__ _ / _|_ __ ___
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                         Another Foggy Moment

      These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
      of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
      Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
      cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
      another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

                     THIS AIN'T NO STINK'N BLOG

         WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
         If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
         punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
         the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
         Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
         89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                             - 198 -

 The baby salmon in U Dub's return pond are anxious to get on with it.
 Especially in the evenings, hundreds of them are jumping around. Some
 of the little buggers come shooting out of the water like bullets and
 land a foot or two away from where they began. The red-wing blackbirds
 in the bamboo grove next to the pond disappeared a couple weeks ago.
 But those cranky old herons are still poaching the shallows. No problem
 fitting their long beaks through the mesh. Though it is becoming more
 of a problem getting their salmon baby through the holes as the babies 
 grow larger. 
 U Dub Hatchery

 One morning as I stood by the pond, three mallards - a female and two
 males - flew in and landed on top of the net. On the second bounce, the 
 female accidently went through the only sizeable hole in the whole thing. 
 Boy was she surprised! As she aimlessly paddled around inside quacking 
 in great panic, the two guy ducks were desperately hopping around above, 
 trying to keep up with her. It looked hilarious. I'm sure she got a 
 bellyful of salmon before the pond people cut her loose. 

 The swallows have been back for a couple weeks. They especially like 
 it down by Husky Stadium near the lake where there are plenty of bugs. 
 And the ospreys have disappeared from their usual resting spot in the
 trees at the eastern entrance to Montlake Cut. The new leaves made it
 hard enough for them to find the branches and then along came the human 
 turmoil of Regatta Week. They were outta there. They'll be back in the
 fall when the leaves drop.

 Big 'ol Drumheller Fountain remains fenced in as it has since they
 drained and cleaned it back in November. It could be re-named Ken 
 & Herman's Memorial Garbage Dump. There's all sorts of trash in 
 there as people chuck their old coffee cups and whatever over top of 
 the fence. Nature ain't the only one who abhors a vacumn. People around
 here just can't seem to restrain themselves when they encounter a big,
 empty contained bowl. They gotta throw something into it. Forget calling
 Ken and Herman. They're a waste of time. Lacking a President at the
 moment, try chewing on the Board of Regents ass:
 U Dub Board of Regents

 Canuk writer Margaret Atwood's going to be at the U Dub Bookstore 
 flogging her new book next week. 
 Margaret's Personal Webpage


 A week from tomorrow will be the 92nd Anniversary of the opening of
 old Union Station on Jackson Street. Through it's doors have passed
 the likes of baseball legends Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio; performers 
 like Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Jack Benny working the old vaudeville 
 circuit; Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding (shortly 
 before succumbing to some bad Seattle sushi) and untold thousands of
 Phillipino, Japanese and Chinese immigrants. They had a special
 waiting room for the immigrants just below the beautiful big one on
 the main level. They stuck them down with the baggage. Even put up
 a 'visitor's gallery' so those bored with waiting could amuse themselves
 by watching the unwashed Asian masses below. 

 Now days the old immigrant waiting-room/baggage-area is occupied by
 Sound Transit bean-counters. Nearly abandoned when the last train
 pulled out in the 70's, Union Station seemed doomed as she sat empty
 then became home to a tacky bazaar for small-time crafts people. Then
 Paul Allen snatched it up cheap for a song, completely refurbished it
 back to nearly-original condition and now rents it out to ST for a 
 buck a year. He may be a jerk but the law-of-averages works as well
 for jerks as anybody else - sooner or later they screw up and do
 something right. Now if only he could get the trains rolling again,
 I might have grounds for changing my opinion of him.


 Is the phony SARS epidemic over the hump or is it still running
 amuck? Nobody seems to know. Some scientists seem upset that they
 have hardly had an opportunity to milk this Golden Cow before
 everybody hurriedly tries to trot it back to the barn. From phony
 panic in China to bizarre over-reaction at western borders, it's
 just one stupid thing after another. 

 Our News Nazis have made mindless fear into a form of recreation. 
 A cynically entertaining way for them to get their rocks off scaring 
 the crap out of the stupid and gullible. That's the bottom-line in 
 this SARS thing: the Media's ability to manufacture panic from pure,
 baseless vapor. It makes all those ignorant Arts Majors feel important  
 to yank everybody's wire occasionally.

 Whatever happened to that West Nile Virus everybody was in a panic
 over last year? Did the FBI ever catch the crazy anthrax killer?
 Both just magically evaporated, never to be heard about again. One
 day a heinous threat to public health; the next day, a distant

 Too bad people don't get this excited about the starvation and
 world hunger that daily takes thousands of lives, mostly infants. 
 But then that genuinely is a serious problem and worse - it would 
 be easy to cure: just give them some food to eat. No titillating
 fear or obscene pharmaceutical profits in that.


 That's the name of the Gestapo training exercise around Seattle this
 week. They were pretending a 'dirty nuke' went off in SoDo. At best, 
 it's an expensive Dog and Pony Show put on to make us think they're 
 doing something useful when, if fact, they're just screwing the pooch 
 on our dime. At worst, it's an elaborate lie and a cruel hoax.

 If a real 'dirty nuke' were to go off anywhere in Hooterville and the
 locals knew what happened, chaos and panic would prevail. Every road
 outta here would be solid gridlock with people in a crazy rush to 
 escape the city. The cops would have their hands full just trying to
 keep emergency routes open, never mind trying to figure out who set it
 off.  And that's charitably assuming they don't drop their donuts and
 hit the road themselves. A more likely scenario, since we've got the 
 most cowardly cops in America.

 Logically they would not tell us such a thing occurred. That's what
 happened when the Three Mile Island nuke-power plant nearly melted
 down - they just lied about it. "Nothing to worry about folks, just a 
 routine, if impressive, industrial accident. Ignore it and go about 
 your business as usual." Sure it would expose many thousands of people 
 to radioactive effects who wouldn't otherwise have been exposed and 
 vastly increasing the death-toll, but so what? It would temporarily 
 prevent panic and allow the Big People to escape first. Their well
 being would be the top priority. Women-and-children-first has been
 replaced by Bureaucrats-and-Rich-Bastards-first.

 Our News Nazis would likely cop to the situation early-on and go 
 to pre-recorded programming as they desert the ship too. At that 
 point confusion would be the norm. Nobody would know what the hell
 was going on. When armed National Guardsmen in Rad Suits start to
 appear at the intersections to protect the banks and businesses
 from looting, the jig will be up. That great WOOSHing sound will
 be three million people all trying to evacuate metro Seattle at
 once By Any Means Necessary. In the background the Emergency 
 Broadcast System voice will be mechanically droning "Everything 
 is under control. Do not panic. Everything is under control. Do 
 not panic. Everything is..."

 Also left out of this little charade are the hospitals suddenly 
 swamped with tens of thousands of people with rad sickness. They 
 would not even vaguely be able to cope with those numbers. A lot 
 of doctors and nurses would be in with the deserters, contributing 
 to a severe staff shortage as well. And of course, they would not
 be immune to the effects of radiation themselves.

 It would be mass insanity and mega-death. To pretend otherwise is
 the sheerest of follies and cruelest of delusions. And, needless
 to say, Hooterville would be unliveable for many years into the 
 future. No coming back to get your stuff or bury your dead, unless 
 you wanna die. I guess they'd have to put a fence or a wall around 
 it to keep people out...or in...as the case may be. 

 'Dirty Nukes' don't have to produce nuclear explosions. They could be
 as simple as a conventional explosive designed to disperse plutonium
 hither and yon. The most toxic substance known to science, it takes
 very little plutonium to wipe out a large city. A pound or two would
 be gross overkill which, if projected far enough up into the atmosphere,
 could spread at least regional death if not national body counts. Far 
 less than that goes missing from nuke plants in America alone every 
 year. And there are many substitutes for plutonium that can also get
 the job done.
 Not to forget that other terrorism exercise - "Vigilant Guardian". 
 The one the Pentagoon was conducting to test its preparedness in 
 the event of terrorists highjacking an airliner and ramming it into 
 an office building. The one that was held on 9/11/01.


 In the past year, Bill Gates Sr. has been conducting an orchestrated
 campaign to flog himself as a humanitarian. After spending a lifetime
 whoring for corporations and helping them slime their way out of their
 responsibilities to their employees, customers and neighbors, leaving
 a trail of broken promises and broken lives, he's now trying to morph
 himself into a Good Guy. Not with his own money of course. He is a
 lawyer afterall. He's using his son's money. But then it's highly
 unlikely his son would be where he is today without Daddy's professional
 help. Perhaps billg really is a computer nerd. Who knows? But there's
 no doubt at all that Daddy was a hot shot corporate lawyer with the
 biggest/baddest corporate lawfirm in town. A man who knew precisely 
 how to legally screw people up the kaboose. The kind of guy who would 
 know all the legal-theft scams that made M$ what it is today. That
 success is due far more to Daddy's behind-the-scenes legal chicanery 
 than to billg's imaginary computer skills or his non-existent 
 salesmanship. Billg and Paula were just along for the ride. And now 
 Daddy wants a little lime-light for himself before he kicks off.
 Screw the phony old bastard.


 We are no strangers to isolationism. Prior to our post-WW2 ascension
 to the World Throne, we were a people who were notorious for minding
 our own business, as much to the consternation of domestic politicos
 as to the relief of foreign tyrants. We had our adventures, certainly, 
 but they were anomalies that enjoyed little popular support. President 
 Wilson had to lie his ass off to get us into WW-I. President Roosevelt 
 had to set-up the Pearl Harbor attack to trick us into WW-II. In both
 cases, we went reluctantly and returned home vowing never to get
 schnookered again.

 We explored the idea of World Domination after WW-II when we were one
 of the few nations left intact. But even James Bond was English, not
 American, and the effort wasn't entirely whole-hearted. The Vietnamese
 taught us a major lesson in that department. We militarily and politically 
 'defeated' them many times, but they kept rising out of nowheres to kick 
 our asses once again. Just as will likely happen in Iraq. Most of the 
 process is invisibly concealed in the shadows unseen by our News Nazis 
 and CIA while conducted in foreign tongues not understood by our News 
 Nazis or CIA. But the body-bags returning home with Little Billy in them 
 were as real as a heart-attack. No Media or government lies could make 
 them disappear. As will happen once again. We schnooker easily. We're 
 Country Bumpkins at heart, afterall. 

 And so it went until recently. They've been trying to trick us into
 foreign entanglements but we just ain't been game. Ronny Ray-Gun's
 invasion of some forgettable Carribean island was a military joke. 
 Yellowbelly's Daddy's invasion of Kuwait was a debacle. President Bubba 
 Jay's botching of Somalia and Haiti were only exceeded by his Wimpy 
 bombing campaigns in Bosnia and Iraq. 

 Then came 9/11 - the first time in over two centuries that our guardians
 were so asleep at the switch that an enemy was able to carry out a
 sustained attack on our very soil. The Kaiser failed to do so in WW-I;
 Hitler and the Japanese Emperor failed to do so in WW-II; Chairman Mao
 failed to do so during the Korean War and Ho Chi Minh failed to do so
 during the Vietnam War. Even the nefarious Rooskies of Cold War fame
 never so much as laid a hand on us here at home. 

 Much as Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was a trick to lure us into 
 foreign adventures. Yellowbelly too knew it was coming just as FDR 
 knew Pearl was coming. And both cleverly buried any thought of 
 investigations in the general Whoop Up For War that immediately 
 followed. FDR, being an intelligent man without moral scruples, was 
 so effective at concealing his Pearl Harbor chicanery that he never 
 was questioned. Yellowbelly, being a Monkey Boy incapable of even 
 spelling 'scruples', has failed to shake it off and is in constant 
 danger of having his 9/11 betrayal revealed.

 So here we are in a most peculiar situation. While our News Nazis and
 pols whoop it up for foreign adventure, the vast and overwhelming wash
 of Americans are decidedly far more interested in just minding their
 own business. The only enthusiasm for Yeller's stinky TWAT is at the
 top. There is no enthusiasm for it at all down in the trenches. A vast
 gap seperates the isolationism of the Grassroots from the official 
 Apparatus' imperialistic snatching at other nations property. Only
 the body-bags of willing volunteers have quietly returned home so far
 and nobody is leaning on us to pay for TWAT - yet. When that changes,
 as it most certainly will have to, the Official Fantasy will become
 unsustainable. Once again we will come to the shocking discovery that
 we've been lied to. Once again we will vow "Never again!". But there
 will always be another time. There always is. There's a sucker born 
 here every minute as PT Barnum used to proudly say.


 As America continues to bleed jobs like a stuck pig fattened for the
 slaughter, those who still have jobs are facing an even deeper crisis:
 retirement. The young will likely live long enough to get another job.
 The old haven't got time to work up another pension.

 We have a serious pension crisis. Forget the many thousands of
 suckers who lost their 401(k) shirts in the recent stock-market
 nose-dive and are now having to recoup their losses singlehanded as
 their employers quietly drop contributing their half. They fell for
 it and now they're paying the price. Any fool knows you don't bet
 your pension on insider-run gambling scams like the stock-market
 and horse-races.

 In addition, half of our 32,000 traditional pension-funds run by 
 employers are now seriously underfunded, thanks to our Congressional
 Whores allowing employers to defer making their contributions during
 our recently departed Boom Times. Boom Times have turned to Bust, as
 they always do, and now many employers can't afford to both stay
 afloat and make up for the pension contributions they previously
 skipped. It's you or them. An easy choice: you lose.

 Rubbing salt into the wound, the Federal agency established to 
 pick up the slack from employers who've defaulted on their pension
 obligations, is itself on the verge of bankruptcy. They've already
 begun reducing the amounts paid out to the unfortunates who are
 relying on them. That ain't working so they'll soon likely have to
 discontinue operations completely. What happens to the unfortunate
 recipients whose pensions are on the line? Who knows? Who cares?
 Congress is utterly disinterested in their fate. Unions couldn't care 
 less about retired members - they ain't paying dues anymore. And Uncle 
 Sammy has his hands full fighting off the imaginary Booger Men hiding 
 under his bed.

 Now, the same Congressional Whores who created this mess are moving 
 to remove as much of the onerous pension burden as possible from 
 their corporate benefactors. A provision in a new House pension bill 
 will compassionately allow companies that employ blue-collar workers 
 to substantially reduce their retirement obligations.

 Blue-collar American workers don't live as long as white-collar workers.
 That's not an opinion, that's an actuarial fact. The new scam...errr...
 scheme developed by Congressman Portman (R-OH) and Congressman Cardin 
 (D-MD) would take advantage of that fact to allow employers not to pay
 as much into the pensions of blue-collar workers on the assumption that
 their sweaty employees will kick the bucket earlier. Those pension funds
 will be permanently under-funded from here on out.

 You've gotta ask: where in the hell are the frik'n unions? They should
 be leading the charge and instead seem largely uninterested in the
 welfare of their membership. 


     No one owns life. But anyone with a frying pan owns death.

                    - William S. Burroughs -


                        'OL YELLER'S TWAT
                 (aka The War Against Terrorism)

 Local Media Zit Queen and famous War Hero, Ken Shram, sure put those
 whinny Viet Nam Vets in their place. After they bitched about Kenny's
 hallucinagenic premature-ejaculation over our returning Iraq Muggers, 
 he effectively told them to shut up and 'get over it'. Now there 's 
 REAL respect for vets. I wouldn't be surprised if he spends Memorial 
 Day pissing on the graves of our Vietnam War dead.

 What a sight! Our Coward King flying onto the Abe Lincoln in a baby
 jet. Not an A-10 mind you. He couldn't handle that. But the irony
 of this draft-dodging Weasel who skipped out on his Vietnam service
 pretending he's a soldier now is a bit much. Too bad he didn't have
 the balls to do his part back when this country needed  his help.
 It reminded me of Mike Dukakis tooling around in that tank though
 Monkey Boy certainly got far more sympathetic treatment from our 
 News Nazis.

 Considering that he doesn't even pay those dumbasses a living wage; 
 that he has such contempt for their well-being as to ignore even the 
 legally mandated health-safeguards; that he recently screwed our
 disabled vets out of most of their care/treatment money; you really 
 gotta wonder why none of them had the balls to poke him in the eye. 
 He's a coward - he won't retaliate. Apparently they're just as gutless 
 as he is. Those Pussies don't even stand up for their own kind.

 Meanwhile, back on the Ranch...

 The World's Biggest Asshole has created the World's Biggest Mess in
 Iraq. Our vastly over-rated army of pooch-screwers are proving to be 
 just as lousy at policing as they were at warrioring. Armed gangs
 continue to rule Baghdad looting and killing at will while our 
 military nervous nellies hide in their little compounds shooting at
 anything that moves near their perimeter fence. Too chicken to
 come out and do their job. At least with our new Won't-Ask-Don't-Tell
 army they don't have to worry about getting Poontang. They likely
 prefer one another's company anyways. I'm sure they've got lots of

 The thousands of injured civilians our invasion created still are
 not getting medical attention. Hospitals complain there is no
 security to prevent looting of their medications or even to ensure
 the safety of their staff and patients. With all the time we had
 to prepare for this, we got little to show for the effort. No
 American occupation has ever been as seriously bungled as this one
 has. Those who survived their liberation are beginning to wonder
 if maybe having a home-grown Thug running the show wasn't preferable
 to having a bunch of retarded Americans doing the honors.

 The senile old drunk they fished out of the dumpster to administer
 this Dog and Pony Show doesn't appear to have the vaguest idea what
 he's doing. If he'd lay off the wine and sober up for a few days
 maybe he'd get enough of a clue to at least begin addressing some
 of the serious problems the liberated Iraqis now face thanks to us. 
 Instead, he wanders around telling everybody it's his birthday as
 he's chauffeured about in his Armored Personnel Carrier. He'd get
 his head blown off if he tried walking around his new empire.

 Where are the vast hordes of chemical and biological weapons that
 Wolfy and the rest of Rummy's Bitches said were there? Zip. Where 
 is the nuclear weapons program that supposedly was so advanced that
 it had already produced a few nukes? Nada. The whole thing was a
 lie right from the get-go. A deliberate, calculated lie. Why are
 those people still collecting paychecks from Uncle Sammy? At the
 very least they should be fired for stupidity. And they certainly
 deserve to be brought up on charges for their fraudulent behavior.
 The same people who make funny noises about Support The Troops,
 turn their back on these bastards who caused the deaths of so many
 of their precious soldiers. What's that bullshit all about?

 We invade this country, slaughter off thousands, leave tens of 
 thousands more short of death, destroy their national infrastructure,
 allow looters to walk off with historical treasures that belong to
 all of humanity. And for what? Did they threaten us? Nope. Did they
 even possess the means to threaten us? Nope. Did they take part in
 9/11? Not a single Iraqi. Then why in the hell did we do this
 obscene thing? More significantly, why don't we have enough common
 moral sense to be ashamed of ourselves?

 The rest of the world knows the score: if you ain't got nukes, you
 better get some or Sammy will kick in your door, rape your wife, 
 kill your kids and steal everything you got. He ain't the World's 
 Cop anymore; he's just a common, ordinary Junkie looking for somebody 
 helpless to roll so he can score another hit. Our former friends have 
 copped to the scene and are rapidly cutting us out of their financial 
 and security action. It's already cost thousands of Americans their 
 paychecks and the evacuation has only begun. Our Dollar's dropping 
 like a rock. Mr. Greenspan says that will make us more competitive. 
 Pshaw! We consume, we don't produce. That's why we've got that huge
 whopping balance-of-trade deficit. Duh! Aside from your haircut, 
 what else you got that's Made in the U.S.A.? 

 China's the Next Big Thing. Fueled by tons of Trans-National
 Corporate Loot, while America and Europe join Japan's recessionary
 economy, the Chinese economy is growing like Gang-Busters. And they
 don't have to diddle the numbers to look good like Uncle Sammy does. 
 Labor's so cheap there that even the Mexicans can't compete with 
 them. But with the government supplying everything from health care
 to mass transit, they don't need a lot of discretionary cash. With
 four of them for every American, as they accumulate money to spend, 
 they can easily surpass us as consumers. Chinese like Stuff almost
 as much as they like gold.
 Uncle Sammy's starting to resemble a big rhinoserous: all armor
 and no brains. Maybe the People's Army will hire us out to fight 
 their wars for them. We'll come cheap by then.


 Man's unhappiness stems from his inability to sit quietly in his room.

                             - Pascal -

                        -  MONDO VATICANO -

 Pope Ratso the First (aka Cardinal Ratzinger of the Holy Inquisition) 
 wheeled his old Pollock out the door and off to sunny Spain this week. 
 The Vatican Spinmeisters cranked out the usual malarchy about millions 
 of adoring fans turning up to cop a peek at the Pollock. Fact is, the 
 crowds continue to be down substantially. Who wants to see a drooling 
 old semi-corpse being held up by some thug? Looking pretty much like 
 death-warmed-over, you gotta wonder if anybody will even notice once 
 he does croak. Ratso and the rest of the Curia Queens could drag JP-2's 
 dead carcass around the world for the next couple decades without 
 anyone being the wiser. If they had any decency or brains at all,
 they would stick him in a retirement home so the Church can get on
 with its business under a functional leader.


 Mother Theresa's girls came out with an official denial about a 
 supposed death-bed prophesy she was said to have made. A Carmelite 
 nun was spreading it on the Internet. If, as some allege, this nun
 is not a Carmelite, it should be a simple matter for the Carmelites
 to quickly clear it up. After reading it I really had to wonder why 
 they bothered. It was the usual unimaginative apocalyptic nonsense 
 featuring the Four Horsemen and The Beast. But the timeline was all 
 screwy. It had Saddam being assassinated by an Iranian (The Beast) 
 and many other such 'mistakes' uncorrectable by even the most 
 imaginative interpretation.

 My initial reaction to any prophetic and/or miraculous visions is
 to snicker in disbelief. Anyone whose faith is so weak that they
 need that kind of garbage to reinforce it really ain't got much
 faith worth having. They're little more than superstitious peasants.

 You want miracles? Look around you. Everything natural that you can
 see is a miracle. None of it can be explained to any meaningful
 degree by modern science. From trees to squirrels to birds to the
 skies above, we live inside a functioning miracle. We don't know
 how this Creation began and we have little idea how it manages to
 sustain and maintain itself. How much more of a miracle do you 
 need? It directly reflects the God who created it. It is a living
 Bible revealing that God's persona. And the only obstacle to 
 grasping it's Truths is your ignorance. We were clearly intended
 to probe those Truths and seek them out. No other creature is
 so equipped to do so.


 The touring women priests has come off pretty well. The crowds 
 were apparently quite small (a hundred or so) wherever they went
 but they explained their priesthood and, more importantly, 
 exercised it: they said Mass wherever they went. The Vatican's 
 opinion of them is irrelevant. The Vatican is 'yesterday'; the 
 women priests are 'tomorrow'. This version of the Magisterium 
 has rendered itself irrelevant with its corruption and perversity.
 In effect, Roma has excommunicated itself.  The Magisterium has 
 transferred itself, temporarily, from the Vatican to the Body of 
 the Church - sincere clergy and lay Catholics. That is where it 
 obviously can now be found.


 Australian Prime Minister John Howard really seems to have a knack
 for sticking his foot in it - whatever 'it' might be lying about.
 From his botching of Australia's immigrant problem to his blowing
 off his electorate over America's recent mugging of Iraq - if 
 there's some doo-doo to step in, John manages to do a belly-flop
 in it.
 His choice for Governor-General resigned this week after being
 accused of a rape from four decades ago. I'm not sure why the time
 should be such an issue. Rape is rape no matter how long ago it
 occurred. Rapists rarely exchange ID with their victims so identity
 can often be difficult. That a picture triggered the memory isn't
 unusual. That the slimebag thought he could pull strings to escape
 justice is pretty standard Modus for people like that. Ultimately,
 one has to trust the judgement of our justice systems. That this
 guy short-circuited the process by ducking out early, is suspicious
 in itself. 
 The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
 ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
 I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
 I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
 on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
 it into Lutefisk.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 (My mailbox is so stuffed with death-threats and spam
 that I can rarely bring myself to look at it. Don't
 expect immediate responses.)
 ARCHIVE: https://www.angelfire.com/nb/afm