually pretty minimal but
 on occasion He's dumped piles of Dough on me, I guess, to see
 what I'd do with it. I honestly believe everything I have 
 comes ultimately from Him - from the money in my bank account 
 to the food on my plate to the job I've got. Like Mick Jagger
 says, "You don't always get what you want. You find sometimes.
 You just might find. You get what you neeeed ooohhhh yeeeah!
 You get what you neeeeed." 

 I don't believe in Evil or the devil. I think of 'Evil' as
 just an aspect of God's being that we don't understand and
 can't make fit into our crude little fantasy about just who
 we imagine God to be. He clearly uses it for His own purposes. 
 He is a fearsome and terrible God capable of unimaginable
 violence and destruction. He isn't a 'nice guy'. He ain't 
 no 'push-over'. He's 50 MegaVolts of naked wire. You best
 watch your ass around Him. He is to be feared and respected.
 True, He often has kicked butt in ways we find 'unjust'. 
 But that's our ignorant little slant on things. Jewish
 mystics thought maybe Evil was simply God's Justice 
 unrestrained by His compassion. They could be right. But 
 there is no devil as far as I'm concerned. Nothing could 
 possibly compete with God nor could any counter-force to
 Him exist without His acquiessence.

 I believe in the existence of our souls. In fact I'd go so
 far as say that is the only aspect of our being that is of
 any relevance. This person we imagine ourselves to be has
 no lasting meaning. We appear and disappear like a summer
 breeze. But our souls are eternal. I do believe that. Our
 bodies only purpose is to enable that soul and allow it to
 make the choices it must make. Though I confess, I have no
 idea why God set it up that way. It's a mystery to me. We
 are to make choices. That much is certain. Every day in 
 every way, He keeps stringing out the rope to see what we
 will do with it.

 But He is a forgiving God. His anger lasts but a moment;
 his Love is forever. He's crazy about us for some reason.
 Show any signs of genuine repentence and a willingness to
 try a little harder and he'll give you a break. Pretend, 
 and He'll see right through you. Hypocrites invoke His
 deepest anger. I'm sure he can't wait to get His hands on
 guys like Pope John Paul II and President Yellowbelly.

 The Bible is my ultimate reference. It is an extraordinary
 compilation. No, I haven't read it all the way through. And
 many of the parts I have read before, seem to take on an
 entirely different significance when read again later. I'm
 inclined more towards quality than quanity. Some parts, like 
 King David's Psalms, I read daily. But the more obscure books, 
 I haven't read at all. No, I do not take it literally. It 
 isn't that kind of book. The best parts are between the lines. 
 Limited as I am to English translations, I have to assume 
 it's only one of many different ways the original texts 
 could be interpreted. There are over 60 copyrighted English 
 translations available. The only guy who isn't making any 
 money off the deal is the guy who inspired it - God.  

 There you have it. The truth is out: I'm a bona fide 
 superstitious religious nut. Beats being a walnut eh.

 "Now here's the point, Bob [Haldeman], please get me the 
  names of the Jews. You know, the big Jewish contributors 
  to the Democrats. Could we please investigate some of the  

	    - President "Tricky Ricky" Nixon -
                  in conversation with his
                      Chief of Staff

                      'OL YELLER'S TWAT
               (aka The War Against Terrorism)

 As snuff-freak extraordinaire General Sharon is incapable of 
 delivering on his promise to bring security to Israelis and 
 the corrupt, traitorous Palestinian Colonial Governor Yassar 
 Arafat is incapable of controlling the suicide bombers...


 A long, black limo pulls up in front of the White House and 
 out pops a rather obesese old man who appears to have a pillow 
 stuffed into the seat of his pants. Other Jews have big noses, 
 this one's got a big ass. Appearing very upset, he storms 
 inside and marches straight up the steps to the Oval Office.

 But, to his surprise, when he enters the Oval Office, there 
 is no one around.

 "Come on out you goddam hillbilly bastard!", shouted General 
 Sharon, "I'm going to Bitch Slap you silly for publically 
 embarassing me. You and your stupid 'Pull back! Pull back!' 

 "I ain't a-come'n out until you calm down buster.", said a 
 timid little voice from under the Presidential desk. "You 
 lay one finger on me and I'll buzz for the Secret Service. 
 I got my remote control with me under here. And I got a 
 stun-gun too." 
 "Oi gevalt! Even that scumbag Arafat isn't as ball-less as 
 you.", said the General. "And I thought Clinton was a coward! 

 "Promise not to hit me?", returned the timid voice from under 
 the desk.

 "Yes, I promise.", said the General impatiently but trying to
 sound conciliatory.

 "Cross your heart and hope to die?", asked the timid voice.

 "Gott in Himmel! Alright already! Cross my heart and hope to
 die goddamit.", returned the General.

 A trembling figure slowly arose from under the desk clutching 
 a stun-gun in one hand and a remote-control device in the other.
 It's shifty, squinty eyes scrutinized the large figure in front
 of him. "Alright then. But one funny move and you're Toast
 buster. This 'ere gun's special CIA issue. It'd knock a camel
 on its ass.", the trembling figure said.

 "So what was the meaning of your constant calls for me to pull
 back from slaughtering off the Palestinians? Even my mother got
 upset. I had European heads-of-state calling me a Nazi and 
 asking me if I had gone completely nuts. The idiots acted like
 I was the Bad Guy fer chrissakes. ME!, the leader of our mutual
 Sacred Crusade Against the Muslim Hoardes! God's Bright Angel
 of Vengence! Why in the hell didn't you back me up you goddam
 Putz?", said the General.

 "I AM there for you Ari. You know that. I could have cut off 
 your military aid. Did I? Heck no! I could have wiped out all
 your airbases inside of 30-minutes. Did I? Heck no! I could
 have cut off your under-the-table CIA bucksheesh. Did I? Heck
 no. All I did was make a few innocent, highly-ignorable phone
 calls. Just cover'n my ass fella. You know how this business
 works. People still got this crazy idea that indiscriminately
 slaughtering off a national minority is a War Crime of some
 sort. Danged if I understand it. But that's the way it is. I
 don't want to be hauled up before some International War Crimes
 Tribunal thirty-years from now to explain why I didn't do 
 anything to stop you. So I made my phonecalls.", said the 
 timid voice, now gaining confidence by the second.

 "And what's the idea of sending that stupid Schwartze Powell 
 right in the middle of of everything?", bellowed the General.
 "I would have never believed a Black Man could turn green if
 I hadn't personally seen the look on his face when I slapped
 those suicide bomber pictures under his nose while he was
 eating breakfast at my place. Oi! He spewed oatmeal all over
 the goddam place! You sure he's a General? He seems kind of
 squeemish about blood and guts."

 "General Powell's a nice fella. True, he aint' got a braincell
 left in his head after a career at the Pentagoon but that just
 make him all the more harmless. Did he get Upitty and demand to 
 see your Jenine concentration camp while you were slaughtering 
 people off there and the world screamed and hollered? Nope. You
 could slaughter off a million people right under his nose and
 it wouldn't faze him in the least. He's a Good Boy who knows 
 his place and how to mind his own business. Best Nigra I got. 
 He does what I tell him to do like a good little soldier boy.", 
 replied Ol Yeller. 

 As Yeller whimpered on, an aide to General Sharon approached
 and whispered in his ear. The General's eyeballs rolled back
 in his head.

 "GODDAMIT! Another freaking suicide bomber has struck! Why
 can't those idiots at Mossad infiltrate those people? They
 haven't intercepted a single one of them yet. And what in
 the hell is wrong with Arafat. Just because we've had him
 surrounded with tanks, killed or captured all his top
 lieutenants and cut him off from the world for the past 
 month is no excuse for him not stopping these insane 
 bombings. I gotta go back home.", said the General as he
 prepared to leave.

 "Oh oh! Don't do anything I wouldn't do in retaliation Ari.
 I'll send the CIA Director over to help Arafat improve his
 intelligence.", said Yellowbelly.

 "The CIA!? You mean those useless idiots who failed to 
 detect the 9/11 attacks? A lot of help those klutzes will 
 be. You call me again with any 'pull back' talk, I'll be 
 back to kick your ass Gomer. That's not a threat, that's 
 a promise!", said the General as he jabbed his finger in
 Gome...errrr..President Yellowbelly's chest. Then he 
 stormed back out of the Oval Office door, loudly slamming 
 it behind him.

 "Lordy! Lordy! Them Jew Boys is sure an exciteable lot.",
 sighed Yellowbelly rubbing the poked spot on his chest as he 
 plunked himself back down in his executive throne. "Pretty 
 soon Jesusland will be a reality. I can almost smell it.", 
 he said. Now where did I leave Bennie Netenahyu's phone 

        Union Square is now a dreary stark desert
        where evil lurks, seeps from the ground...
        shines a pavement grin.
        stares fixedly in sadist mania from out the subway signs.
        strike down, O Lord of desolation and bleak murder
        strangle this sick asleep chorus-girl city, smash,
        press your thumb down lightly, smudge into nothing
        the gross abomination of men's possessions ---
        answer the circumscribed and lightheaded jest ---
        return the facile sneer of men with interest ---
        kill the lousy bastards in their beds as graves!
        wreck the damned machines to which all men are slaves!
        let me know no more new york!
        smashing, rending havoc be your work ---
        O Lord!
        O Lord of loveliness and ugly death;
        let all nights cease upon your last, chill breath!

                        - Herman Spector -
                       "Anarchist Nightsong"

 from: "Bastard in the Ragged Suit" (ISBN 0-912184-03-5)

                    -  MONDO VATICANO -

 The siege of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem is over.
 It would have been over a lot sooner if our CIA idiots hadn't 
 screwed-up. Italy was more than willing to take the Palestinians
 in the Basilica but needed a formal request to fulfill internal
 legal obligations. Our CIA morons left the Italians hanging in
 Limbo when they forgot to make the request and very nearly 
 botched the negotiations.

 So now the mop-up and repair commences. And serious questions
 have to be asked about Israel's committment to respecting the
 non-Jewish religious shrines within its borders. The Israeli
 Defense Forces seemed as intent on desecrating the Basilica as
 they were in capturing the Palestinians inside.

 And the Curia Queens in the Vatican are left to ponder their
 obvious loss of clout in the political world. The Israelis 
 ignored them, the U.S. Secretary of State blew them off and
 the U.N. wouldn't even answer their phone calls. The old
 Pollock don't seem to have any Big Friends any more.

			+	+	+

 Oi! Talk about rotten luck! We finally get a famous dead
 Catholic politician and what happens? Turns out he's not
 only Dutch...he's Gay. There were no sad homilies from the
 Curia Queens in Roma for him. You don't expect them to 
 publically embrace a Queer do you? They held the funeral 
 for Pim Fortuyn in the Cathedral anyways. Probably even 
 passed out Holy Communion to his Gay friends too. Roma 
 didn't dare utter an objection.

  			+	+	+

 The Pervert Priest Scandal continues to gain momentum. The guy 
 who put the show on the road, Cardinal Bernie "The Pimp" Law, 
 after his many attempts to evade explaining himself under oath,
 was legally deposed this week. In the grand tradition of Tricky
 Ricky Nixon, Ronny Ray-gun and President Bubba Jay - Bernie came
 down with a nasty case of temporary altzheimers. Poor bugger
 couldn't even remember his name. Must be the stress. Or, maybe
 he's every bit as much of a scumbag and slimeball as he seems
 to be.

 New stories of pervert priests in Detroit and Arizona surfaced.
 It was also revealed that Cardinal Roger "The Dodger" Mahoney
 has at least 17 pervert priests canned from his parishes who
 are still working with kids. And a guy in Florida claimed two 
 priests he served as altarboy for, ran an altarboy Butt-Banging 
 sex ring for the entertainment of visiting priests. At least two 
 priests are now under arrest for their sexual adventures with 
 children and more will likely follow as the civil authorities 
 have clearly lost patience and confidence in the Church's ability 
 and/or willingness to deal with this problem. 

 Future-Super-Saint JP-2 has gone back to sleep on the issue - 
 not a peep out of him about it since the recent Dog and Pony 
 Media Spin Party in Roma. But the scandal continues to spread
 well beyond the American dioceses. New pervert priest cases
 appeared in such far-flung locations as Brazil and Hong Kong.
 The Church remains under the scrutiny of civil commissions in
 both England and Ireland while Germany and other Euro nations
 continue to ponder a similar move.

 It's no problem getting news about the growning scandal from
 the secular Media. It's full of it. But the Catholic Media has
 been a nearly complete write off. At a time when they should
 be providing Catholics with accurate details and cogent 
 analysis, they are instead in deep Denial. They got an excuse
 for everything. Amongst the bullshit I've spotted:
 - revelations of sexual abuse within dioceses are simply
   ignored and not even reported in diocese newpapers (out
   of sight, out of mind?);
 - it's not a pedophile scandal because most of the victims 
   were teenage boys (well I guess that makes it okay huh?);
 - it's the result of pious priests being corrupted by our
   sexually obsessed, materialistic American society (so how
   come their isn't a perversion problem among lay Catholics?);
 - the kids seduced and, in some cases, raped the priests - 
   not the other way around (Bernie The Pimp's excuse!);
 - most priests are consciencious, virginal paragons of virtue
   (last year it was 'all' priests - what will it be next 
   year - 'a couple' of them?);
 - it's those Queers who are causing all the problems (when
   in doubt, indulge in Gay Bashing like "Fat Tony" Bevilaqua
   in Philly.)

 Aside from it's spinning, twisting evasive strategy, the 
 Church's only noticeable response has been to declare a 
 Day of Penance for LAY Catholics. Huh? We ain't the ones 
 ones Banging altar-boys. Why would we be doing the penance 
 for our clergy's perversions? Let 'em do their own penance.

			+	+	+ 

 Fr. Tom Bouterie of St. Louis church in Bayou Blue, LA 
 (nice name eh!) took a hike this week after someone spotted
 his smiling mug in a coffee-table book about the New Orleans 
 Mardi Gras. He stood shirtless next to a Drag Queen surrounded 
 by well-muscled guys dressed only in Spandex shorts whooping 
 it up on a Mardi-Gras float. He didn't do anything wrong or 
 engage in any sexually explicit behavior.  His Bishop just 
 fired him for the sin of "Having Too Much Fun At the Mardi 
 Gras".  A disappointed parishoner of Fr. Tom's said, "If Jesus 
 came to Mardi Gras, where would He be? I have a feeling He would 
 be right there [on the float next to Fr. Tom]". Amen brother!

			+	+	+

 Fr. John Barrett of Mary Queen of Heaven church in Elmhurst, 
 Utah was recently removed from his parish because of a 30-year
 old, unresolved allegation of sexual abuse. His bishop, rather
 than go to all the trouble and bother of trying to find out if
 there was anything to the allegations, just took the easy way
 out and canned Fr. Barrett's butt. One small glitch: Fr. Barrett 
 got himself a lawyer and is demanding immediate reinstatement or
 he's suing. Atta boy Fadder! The Bishop is not your friend.

			+	+	+

 If you live in Glasgow, Scotland and love football (soccer),
 you have a crucial decision to make: Rangers or Celtic? If
 you're Protestant, Rangers would be your automatic choice.
 If you're Catholic, it's "Up Celtic!". Not being the types 
 to meekly and quietly sit watching a match, Scots like to 
 engage in extraciricular activities like chanting, drinking,
 singing, drinking, brawling and more drinking during the

 This cross-town rivalry has many fans in Northern Ireland
 where they are breeders of excellent individual players,
 like Georgie Best, but the teams are far less prestigous
 than the Scottish League's teams. While matters were fairly
 peaceful in Glasgow after the recent Scottish League Final
 between Rangers and Celtic, they didn't take the result
 quite so well across the waters in Northern Ireland. Riots
 between Protestant and Catholic youth gangs raged through 
 the night resulting in 10 civilian and 28 police injuries. 
 Guess who was in the middle.
 The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
 ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
 I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
 I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
 on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
 it into Lutefisk.
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