                    __ _ / _|_ __ ___
           _____   / _` | |_| '_ ` _ \   _____
          |_____| | (_| |  _| | | | | | |_____|
                   \__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|
                   Another Foggy Moment

 These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
 of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
 Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
 cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
 another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

    WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
    If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
    punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
    the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
    Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
    89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                        - 153 -

 Whoopie! The 4th of July! I'm celebrating this year by flying 
 my flag upside down. So far, nobody's noticed. Somehow it seems
 appropriate. Out of sight and out of mind are over 2,000 anonymous
 citizens locked away without charges and without even the most 
 basic of human rights. Ignored and forgotten is our recently 
 trashed Constitution and Bill of Rights, which so many of our 
 brave old warriors fought and died for. Our President is a 
 laughable, unelected hillbilly screw-up artist who was rammed 
 down our throats and is ludicrously flogged as Our Great Leader, 
 without so much as a wimper out of anybody. So, I guess it isn't 
 that surprising that an upside down flag goes unnoticed. Maybe 
 Yeller will humor us all this year by mistakenly sticking an 
 M-80 up his ass instead of throwing it. That'd have 'em roll'n 
 in the aisles eh.

 How weird! Everybody's screaming about the "God" in our pledge 
 of allegience while nobody says a word about that huge, whopping
 lie at the end: "...with liberty and justice for all". Yeah 
 right. They should add, "...who can afford to pay for it."


 Mr. Trummel remains free. The rumors about Judge Jimmy "The 
 Token Twinkie" Doerty loitering in front of his house waving 
 a shotgun around are vicious lies. Paul now has now become
 something of a 'cause celebe' amongst the Net Freedom crowd.
 Most noteably, Declan McCullagh. Declan is an old Cypherpunk 
 blowhard who's all talk and no action but he does have the ear 
 of a few people who do wield real clout. The Ouside World was
 only briefly schnookered by our News Nazis Smear Job on Paul.
 Declan even got suckered into posting the slanderous drivel 
 from Mr. Trummel's wacky Council House buddy "aufargis". But 
 they're getting wiser every minute. It's rapidly turning into 
 a whole new ballgame. 

 I hope Paul's keeping notes for a future book. 

 This case is most definintely NOT about the law. This is a matter 
 of personal revenge. Anyone who imagines it to be about anything
 else ain't paying attention. Jimmy is abusing his judicial powers 
 to 'get even' with a man he considers, on no more than hearsay 
 and rumors, to be a homophobe. He hasn't got the balls to come 
 out and admit it. First of all, because he obviously has nothing
 in the way of evidence. And second of all, because he isn't an
 honest man to begin with. Besides, he'd lose his job. His attitude
 displays a profound contempt not only for our system of laws but
 for our very system of Justice. People like that ain't supposed
 to be judges. So, after considerable homework, he's cleverly come
 up with a legal smoke-screen to hide his Dirty Work behind: the
 impossibility of defining what a 'journalist' is. It was ambiguous
 before Mr. Trummel came along and it will remain ambiguous long
 after he's gone. The term in fact means whatever you want it to
 mean. Pretty snazzy work for a KingCo Inferior Court judge eh. 
 And you thought they were all low-grade bigots, low-lives and
 political butt-kissers. Pshaw! Show a little respect!

 While our legal system will allow Jimmy to torture Mr. Trummel 
 to his heart's content, he can't do anything about the ideas 
 Mr. Trummel espouses. They have survived. A full mirror of his
 original uncensored "contracabal" webpage, in all its cranky 
 wonder and glory, is now available at:
 Enjoy. If you want to see what a guy who knows a thing or three
 about REAL homophobia, misogyny and misanthropy looks like, try:
 The Net King of WhoopAss Journalism. He'll certainly give you a
 different perspective on Mr. Trummel. And Mr. Goad is only a
 couple hours drive south on I-5.



 The City started ripping up The Ave this week. With everyone
 from McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Gameworks, and a
 host of local independants bugging out in the past year,
 along with such long-time anchors as Porter-Jensen Jewellers,
 the shopping district adjacent to the U Dub campus is dying.
 Many empty shops now dot its length. The year or two that
 it's going to take to finish the 'improvements' to The Ave
 ought to finish the job the recession started. It will 
 likely put many of the survivors outta business reducing it
 to a bunch of junky little dumps with the University Book
 store towering above it all.

 With three larger and more impressive shopping areas nearby,
 there are too many options available. You can go a few blocks
 the other side of I-5 to Wallingford, or head a few blocks 
 north to 65th or take a five minute drive/walk down the ridge 
 to University Village. The stores are bigger, the variety 
 greater, the prices better and there will be no construction 
 hassle. I made the switch a year or so ago. I hardly ever 
 shop The Ave's junky little shops and chop-joints any more. 
 Besides, one of those Gay Boy assholes on a skateboard is 
 liable to plant a wheel in your skull as recently occurred. 

 The worst of it is, that ugly gash that 45th Street makes
 with it's angry, dangerous, pissed-off, heavy-duty traffic 
 right through the middle of The Ave, ain't gonna be fixed. 
 It's unfixable. A permanent 'gift' from the morons at Seattle
 City Engineering.



 The ghost of Harry Bridges, the ex-Aussie dockworker turned
 Great American Labor Hero, must be chuckling wherever he's
 spending his afterlife. The stupid bastards just never learn,
 do they? Here we go with yet another total west coast port
 shutdown. Possibly as early as today (Monday) ILWU members
 may be locked out by their employers effectively shutting
 down all ports from Diego to Alaska to Hawaii and all points
 in between. Just like the Bad Old Days.

 Harry created the ILWU. It's progenitor began in Tacoma,
 spread like wild fire up and down the coast, became the
 first union to open its membership to Blacks/Philipinos/
 Chinese/etc., kicked-butt with the first complete shutdown 
 of west coast ports back in the 30's, then was mugged by 
 Seattle Labor Thug Dave "Buttkiss" Beck. No problemo. 
 Harry created the ILWU and left Dave the Thug holding 
 an empty membership list and a losing hand. Davey Boy 
 ended up in prison and his thuggery evaporated.

 Everyone from FDR and Truman's Justice Departments to 
 the MegaRich owners of port facilities tried to boot
 Harry outta of his adopted American home and crush the 
 ILWU. But he just shrugged off punch after punch - dancing,
 bobbing and weaving before nailing them with a KO slug 
 that knocked them right on their fat, pompous asses time
 after time. And the ILWU grew and grew. Harry's gone now 
 but the union is still there - as smart and sassy as ever. 
 Nothing moves unless they move it. And they don't move 
 it until they get their fair piece of the pie. It's just 
 as simple as that. It's called The American Way.

 Our new Homeland Security Office is strictly a non-union
 operation. They said that union people would be a security
 risk. Imagine such a thing. Who in the hell do they think
 built our frik'n Homeland?



 As I'm sitting alongside U Dub salmon rearing pond one fine
 summer evening contemplating the state of the universe and
 waiting for the stars to come out, the little salmon babies
 are occasionally leaping top-side for a quick look around as
 they are often want to do. When all of a sudden something 
 about a foot-and-a-half long comes a-leap'n outta the water 
 making a big splash! Whoa! Dude! Whatta you do'n in there?
 With the gate to Portage Bay open so the little ones can 
 leave at their leisure, it had never occured to me that it 
 also means the Big Boyz can come inside for bite to eat. And 
 there's nothing Big Fish like to nibble on more than Little 
 Fish. They're almost human in that respect. 

 We seem to be in final release mode this week. It's down 
 to being a big, stinky puddle and the gate is closed. 
 The Class of 2002 has graduated.
 Next: the Fall return of the Class of 1997-98 



 I've heard Children's Hospital mentioned a million times
 but had no idea where it was. So I was kind of surprised
 to learn it was practically in my backyard. It's located 
 up Sand Point Way a short distance north of University 

 While working there for a few days, I had occasion once
 or twice during the day to avail myself of their smoking
 facilities. Save me the sermons. Anybody who's sucks up
 tons of cancer-causing, birth-defect producing car/truck
 fumes everyday ain't got no room to lecture me. Since 
 Hooterville has some of the filthiest air in the entire
 nation, we're all doomed. And that's a fact Jack. So 
 stuff your pompous, holier-than-thou attitude where the 
 Sun don't shine. I suppose it's asking too much for you
 to clean up your own act first.

 Most places, hospitals or otherwise, feel compelled to
 punish smokers and so stick us out in the wind and rain
 to do our thing. Not so at Childrens. They got a nice,
 comfy little smoking-shed near the UFO landing-pad in
 front of the emergency entrance. While it's a tad on
 the small side, the sucker even has heat lamps in the 
 ceiling! Now THAT'S class!

 And it's a fascinating place. Being the only medical 
 facility in the region that specializes in kids, Childrens
 receives a steady stream of people from all over Washington
 and ajoining states. People with sick kids. Very sick kids.
 Very worried and concerned people. The kind of people who
 need a smoke to calm down a bit. Thanks to Ronald McDonald
 House, they are spared the cost and considerable trouble
 of trying to find a place to stay while they're in Seattle.
 Aside from the dire circumstances they are trying to deal
 with, many are on tight budgets and can't afford the rip-off
 rates at nearby hotels. The state don't do squat for them 
 and Seattle is far too Big and Important a city to worry 
 itself over Little People like this who don't have mountains 
 of cash.

 Sitting there day after day having my smoke, I found myself
 awash in human tragedy. A lady whose infant was airlifted
 from up the Sound by medivac helicopter after it developed
 the nasty habit of forgetting to breathe. A young couple
 from back east who had recently moved here, lost their
 baby. Every day was like that. And these parents were just
 young kids themselves - often no more than in their 20's.
 And they were so alone with their grief. So worried and so
 alone. It was so sad. I wished I had a magic wand I could 
 wave over them and make everything better again. But I 
 didnt' and all I could do was talk with them. Talk about
 ordinary, normal things just so they could remember there
 was a 'normal' somewhere outside their suddenly unhappy 



 We all know how things are going to end up for the guy 
 who shot that KingCo deputy to death - they're go'n to 
 lynch him. Between the fact that it was a Cop-Killing 
 and the rapidly approaching fall elections wherein our 
 pols will have great need to show how Hardass they are, 
 he's dead meat. From the Governor's Mansion to the 
 Prosecutor's Office to our News Nazis, every official 
 hypocrite in town is going to be cashing in on this 
 pathetic slob. He's turned into one big Shit Magnet.

 The deputy was trying to do the Right Thing - take down 
 a druggie/crazy with non-lethal force. He could have
 blown that Space Cadet away without a care in the world. 
 It's Open Season on both the mentally ill and druggies.
 The courts will let Cops kill as many as they like. The 
 System would have happily put The Fix in for him from 
 investigation to Coroner's Jury to sypathetic press,
 and he had to know that. I don't know why he tried to 
 do it all by himself. Circumstances? Fear that a backup
 deputy might just gun the guy down? We'll never know. 
 But it proved to be a fatal decision for him. Too bad.
 It would have been far better for all concerned if he
 had succeeded. Live heroes are always preferrable to
 dead ones.

 Never try to wrestle with a psychotic by yourself. They'll 
 kick your ass. Even the little wimpy guys and old ladies.
 I know - I've wrestled with a few. Some of my best friends
 are certified nutcases. As far as they're concerned, they're 
 in a Death Struggle. It's you or them. They believe you 
 intend to kill them and fight with every ounce of strength 
 they have. Someone with a self-induced Crack psychosis would 
 be little different. Trying to reason with someone like that 
 would be a waste of time. Relying on personal ties or official 
 offices is pure futility. If you can't physically overpower 
 them, you've got a big, big problem and you're gonna need 
 a LOTTA help.

 You gotta wonder if the Cops aren't beginning to reap some 
 of the fruits of their racist profiling. It can't help but 
 to create a profound hostility towards them. One in which 
 many people are automatically beginning to perceive them 
 as a direct physical threat and danger. Considering how
 out-numbered, out-guned and highly-visible the Cops are - 
 that don't seem like a real bright thing for them to be 



 The sysop at one of the world's largest supercomputer clusters
 was a dumpster-diving heroin-junkie a few years ago. Many of
 his 'staff' are ex-cons and high-school dropouts. The computers
 that make up the cluster are thrown-away junkers people just 
 wanted to get rid of. At the Alameda County Computer Recycling 
 Center in East Oakland, across the Bay from Frisco, they don't 
 only recycle bittyboxes - they also resurrect people. 

 Unlike King County's bogus grant-troll reycycle center, ACCRC
 is strictly a private operation. No federal money at all. And
 unlike King County's operation, ACCRC doesn't just trash old
 computers - it reincarnates them. Nothing is thrown away. The
 computers they rebuild end up not only in local schools and
 non-profit agencies, they also end up in places like the Russian
 Space Program. And, if they can't find any place else to stick
 them, they plug them into their supercomputer cluster. There
 is no such thing as a 'useless' computer as far as they're

 It makes me shake my head everytime I see those pallets full 
 of old computer monitors and dumpsters full of old computers 
 at the U Dub Surplus Warehouse. The jugheads who run the place 
 have no technical savvy at all. Worse, their committment to 
 seeing that every kid who needs a computer gets one, is sub-zero.
 Just doing their job and run'n out the clock to retirement. 
 They don't give a damn about anything or anybody. As close to 
 being completely brain-dead as people can get.

 Ref:                    accrc.org



 I used to be a HUGE footie fan. But the last World Cup did me
 in. Watching Nigeria deliberately throw a game by sitting out
 10 of its starting 11 players and receive no sanction at all,
 was too much for me. No more. FIFA sucks. The guy who runs it
 sounds like his mommy named him after a disease - Seph Bladder.

 But my old Muslim terrorist buddy from South Africa won't let
 me off the hook that easily. All I've been hearing about for
 weeks is - Senegal Senegal Senegal. He had low expectations 
 for South Africa to begin with and Senegal's lead-off win over 
 the previous Champs - France - immediately appealed to his 
 African roots. He didn't mind too much when the Turks whooped 
 on his Senegalese brothers. If he squints his eyes real hard
 he can pretend they're honorary North Africans and they are
 at least a Muslim nation. Though he was disappointed when the 
 naughty Catholic boys of Brazil handed the Turks their ass in 
 the semi-final. With a choice like Germany v. Brazil, there was 
 no real complication in choosing a fav. He's going with the 
 dancing samba artists from Brazil. With crapola competition 
 like the Limmies and us, the Krauts, pretty mediocre to begin
 with, had an easy ride to the final. Besides, everybody hates
 the Germans. Brazil's gonna be a real big surprise for them. 
 [And it was - 2:nil Brazil].

 It doesn't reflect reality very well. Italy and Spain have the
 very best teams in the world. But the old Wops who run Italian
 calcio usually stuff the national team with their cronies instead
 of their best. And Spain has never really given much of damn
 about FIFA revenue-enhancers like the World Cup. Somebody wants
 to give it to them they'll take it, otherwise they save all 
 their energy for the home-front where the fat pay checks are. 
 South America has taken a major nosedive. Aside from Brazil, 
 they all suck. Turkey has become competitive with the best Euro 
 teams. Africa is strictly a vast farm team for the Euros. Every 
 8-year old in Africa with healthy legs is signed to a contract
 with some Euro team but there are no great African teams. Asia 
 and America are just money. Ain't nobody here knows squat 
 about footie.

 Lord Stanley and Gerd Mueller just looked down from Heaven and
 shook their heads. Between the two of them they could kick butt
 on any of those Twinkie teams.



 Former Virginia Mason employee Kevin Mitnick was in the news
 again this week. Kevin, America's Most Dangerous Hacker, had
 no problem getting a job at VM while on the lam from the FBI
 here in the 90's. How's that for a real Cracker Jack personel 
 department eh? Apparently he lived just down the block from 
 me back then. I probably stood behind him at the Safeway
 a few times. Dang! I'll bet HE could have figured out that
 damn 'sendmail' config file.
 He appeared in court once again this week. This time he was 
 on the right side of the law. A Las Vegas 'entertainment 
 operator' (sort of a legal pimp) accused Sprint of negligence 
 in failing to stop whoever was hacking his phone system . 
 People would call this guy up and get a busy signal or end 
 up connected to one of his competitors. Sprint claimed no 
 one had EVER hacked their system.

 Kevin begged to differ. While living in Vegas, he hacked 
 Sprint's system in depth. And he explained in detail just 
 exactly how he did it. He was able to silently listen in 
 on every phone in town. And he wasn't the only one. The
 lawyer from Sprint tried to convince him that he had gone
 insane and really hadn't done anything illegal like that.
 Didn't work. He's already done the Time for it.



 The FBI won't be checking out my library reading habits. 
 I ain't got any. I cut my card in half and sent it back 
 to the Chief Librarian. I got tired of getting nickle and 
 dimed to death with bogus fines. I'd hand in books a week 
 early and still end up getting fined for being a couple 
 weeks late. There is no appeal. They say you're guilty, 
 you're guilty. Pay up or they'll trash your credit rating. 
 Blackmail by any other name. Since they don't give you 
 a receipt here like they do in most other libraries, you 
 ain't got a leg to stand on. They just smile smugly at 
 you like you're an idiot and brush you aside. Screw you, 

 Screw them. Between used bookstores and the Internet, I 
 get along just fine without the Seattle Public Library. 
 And if I ever need manuals for the latest computer and 
 electronics equipment from the  40's, 50's and 60's, or 
 find myself destitute and homeless, I may return to SPL 
 for another look. Otherwise, don't hold your breath.



 The old Chinese curse has come back to haunt Gay communities
 across America: may all your dreams come true. They have 
 been so successful at integrating into American society that
 they are now saddled with the embarassing likes of our own
 Judge Jimmy "The Token Twinkie" Doerty and that gay-owned 
 real-estate company in Frisco that has a track-record for 
 evicting Gay renters who test positive for AIDS. Gay Pride 
 parades are beginning to sprout Gay Shame appendices. 

 All minority groups have such elements to them, but they 
 are usually forced underground to maintain the illusion of 
 a united front. Blacks saddled with exploitive jerks like 
 Jesse Jackson and General Powell, aren't allowed to object 
 with any authority. Jews who opppose Israel's racism and 
 bigotry are likewise denied a voice. Women who object to 
 NOW's 'anything-for-a-buck' Crack 'Ho politics are written 
 off by their sisters as man-hating lesbos.

 So this Gay thing is kind of unique. And, because of its 
 openness, has a better chance of succeeding. There are 
 still many, many Gays and Lesbians who have vivid and 
 nasty memories of what it took to get where they are 
 presently. Those memories are their treasures. They deserve 
 to be guarded and defended from freeloaders who did little 
 or nothing to attain them but were first in line to climb 
 over the bodies and cash-in now that it's safe to be Gay. 
 They just might be able to pull it off. You want to be Gay 
 and be an asshole, you just may find yourself confronted by 
 a group of Queers screaming "Shame! Shame! Shame!" Now that
 would be embarassing.


 "...[calling Dr. Oppenheimer a security risk because he opposed
 the Hydrogen Bomb] is like placing a man on trial because he held
 opinions and had the tenacity to express them. If this country 
 ever gets that near to the Russian system, we are certainly not 
 in any condition to attempt to lead the free world...We have been
 slipping backwards in our maintenance of the Bill of Rights...
 I think...no board should ever sit on a question in this country
 of whether a man [served] his country or not because he expressed
 strong opinions. If you want to try that case, you can try me."

                     - Dr. Vannevar Bush -
                testifying before the Gray Board
                   on behalf of Dr. Oppenheimer

                      'OL YELLER'S TWAT
               (aka The War Against Terrorism)

 Oh oh! Yellowbelly's in trouble again. The economy is going 
 down the tubes and massive, bloated Mega Corps are floating 
 down the economic river Styx. This is about where he was when 
 9/11 happened. But 9/11 only bought him 9 months of slack. If 
 he wasn't such a retard he could have milked it for a lot more 
 than that. But...here we are again...Recessionville U.S.A. 
 Sink'n like a rock. 

 What ugly little bunny is he going to pull out of his coon-skin 
 cap this time? It's a little early for Iraq. He can't start 
 banging on them until September. But with the way things are 
 going right now, he needs a diversion real bad and real soon:
 another terrorist attack, a Bimbo Bombing, whatever. Just a
 little something to tide him over to the fall elections and 
 shut up his growing legion of critics. Heck, even a little 
 nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan would help take 
 the heat off. Give 'em another nudge Yeller. Send Dickhead 
 Cheney over there this time. That prick can get the job done. 
 Look what he did to the Middle East.

 As Uncle Sammy is about to default on the national debt, many
 Americans were shocked to learn this week that the paper is
 held by "Al Keeda, Inc." of Saudi Arabia whose Chief Executive 
 Officer is a man by the name of Obie Laden. Hmmm. If this is
 who I think it is, I'd say we're in Big Trouble.

 Was it just a co-incidence? Even as Ol Yeller was wagging his
 finger at us for being fat slobs and threatening to make us
 get up at 5 a.m. every morning to do jumping jacks on the front
 lawn, what comes strolling down Highway 110 in DC heading for
 the White House? The Oscar-Meyer Weinermobile, direct from 
 Minnesota on a suicide mission to waylay Yeller's fitness
 program. It almost managed to slip by the sleepy Secret Service 
 agents too except that Highway 110 is closed to commercial 
 traffic - no trucks, buses, etc. allowed. It stuck out like 
 a...well...a giant, hot dog on wheels. A District Cop, expecting 
 the wurst, pulled them over. A co-ed terrorist team of 20-year
 old Lutherans was at the wheel. Probably living in sin too 
 I'll bet.

            Since every creature made by Thee
            Brings to Thee in thanksgiving...
            The angels bring their song,
            The heavens bring the star,
            The Magi bring their gifts,
            The shepherds bring their awe.
            Earth gives a cave,
            The wilderness, a manger
            and we...
            the Virgin Mother bring.
            God, before all worlds,
            Have mercy.

               - hymn by Saint Anatolius -

                 -  MONDO VATICANO -

 Wednesday we remember Saint Anatolius of Alexandria, Egypt 
 who lived in the late 3-rd century. Home to the legendary 
 and famous Library of Alexandria, the city was a major 
 center of scholarship for many cultures in the ancient 
 world. Aside from the Greeks, Romans and Christians, there 
 was also a large Jewish community of scholars as well. As 
 head of the Aristotelian School in Alexandria, Anatolius 
 was considered one of the greatest intellects of his time. 
 A master of geometry, physics, rhetoric, dialetic, astronomy
 and philosophy, he also authored over ten volumes of works 
 on mathematics. His treatise on the Apostolic calculation
 of the date of Easter remains the definitive historical
 reference to this day.

 While a great scholar he was also a deeply religious man.
 He considered learning to be both a intellectual pursuit
 and a spiritual one. He made the mysteries of God central 
 to his studies and strongly encouraged the Catholicism of 
 his time to highly value the honesty and truth of science.
 He saw in science a reflection of the infinite magnitude
 of God's work. One that put mankind in properly humble
 perspective. His contemporary, St. Jerome, as cranky an 
 old nit-picker as they come, deeply respected Anatolius 
 for both his intellectual and spiritual knowledge and
 sought out his advice. 

 Widely regarded as a very humble man, Anatolius didn't 
 suffer fools lightly. He considered ignorance, especially
 amongst Christians, a sin. But he lent his ear to anyone
 who cared to tug on it. He listened more than he spoke. 
 And his active, probing mind was constantly on the look-
 out for new insights into the world around him and the
 workings of God's mysterious Will.

 His advice was often sought in civil matters. When a 
 local Big Shot seized political power in Alexandria and 
 had himself declared Emperor, this got the attention of 
 the Romans. They sent an army to crush him. During the 
 resulting seige, Anatolius managed to convince the Roman
 Legions to allow Alexandria's women, elderly, young and 
 sick to leave. Aside from saving many lives, this lifted 
 a considerable burden from the rebels and prolonged their 
 revolt against Roman power. But they fell. And when they 
 did, Anatolius was forced to leave Alexandria. The Romans 
 didn't trust him any more. 

 It was while travelling through Syria to the Council of 
 Antioch that he was persuaded to stop over in Laodicia
 where his friend Eusebius had become bishop. It's not
 clear whether Eusebius had died or whether they jointly
 served, but Anatolius ended up staying put to become 
 their bishop. He never did make it to Antioch nor did
 he again return to Alexandria.

 He's an ancient example of how intellect and holiness can
 coexist and enhance one another.

			+	+ 

 Lightning from the East, the female Jesus Christ, whatever 
 you want to call her, seems to be doing fine in China. Falun 
 Gong may be getting their butts kicked by the government but 
 the Divine Miss Jesus is strut'n her stuff in style. Still 
 unable to find her, the Comrades are beating the bushes with 
 a little more ernestness these days after her disciples 
 snatched 30 or 40 Christians and attempted to 'convert' them. 
 To what? Christianity? I've heard of preaching to the converted 
 but I've never heard of converting the converted before. Must 
 be one of them Second Coming Thangs. Dispite her omnipotent
 powers and almighty graces, the snatchees resisted her and 
 escaped. Bet she's butt-ugly too eh.

 			+	+

 That bishops meeting in Dallas keeps looking more and more
 like a really stupid idea. If they had properly prepared for
 it and went in with a sincere intention to deal with their
 pervert priest problem in a straight-forward manner, they
 might have succeeded. But nope. Instead they whizz off on
 this weird fantasy that they are above civil law and can
 make up whatever rules they want. The stupid schmucks have
 actually worsened the situation with their dumbass attempt
 to rectify it. They're WAY dumber than anybody suspected.

 Something like 80% of all people polled after the Malice 
 in Dallas were in favor of chucking ANY bishop involved in 
 concealing pervert priests directly in jail. The numbers 
 amongst Catholics weren't a lot different - 75% were for 
 throwing the bums in the Hoosegow. 

 The Vatican has yet to ratify the NCCB's new policy. Many
 of the Curia Queens, cued up for Future-Super-Saint JP-2's
 funeral and the resulting job opening, are delighted to 
 see the American Cardinals make asses of themselves. Less
 competition that way. That's why they've been in no hurry
 to impose a solution. Let 'em keep digging themselves ever
 deeper and deeper.

			+	+

 Burbank (IL) Police Chief Bill Kujawa gave a mighty yank on
 Chicago Cardinal George's chain this week. Chief Bill is the
 guy who put the notorious pedophile Thomas E. Hacker in Big
 Muddy State Pen for the next 100 years after he admitted to
 sexually assaulting 'hundreds' of boys through the Archdiocese's
 youth atheletic programs. If the Archdiocese had bothered to
 check, they would have found Mr. Hacker already had a sizeable
 reputation for committing such assaults. They didn't bother 
 looking. The Chief said he is deeply dismayed at the Archdiocese
 using its authority to actively obstruct investigations into
 pedophile activities within it. He wants to bust some Church
 ass. I say Go For It baby! He can start with that phony 
 bastard Cardinal George.

			+	+ 

 Former President Bubba Jay Clinton weighed in on this burning
 issue recently. He thinks they're being unfair to him - us
 Catholics that is. We had no sympathy for him when he got
 caught diddling young interns so he's got no sympathy for us
 now. That's our Bubba - still got his head all the way up
 his fat butt. That hillbilly thinks the whole universe 
 revolves around his tiny, little Wonder Weasel. Zip it 
 up Bubba afore the chickens bite it off.

			+	+

 The Vatican's Gay Bashing Campaign, designed to divert
 attention away from the pervert priest scandal, is picking
 up steam. They got people cranking out all kinds of books
 about Queers and Faggots hiding under every altar and pew 
 in creation as well as nearly all seminaries. The evidence
 runs from scant to non-existent. But it's the thought that
 counts. I wonder if anybody told these morons that homopobia
 isn't merely a Bad Idea in most American constituencies,
 it's illegal? Any attempt on their part to discriminate
 against anyone because they are Gay will very likely result
 in both criminal and civil action. Watta these guys Trip'n
 on Acid or something? While it is true that the Church is
 free to choose whoever it pleases for priests, it's also
 true that Uncle Sammy doesn't have to subsidize their hate
 and bigotry with tax-empt status.

			+	+
 In the midst of the pervert priest scandals, it's kind of
 refreshing to find there are still a few common, ordinary
 criminals amongst the clergy. Like Fr. Art LaPore at St.
 Anthony's in Joliet, IL. Apparently raking off an average
 of about $5 KiloBucks from each weekly parish spaghetti 
 dinner, Fr. Art managed over the years to buy and furnish 
 a mansion. And he seemed to have no problemo buying off 
 his bishop to do it. The parish janitor turned him in. His
 bishop, Joe Imesh, says he didn't see nut'n. Though the 
 numbers from the County Prosecutor's office are only 
 preliminary, the take is estimated at over $500 Kilo Bucks.

 Fr. Louis Amezaga, assistant-pastor at Immaculate Heart
 of Mary Cathedral in Las Cruces (NM), discovered in the 
 late 90's that the collection count was coming up short 
 every week. So he told his boss, Fr. Tom Beggane, who 
 totally ignored him. So Fr. Amezaga scooped up his 
 evidence and took it to the police. A major financial 
 scandal erupted that involved the raking off of an 
 estimated $250 KiloBucks and a secret 'charities saving 
 account' that Fr. Beggane set up without the knowledge 
 of his bishop. That's okay. The parish had no accounting 
 proceedures any ways. It also seems Fr. Beggane was maxing
 out the parish credit cards too. Why the hell not? In for 
 a dime, in for a dollar. While the Cops tried to sort out 
 the mess Bishop Ramierez refused to cooperate with them 
 at all. They had to crowbarred every stinking little piece
 of evidence out of the diocese with subpoenas. The bishop 
 must have been getting a little under the table himself eh. 
 And Fr. Amezaga, the Good Guy who saved the day? He was
 harassed and badgered by his bishop until he finally
 resigned. How morally uplifting!

 Oh yeah...the charities? Screw them. Father Beggane and
 his bishop come first.

 The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
 ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
 I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
 I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
 on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
 it into Lutefisk.
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