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Another Foggy Moment
These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.
WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.
- 180 -
I once had a philosophy prof who wrote a book entitled "Happiness
Is For The Pigs". He really did. It wasn't a best seller but he
didn't care. A major provision of his contract with the university
was that they buy him a brand new Jag XKE every year. I'm dating
myself eh. The first Jag came close to killing him. He ended up
spending most of a year in the hospital. But he bounced back nicely
and was soon behind the wheel of yet another, terrorizing the old
ladies, Boy Scouts and other pedestrians of his neighborhood. He
let his wife haggle over the money end of things. He was above
trivialities like money and best-sellers. He had a Jag XKE. Far
as he was concerned, air, food and water were optional.
All this is a roundabout excuse for not wishing you a Happy New
Year. He'd be pissed if he found out I ever did such a thing.
U Dub's "Bundy Hall", the new law building named in honor of the
Law School's most prominent grad - mass murderer Ted Bundy -
is down to the landscaping. You can tell they're getting serious
now: they put up a BIG fence around everything and won't let
anybody near the place. Even blocked off one of the only two
campus entrances off of 15th Ave, even though it's not part of
Bundy Hall. Trying to impress us with the seriousnes of the
situation I guess. Get our attention.
U Dub has a real fetish about fences. You can always tell when
they're thinking about doing something because the first thing
they do, even before they settle on a battle plan, is put a BIG
fence around whatever it is. Right off the bat. Real Huskies piss
on stuff; U Dub Huskies put up fences. The principle is the same:
they're marking their territory. The fences only rarely have much
of anything to do with public safety. Which is why many people
often ridicule, mock, vandalize, ignore or otherwise subvert
their intended purpose.
Down on the lakeshore flats below the campus and right across
from the University Village shopping center is a huge grassy
area used for sports, I imagine. Dub's got a fence that runs all
along that nearly quarter-mile stretch facing Sand Point Way. No
gaps and no gates. Ain't no way anybody's get'n in or outta there
except the long way around the back. It's a real hike.
But at one spot near the middle of this long fence, sits a covering
about 2-feet high over some utility thingee or another, just inside
the fence and right up against it. Criminals, anarchists, rabble-
rousers and other social misfits regularily use it to hop over the
fence for a quickie at the Mall. Too damn lazy and irresponsbile to
walk all the way around. This illegal traffic makes the fence sag
right about there. That's willful destruction of public property
buster - first step on the slippery slope to a criminal life. Next
thing you know they'll be run'n for Congress.
Does U Dub bow to these malcontents and put in a gate? Hell no! That
would send The Wrong Message. Instead, maintenance crews periodicly
repair it so people can have the pleasure of wrecking it some more.
Sure all them man-hours of labor are a lot more expensive than just
putting in a gate, but there's a principle involved here. Somebody's
got to put their paw...errr...foot down.
Otherwise, next thing you know, illegal aliens will be sneaking
in to play soccer, cricket and/or rugby on Dub's grass instead of
wholesome American sports. Al Qaida terrorists might even start
training on it - at night of course when nobody's looking. They'd
all best take care they don't slip on the Goose Poop though. Geese
couldn't care less about fences.
But don't mistake the map for the territory. Just beause they
put up a fence don't mean they're actually going to do something.
Mystery fences pop up occasionally like last fall at the north
end of the Quad. They put up a real pretty makeshift one out of
plastic posts and emergency-orange plastic tape, offset a few
feet from a wall. It was quite aesthetic and tasteful. But being
physically incapable of restraining anyone, you'd have to call
it a Virtual/Symbolic fence. There it sat amongst the hustle and
bustle of the campus - a 3-foot wide by 20-foot long Exclusion
Zone - get'n in everybody's way. It sat there for about three
The first week, everyone anxiously watched the spot to see what
would happen. Nuth'n. Second week they started getting restless:
breaking the tape and kicking over some of the posts. Maintenance
rushed right out there and repaired it ASAP, quickly restoring it
to its original beauty. Still, nuth'n happened in the cordoned-off
area. Third week, with still no sign of action, people were really
getting pissed off. They shoved it right up against the wall first
thing every morning to get it outta the way, creating a profound
zonal security breach. By this time maintenance was done tuckered
out and didn't bother showing up for repairs anymore. Every once
in a while they'd set it back up but you could tell their hearts
weren't in it anymore. Just go'n through the motions. At the start
of what would have been the 4th week, it disappeared entirely.
Nothing ever did happen.
Maybe it was a Fencing 101 compulsory training exercise for new
employees. Or more likely, they just changed their minds and decided:
screw it...the Vibes weren't right...they'd do it some other time
when students were less tense and uptight. It's a real Bummer work'n
around people with Bad Vibes. It can make you sick you know.
They're doing something at Drumheller Fountain, Seattle's largest
goldfish bowl. They fenced 'er in, drained 'er, cleaned 'er up
and that's the way she's sat for the past two months: all fenced
and empty. Well...sort of empty - Ma Nature has been slowly filling
it back up with all the rain we've been getting lately. But there
hasn't been the slightest sign of human activity.
I think they forgot about it. Stuff like that occasionally happens
with this fence stuff eh. They get so many of them going at the same
time they can't remember where they put 'em all. It's a real complex
challenge trying to keep up with them. It's like they're breeding
and taking on a life of their own. Some day students will show up
in the morning and find the whole damn campus entirely fenced in.
Won't be able to get in there for classes. Mark my words: it's
a-come'n to that. This fence thing is get'n outta hand.
Meanwhile...where in the hell are people supposed to put their
damn goldfish? Huh? Anybody think of the goldfish? Hell no!
Nobody ever thinks of the goddam goldfish!
Seattle's most dangerous investigative journalist, Paul Trummel,
is on the prowl again. Forget that Pussy at the Stranger, Dan
What's-His-Face. Butt-kisses like him never do jail time for their
scribblings. Paul on the other hand, has. He's the Real Deal - a
man who puts his money where his mouth is. He's likely the only
journalist in the entire state who has a State Supreme Court
judgment attesting to his journalistic credentials. Dan can't
even get into the Supreme Court's cafeteria let alone its briefs.
The target this time is religious groups getting Faith-Based grants
from Uncle Sammy. Go figger eh. With all the news about Pervert
Priests and Bad Citizen Bishops in the past year, what kind of an
idiot would even think of giving religious nuts tax-money to play
with. Yep. None other than President Yellowbelly, our Executive
recovering drunk and former Frat Boy - the Christlich Fuhrer and
Vanquisher of the Infidel Hordes. Praise Jesus and pass the baby
Mooslems for another photo-op.
Mr. Trummel is drawing our attention to Herzel-ner Tamid over on
Mercer Island, a conservative Jewish congregation connected somehow
with a few local HUD grants. Oi Gevalt! That's right. I forgot. The
nudniks say you can't mention anything potentially negative about
Jews without being an anti-semite. Oh well. This isn't really about
Jews. This is about that universal human weakness called: greed.
But it's a little difficult to avoid the Jewish reference when the
vulnerable party involved insists on piously wrapping itself in a
prayer shawl. Such articles were never intended to obscure sinful
acts. It ain't kosher. Which isn't to give the Vatican or the many
Protie scheisters and Flim-Flam-artists a by. Greed's pretty much
an old standard with the God Crowd. They ask you to send your money
to God but always give their personal address. Someday he's going
to show up to collect his cut. They'll be digging out their golden
calves right about then.
[Mr. Trummel, by the way, is of Jewish ancestory though I don't
think he's exercised his Hebrew option. Not yet anyways. But then
Sarah was a lot older than him when she had Isaac, so he's still
got time to repent.]
HUD, the Housing and Urban Development agency, is a government
shindig. This automatically tells you two things: (1) it's a half-
assed effort and (2) it's probably more crooked than a dog's hind
leg. And you would be right on both counts. Entrusted with the
important task of sheltering those who have difficulty properly
sheltering themselves, it is and always has been one of Uncle
Sammy's most corrupt agencies. At least on a par with the Department
of Interior whose 'civil-servants' blatantly ripped off over $139
BILLION Bucks worth of Indian Trust Fund money. Shhhh! Don't yell
so loud. You'll wake up the FBI! What the hell - they were only
Dirty Injuns and it's only tax dollars. There's plenty more where
that came from - your paycheck. Amongst HUD's many responsiblilties
is funding places like Council House, a residence for the elderly,
up on Capital Hill. They do this through local groups, like the
local Council of Jewish Women which runs Council House, amongst
other programs. HUD grants are a great way of providing useless
inlaws with comfortable livings. There's little about these setups
that could be called altruistic. Just show them the money baby.
They ain't gonna do it for free. Oversight? Surely you jest.
Herzl-ner Tamid has a number of directors at the CJW's Council House
operation. Just by coincidence, the husband of one of those directors
is "Fat Tony" Wartnick, the Drunk's Best Friend on the King County
Inferior Court bench. If you ever get picked up for drunk driving, be
sure to ask for Tony. He'll cut you a sweet deal. And if you're a
Council House director with a pesky investigative journalist for a
resident, Fat Tony can pull a few strings to get the pest outta your
hair. While it wouldn't be kosher for him to act directly in your
interest, he's real tight with fellow Inferior Court judge Jimmy "The
Token Twinkie" Doerty. Well...not TOO tight. Tony ain't a Faygala or
nuth'n like that you understand. Though, come to think of it, he could
be a Bi-Guy I suppose. Wait'll his wife finds out eh! Jimmy, one of
the new kids on the Inferior Court block, is anxious to please his
superior Inferiors and would happily throw the law books in the garbage
to nail someone to impress a powerful new pal. As he did last year
with Mr.Trummel in a joint effort with the local News Nazis who did
a rather amateurish hack job on our hero. Would they call a retired
Al Einstein a 'former university employee'? Nah. I don't think so.
Their clumsy effort proved an international embarassment. Them gol
dang foreigners from England and New York just can't mind their own
beeswax. They just don't understand Hooterville's quaint hillbilly
But this is Mr. Trummel's story. I'm just set'n it up for him. And
unlike Your's Truely, he's a real writer, not just another ranting
Internet madman. To borrow his phrase, "If you think Kafka got it
right, check out...
Mindful Madness
Senator Joe "The Whiner" Lieberman (D-CT)
Fundraising By Cycle:
1996: $ 168,760
1998: 357,944
2000: 3,731,723
Source of Funds:
Small, individual contributions (<$200): $ 193,562 (4.5%)
Large, individual contributions ($200+): 2,453,276 (57.6%)
PAC contributions: 989,094 (23.2%)
- businesses $755,297
- single-issue 131,277
- labor 90,997
Canidate self-financing: 0 (0%)
Other: 622,495 (14.6%)
Source: Center for Responsive Politics
(aka The War Against Terrorism)
Joe Goebbels, the new guy they hired at the White House to handle the
PR, seems to really know his stuff though his background is a little
sketchy. They said while he works out of New York City, his home is
in Paraguay, yet he speaks German fluently. Kissinger bugged-out of
the 9/11 Commission right after meeting with him. He looked like he
just saw a ghost. Somehow I can't shake the thought that Joe's name
is familiar from somewhere.
It brought a tear to my eye seeing Ol Yeller with all them cute little
Evil Mooslem kiddies. Reminds me a lot of those pictures of Hitler
surrounded by kids up in his secret Eagle's Nest hideout and "Papa
Joe" Stalin teaching his Commie young'ns the facts of life. What is
it about fascists and dictators that drives them to hide themselves
behind kiddies? Certainly not their conscience. Psychotics ain't got
any. Maybe it's the simple fact that kids are the only ones who don't
realize what completely disgusting bags of guano they are.
Those Kiddie Motif photo-ops are a Yeller tip-off that he's about
to do something really nasty to somebody. The nationality of the
kids is the key to knowing who. Remember? He was in the middle of
one when 9/11 occurred. That was American kids. This time he was
schmoozing Mooslem children. Next day - WHAMMO! - hundreds of
Mooslem immigrants who had obediently appeared at the INS's L.A.
office, get arrested and imprisoned just for the intimadation value
of the exercise. Their only crime seemed to be their Iranian ancestory.
Many of our News Nazis spun them as saps and suckers for being dumb
enough to show up. What in the hell's that all about? Somebody do a
quick check and see if Yeller has any photo-ops scheduled with Iraqi
kids in the near future. Not to hard to figure out what that would
Back to another cheesy episode of "Good Cop - Bad Cop" this week
featuring the Offical White House Shoe Shine Boy, Uncle Tom Powell,
and the Fearless Leader of the Christian World, President Yellowbelly.
The Jack Benny and Rochester of world diplomacy. North Korea was the
excuse. They got tired of us whinning about the nice nuke plant Mr.
Rumsfeld sold them and just yanked the plug on the monitors to shut
us up. Monkey Boy hopped up and down, right on cue, making his funny
monkey noises and Shoeshine stepped in a short while afterwards with
his calming-voice-of-moderation schtick. Bad Actors don't come much
worse and this phony routine has about run its course. Yawn. Time to
hire new writers. Hell! Fire the whole cast and let's start over
again from scratch.
The "Fight'n Fags of DoD" on board the USS Truman in the Arabian
Gulf, put out an SOS for more Vaseline this week. Those damn Marines
just won't Back Off eh. They're wear'n out the poor Squids to the
point where they won't be able to perform at the crucial moment.
Yikes! Military impotence in the Mid-East! The Skip had to warn
the Jarheads that if they don't stick a sock on it, and soon, he
was going to stuff the whole lot of them in a C-130 bound for the
Aleutian Islands and personally shove them out the door at 2,000
feet to cool off. No parachutes. He was a little disappointed when
many of the Grunts suggested that sounded kinda Kewl.
Yeller's fellow fascist, King David Wannabe & All-Star War-Criminal,
Ari Sharon in the land of the Israeli bigots, appears to be in a death
spin. After nearly two years of his Gestapo schtick that has effectively
destroyed any hope of peace in that ugly dirt-hole of a nation, he's now
also run their economy right into the sand. Last year was that nation's
worst economically since the mid 50's! Add in that the Izzie Mobsters
have blatantly bought a number of Likud seats in the Knesset during
the recent nominating convention. He's up to his Kipah in scandal and
corruption now as well. The retarded fat-ass Snuff Freak is well on his
way to destroying his own country.
To search for the old is to understand the new.
sig of
- Ketho of Davenant -
Many moons ago I mentioned the arrest of Fr. Jeff Windy of the Peoria
diocese in Illinois. Like the Media reports I read, I associated his
arrest directly with date-rape. The drug he was involved in making was
GHB which is always mentioned in the following breath as 'the date-rape
drug'. The association between the two couldn't be stronger or more
misleading. This week some anonymous soul politely suggested I take
another look at Fr. Windy's predicament. That was it - a suggestion.
No threats, no flames, no trolls. Such aberrant behavior set my tiny
antennae all a-quivver. I'm used to death-threats and people screaming
at me. I'm a sensitive guy. I'm not used to people being nice. It threw
me off my game. I took another look and I'm glad I did.
Fr. Jeff Windy is in a federal prison. He was sentenced in August of
2002 to 5-years plus 10-months for his part in the illegal manufacturing
of the drug GHB. He entered a plea of guilty for providing key ingredients
to two of his body-building buddies who actually produced the drug and
for allowing them use of church property to do so. The judge didn't
cut him any slack at all despite the likelihood he was forced into
it. You can chalk that up to Chicago Cardinal George and his buddies.
The hostile relationship they've developed with law-enforcement and
judicial authorities thanks to their constant obstruction and limp-
wristed pro-forma cooperation with efforts to investigate their
pervert priests. The civvies catch a priest now they nail him to the
wall to make damn sure some Bishop Bad Citizen don't help him weasel
his way out. I don't like it but I understand why things are that way.
Jeff's case had nothing whatsoever to do with any date-rape activities
on his part. The implied or direct insinuation that it did, as most
Media suggested, would be grossly in error. Nobody's making me say this.
Nobody even asked me to say it. It is just a plain, simple fact. Fr.
Jeff was into bodybuilding and weight-lifting. There wasn't even the
vaguest hint of a date-rape connection at any point of the proceedings.
GHB, a CNS depressant, up until the early 90's was commonly used as
an additive in body-builder formulas. Though the claim was never proven,
it was thought by the weightlifting crowd to help build up muscle bulk.
In the late 80's researchers also discovered that it gave users a Major
Buzz and had strongly addictive properties that resulted in severe
withdrawal symptoms. In 1990 its use was made illegal without a doctor's
prescription. No effort was made to help those who had become addicted
from its previously legal use as an additive, ergo, a sizeable illegal
black-market in GHB naturally evolved. "Severe" addiction is a clinical
term and means exactly what it says - without that drug, your job, family
and social life evaporate. Those people NEEDED their GHB and the only way
to get it now was through illegal channels. An excellent example of how
our phony War on Drugs generates drug dependancy to justify its own
Two properties of GHB make it ideal as a date-rape drug: it's ability
to knock a person out and the fact that it appears to be nothing more
than mildly salty water. It's very easy to conceal in other liquids.
This of course also makes it ideal for anyone who might want to hook
a clean-living Citizen Above Syspicion, like say a priest, so he could
be blackmailed into providing materials and workspace for an illegal
drug lab. A couple weight-lifting buddies could easily conceal it in
a dietary supplement and Fadder wouldn't know what hit him until it
was too late. Hooked! He'd be ready to do damn near anything to get
more and wide open for blackmail to provide whatever they wanted
from him. They'd have him by the short ones. They might even whisper
something to his bishop about his new habit. A bishop might pay good
money to keep something like that quiet. Did they do that to Fr. Windy?
They ain't say'n. Did they squeeze the bishop? He don't wanna talk
about it.
SOMEBODY did tip off the bishop to Fr. Windy's new addiction. Oddly,
rather than yank him from his parish, his bishop kept him there. It
apparently never occured to him that an addict isn't fit to function
as a priest. It apparently never occurred to him that a priest addicted
to an illegal drug was a prime target for blackmail. Nor apparently
did it occur to him to be a Good Citizen and alert civil authorities
to the presence of an illegal drug in that area to which one of his
priests was now addicted. That would have been the Right Thing to
do but that's not what the bishop did. It would have made him look
bad. Roma would think he didn't know how to properly conceal scandal
and prevent embarassment to the Church - two prime concerns Pope JP-2
expressed to Cardinal Law in Boston during his pervert priest travails.
Concerns that out-weighed the pure Evil of deliberately keeping perverts
in parishes, dangerously exposing children to them. Under this Pope,
bishops don't become Cardinals by being Good Citizens.
But the bishop did know Fr. Windy was now an addict. No doubt about
that at all. Because his next move was to quietly put him in a drug
abuse program as an out-patient. If he'd put Fr. Jeff in as a full
timer as he probably should have done, the jig would have been up and
everyone and their dog would have found out. It was easier to sacrifice
Jeff. So, did the bishop inform St. Pat's parishoners that they had
a drug addict for a priest? Heavens no! They'd never allow someone
like that around their kids. There would be Hell to pay if he had told
them. As a result, Fr. Windy's addiction continued, the blackmail
continued, the GHB rolled out of the rectory by the gallons and many
others were exposed to GHB - all to save the bishop's bacon. Then,
inevitably, an undercover agent of the neighboring Iowa Bureau of
Investigation showed up in town shopping for GHB. He bought some off
of Fr. Jeff's tormentors and promptly busted them. They implicated
Fr. Jeff and he got busted too. In court, the muscle-heads attempted
to sling him as a 'crooked priest' who lured them into their life of
crime. The judge got a chuckle out of that. She didn't buy it. She
threw the book at them. But the Media bought it - hook, line and
sinker. Go 'figger.
You really have to wonder if it would have made any difference at all
if Fr. Windy had personally informed his bishop of his addiction. You
don't have to wonder what difference it would have made if he'd have
been immediately yanked. The GHB Boyz would have been left high and
dry with no means of production, putting a major crimp in their
operation. GHB would have been in short supply for a long time. And
Fr. Jeff would have been off the blackmail hook - long gone and no
longer connected with them. It's even possible he could have alerted
civil authorities and assisted in busting the muscle-heads. Getting
him outta there would have made all the difference in the world. But
that's not what the bishop did.
So what kinda guy was Fr. Jeff?
The first mention I found of Fr. Windy when searching was an article
he wrote a few months after his 1996 ordination. It was on the pro-life
movement and his involvement with it. It's still up on the Net if you
would care to read it. He was a strong opponent of birth-control, most
especially of abortion. I'm not, but that's neither here nor there. He
wasn't a mindless screamer waving pictures of dead fetus' around, like
a lot of those brain-dead fruitcakes.
Fr. Windy Essay on Abortion
But one of the most intriguing possibilities for getting a candid picture
of Fr. Jeff is provided by the Internet. There seems to be a chance he
was a prominent and frequent poster to the USENET's rec.martial-arts
newsgroup under the pseudonym of "Ketho of Davenant". The name comes
from sci-fi writer Ursala LeGuin's novel "Dispossed" - a terrific book
about a gentle, anarchistic society struggling to survive against a
hostile, predatory materialistic neighbor. Sometimes Ketho was referred
to as Jeff in responses from people who semed to know him personally.
But the kicker comes seven months after Ketho had stopped posting to
the group and had faded to a distant memory. One of his protagonists
announced, out of the blue at the time of Fr. Jeff's arrest, that
Jeff and Ketho were one and the same person! What a weird thing to
do on an obscure newsgroup that had nothing to do with religion and
in reference to a guy who had been long gone from the group. It was
probable enough that a number of the group's 'elder' posters took it
seriously. No proof was offered and skepticism was expressed, but
ultimately no one knew for sure one way or the other. There was just
this "...Oh My God!...it WAS him" feeling in the air.
I certainly don't know for sure either. But it doesn't strike me as
improbable that a young priest in a rural parish of Oldsters sought
ordinary conversation with like-minded peers interested in a subject
unrelated to Church matters, just as himself - not his collar. It's
a lonely life being a priest sometimes. Obviously he would have to
conceal his True Name and identity to do this. But anyone with the
savy and/or resources could unravel his identity. It's not easy
being truely anonymous on the Net. You really have to know what
you're doing to make it work.
"Ketho of Davenant" on the search line
Reading through Ketho's many postings, he comes across as a bright,
peaceable kind of guy who often exerted a moderating influence on
the group. The more aggressive people scoffed at him as 'soft headed'
but they seemed to also have considerable respect for him. He chose
his words carefully and deliberately. No obscenities or lurid comments.
Such a person is unusual in USENET newsgroups. "Trolls" and "Flamers"
are the rule. I saw nothing in Ketho's stuff that a priest would have
regretted saying. Pretty impressive considering how many there were,
how long he participated and how often he was baited/trolled. He seemed
like a nice, responsible, clean-cut guy. About what you'd hope for
from a priest.
The May 2001 disappearance of Ketho could have coincided with the onset
of Jeff's addiction and his betrayal by his 'friends'. The shock of that
probably would have plunged him into a deep paranoia. His world would
have quickly been getting very dark and grim. This is all just wild
speculation on my part. But I doubt if the lawyers or judge would have
even thought of asking him if he had a USENET persona. If he was Ketho,
I think they would have been favorably impressed. I was.
After his ordination Fr. Windy spent a couple stints as assistant-pastor
before he was posted as pastor to the parish of St. Pat's in Sheffield,
IL where most of his parishoners were over 60-years old. Everyone
chuckled at his habit of wearing an old-fashioned biretta around the
church and riding around town on his bike. Something old; something new.
He took over from an older priest and brought with him Big Plans for
revitalizing and fixing up St. Pat's. The locals characterized him as
being very likeable and a real breath of fresh air. They were shocked
at his arrest with many expressing feelings of betrayal of the trust
they held in him.
Fr. Jeff broke down crying during his sentencing statement. At such
a young age and after having come so far to realize his dreams, it
all came crashing down. There's no evidence his bishop made any
effort to embrace this young man in his darkest hour. On the contrary.
He quickly put him out-of-mind and out-of-sight by stripping him of
his priestly identity upon arrest. Didn't even wait for a conviction.
Just cut him loose and left him twisting in the wind. Some Christian
example eh. The bishop didn't bother apologizing for his own crucial
role in the whole affair. Shhhh! Somebody might notice. Pontius Pilate
would have been as proud of him as the Vatican likely was.
Fr. Windy isn't a pervert, a thief or a murderer. He isn't an evil
person. A fool maybe for not suspecting something was up when he felt
that overwhelming need. An idiot perhaps for not immediately turning
to the police or his bishop at the first sign of blackmail. A bumpkin
surely for being so trusting of strangers. But young people are naive
by definition and notorious for doing foolish, idiotic things. We come
into this world utter helpless and totally ignorant, slowly building
ourselves from our experiences. Each a unique and highly complex mini-
universe. It is why we need each other - to regenerate and enhance the
Creation with overlapping waves of our ever-new shared experiences
and new perspectives creating an ever-greater understanding of it and,
thus, a deeper knowledge of the God who created it. It is the unique
assigned task for which God has equipped us. Trust Him. He knows what
He's doing. Young people are supposed to be naive and do stupid
things. It's part of His plan. Their family/friends/mentors are
supposed to help them survive the experience.
It seems obvious to me that Fr. Jeff was a victim not a perpetrator.
Victim of two psychotic muscle-heads who betrayed his friendship and
exploited his openness; of a soulessly ambitious and incompetent bishop
with the moral scruples of a used-car salesman; a weak judge who was
more worried about Media degagogues than her responsibility to blindly
dispense justice; a Media that put it's own aggenda ahead of fairness
and community safety; a Vatican whose lack of good citizenship in
failing to 'render unto Caesar' has deservedly incurred the hostility
of civil authorities; of a War on Drugs that generates addiction rather
than sobreity to justify its existence. But mostly, a victim of his own
innocence in trusting those who were unworthy of his trust. He rolled
right over when arrested, fully cooperated and hardly put up any fight
in court. For the prosecutor and the judge, it was a cakewalk. Nailing
him couldn't have been easier or simpler. He did all the hammering
himself. They took all the credit.
By Canon Law, he is a priest forever. Does the Peoria bishop have such
an excessive number of priests engaged in prison ministry that he can
casually throw away a priest who is inside? On what grounds wouldn't
Fr. Windy make an excellent priest as a prisoner? Christ was a prisoner
once too as were most of his apostles and as were many, many of the
Church's saints. It not only didn't negate their spirituality, it often
enhanced it. My guess is Fr. Windy would have far more credibility and
integrity with prisoners than any Seminary Boy or Prune-Faced Old Geezer
the bishop might send. A priest in prison who knows how to Pump Iron
would be a valuable asset indeed. Particularily one who has been
recently humbled by a major Reality Check. The Bad Boyz could identify
with a guy like that. He would be one with them in a way no outsider
ever could be.
The federal Bureau of Prisons locator webpage had no information on
Fr. Windy's whereabouts. But the other two guys involved were there
and listed as "In Transit". The bishop may have asked federal officers
to keep Jeff's location obscure to avoid Media attention. But sooner
or later they've got to park him somewhere, so keep an eye on:
Federal Bureau of Prisons
"Prisoner Locator" (Jeffrey J. Windy, male, age 31)
I don't know if he wants to hear from people on the outside, but he
could certainly use your prayers and perhaps a comforting and kind
word just to let him know he's not abandoned. Christ commanded us to
perform such acts of lovingkindness. If Jeff wants to talk to you he
will. Let it be his decision. The bishop doesn't want him referred
to as "Father". The bishop has already proven by his example that his
teachings are worthless. Feel free to ignore him. By God's own words
and Canon Law, Jeff will ALWAYS be a priest. He was chosen by a far
higher authority than any puny bishop. Use your best judgement and
let your conscience be your guide. Follow your heart. That's the
Catholic Way.
The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
it into Lutefisk.
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