__ _ / _|_ __ ___
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                         Another Foggy Moment

      These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
      of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
      Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
        cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
      another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

                      THIS AIN'T NO STINK'N BLOG

         WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
         If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
         punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
         the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
         Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
         89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                              - 210 -

 Passing through U Dub's Quad about 9:30 Saturday night I noticed
 a bright star-like thingee traveling from west to east half up
 the northern sky. It was no aircraft. It was the International 
 Space Station. Low in the northeast, it suddenly blinked out like 
 a light as it passed into the Earth's shadow. Science Officer
 Ed Lu, one of the American crew-members presently aboard, is 
 keeping an infrequent blog of sorts. 

 Which reminds me: this coming Saturday at Green Lake Park, the
 Seattle Astronomical Society will probably have some telescopes
 set up in their usual spot at the north end of the lake just west 
 of the little theatre. They've been doing it for years on the 
 first Saturday night after First Quarter moon. No matter how
 cloudy the night, they can usually at least still pull in the

 The berries are starting to ripen nicely. It's still a bit early
 for most of them but I've managed to snatch the occasional fat,
 juicy one. In some low-lying spots between hills, they are still 
 little green nuggets. That recent spate of hot weather should have
 hastened the harvest a bit.

 With The Ave open again for the first time in nearly two years, the
 City is throwing a party. All indications are: nobody's interested.
 Only a few of the stores and shops on The Ave have put a party sign
 up in their window. They really got kicked in the teeth by this
 dumbass City Hall move. Many were forced out of business while the
 rest hung on by their fingernails during construction when customers
 had a hard time getting to their business. I got in the habit of
 shopping elsewhere, like up on 65th and Roosevelt and down at 
 University Village. The stores are much larger, the selection's 
 way better and the prices often much lower. The Ave was/is rapidly 
 becoming full of overpriced junk shops and hordes of Asian fast-food
 joints all with virtually identical menues. There's only one burger
 joint left and no place where you can get something as exotic as
 a BBQ chicken. The renovation was superficial and benefited only 
 Merlino Construction Company plus whatever City Engineers he's 
 keeping on his second set of books. Aside from temporarily looking
 a little cleaner, The Ave otherwise looks exactly the same as it
 did before the 'improvements'.

 Hoy! Hoy! Hoy! Passing one of the big frat houses on a Friday night
 what did I hear blaring out of their sound system? that new Punjabi
 radio station on 1180 AM! That stuff ain't folk music, baby. It's
 serious ass-kicking music. You won't hear drums like that anywhere
 else. A few US rappers have joined up to make a strange and very
 wicked sounding hybrid Punjab Hip-Hop as well.  

 A week after appearing in Seattle against Manchester United, the Bhoys 
 of Glasgow Celtic played a Champions Cup game in Lithuania against 
 Kaunas and won by the same score by which Manchester beat them: 4-0. 
 They're moving up into the money rounds now. As soon as they can fly
 out of Lithuania. Their pilot aborted his take-off at the last second
 when his airspeed indicator went dead. They were supposed to play a
 friendly against Arse this weekend and instead will be cooling their
 heels in Lithuania waiting for the replacement sensor.


 I don't read seattle.general. It's probably the only newsgroup on 
 the Internet in which the spam is more interesting than 99% of the 
 crap that the local retards post there. AFM is put there strictly 
 for distribution/archival purposes. I'm often told its the only 
 thing worth reading on s.g. A sure indication of how seriously bad
 the situation really is.

 There's an email address at the end if you really feel the need to
 say something to me. But unless you got a pile of Dough to offer, 
 don't expect a quick reply. I like Lurkers who just read and leave 
 it at that. I'm not interested in winning any popularity contests, 
 I don't require encouragement, I'm immune to discouragement and 
 have no interest whatsoever in becoming another Buck Sucking Great
 American Author. Oh yeah...and I don't need any new friends. I got
 plenty of friends already, thanks anyways.

 If you find AFM offensive then you're likely one of those cowards who 
 keeps a killfile. I never have used killfiles myself, but to accomodate 
 the gutless twerps who do, I always use the exact same email address. 

 BTW - the webpage version of AFM often has links. Newsreaders are too 
       diverse and flakey to allow such a thing.


 I was standing in line at the bank last week when the guy behind me
 struck up a conversation with the guy in front of me. They apparently
 knew one another. The guy behind me was a young, athletic-looking
 fella with that clean-cut, shaved-head "brutal look" so popular amongst 
 young guys nowadays. He practically had "ex-military" tatooed on his 
 forehead. And indeed, one of the first things he mentioned was the fact 
 he had been in the military. The other one was a short, balding, lumpy 
 (but respectible looking) old  guy from a Foreign Land who didn't seem 
 to know a lot of English. That's okay. It was a one-sided conversation 

 The young ex-military guy, immediately after saying hello, for some 
 unknown reason, launched into this most remarkable rant, saying stuff 
 like: "This ain't like any of the other times. Those people in the 
 Middle East aren't going to stop until they've destroyed us." and 
 "Those idiots in Washington have screwed up everything. They've
 made a mess out of our economy and got everybody in the world pissed
 off at us. America's going down this time. We're living on borrowed 
 time. I'm ex-military. I know what I'm talking about." I guess it 
 was weighing heavily on his mind and he just had to get it out. He 
 sounded genuinely upset but he wasn't yelling or anything. He just 
 spoke in measured, forceful, matter-of-fact tones. And he seemed 
 like the kind of guy who wasn't used to having his word questioned.

 The older guy just kind of looked confused. He likely came from a place 
 where it wasn't safe to talk politics in public and his instincts told 
 him to keep his mouth shut. What with the FBI now interrogating people
 for reading and saying marginally critical things about President
 Yellowbelly's TWAT, it was likely a wise move. He could have found
 himself on a flight back to wherever he came from, on very short 
 notice and with no chance of appeal, if he'd have seemed sympathetic 
 to the rant.

 What made this guy's rant remarkable to me, was that it was the very 
 first time I've ever heard anyone publically, off-the-cuff, mention 
 ANYTHING - pro or con - about President Yellowbelly's TWAT. That it
 came from such a normal, straight-looking, no-nonsense guy, really 
 made it stick out. He's right - this truely is not like any of the 
 other times. And the dawning awareness that our solution is far worse
 than the problem it was meant to deal with, is beginning to seriously 
 scare people.


 Hide your sons, here comes the SeaFair fleet. The new 'Won't Ask, Don't
 Tell' Navy ain't interested in your daughters. What do you imagine them
 boys do out there for six months - play with sock puppets? Why do you
 think they stock up lots and lots of Vasoline? For water-proofing? Hell
 no! For lubrication. That's why even the Snipes never come topdecks. 
 They're afraid they might catch somebody's eye. Temporarily adopting 
 Gay sexual patterns is as common in the Navy as it is in our prison 
 system. They go hetero again when they get out. They just got nowhere
 else to put their natural urges while at-sea or in the Joint.

 Like all the rest of our military, the Navy likes to make a big macho
 thing about how much it hates homosexuals. Oh yeah? Then how in the
 world was a practicing homosexual officer allowed by his fellow Navy
 officers to walk after getting caught red-handed molesting and raping 
 young sailors? Not just once, but TWICE. I'm speaking of course of 
 Fr. Bob, the Navy's former Catholic Chaplain at the Hospital in 
 Bremerton. That's a pretty weird response from a bunch of guys who 
 claim to hate Queers. Kind of makes a person think many of them are 
 probably Gay too. Just covering for one another.

 The sound of the Blue Angels overhead means one thing to me: Abbotsford
 Air Show time! They've got a REAL airshow just over the Canuk border.
 It's BIG, international, diverse and very highly regarded. Unlike 
 Hooterville's operation, it isn't the same boring thing over and over
 again every year. And they aren't stupid enough to run their show over 
 top a major urban center. The odds are good that some fine day an Angel 
 will plow into a neighborhood and send it up in a holocost of aviation 
 fuel. It's just a question of when. It isn't like they haven't crashed 


 Secret Al Qaida operative George W. Yellowbelly's campaign to destroy 
 the Great Satan America is running on schedule. Installed through the 
 White House backdoor in a clever vote fraud scam implemented by under
 cover Al Qaida agents on the Supreme Court, he hit the ground running. 
 America's Boom Times were immediately brought to a crashing halt as he 
 sunk the nation into a deep, long-lasting recession with the helpful 
 assistance of Ayatollah Al at the Federal Reserve. Millions were thrown 
 out of work, production ground to a halt and corporations began battening 
 down the hatches in anticipation of the coming storm. Tales of the most 
 blatant corporate sleeze and greed flooded into the news daily as once 
 indominable world giants like Arthur Anderson disintegrated almost 
 overnight. He was off to a good start.

 As the first groundswell of discontent began to build, Plan A kicked in: 
 9/11. What was supposed to just be a spectacular symbolic attack on the 
 World Trade Center in New York City by two airliners, turned into a First 
 Class Jihad Strike when both towers unexpectedly collapsed. That wasn't 
 supposed to happen. But never underestimate shoddy American construction 
 work and the Hand of Allah. Jihad Warriors in key Pentagon positions, 
 ensured there would be no interference from the military during the 
 operation. As did other agents in America's intelligence community. Came 
 off like clockwork. The bribes involved were money well and wisely spent. 
 It proved that Americans truely would do ANYTHING for a Buck.

 Immediately he suspended America's ancient Constitution and Bill of Rights 
 with not a hint of complaint from anyone. Under any other circumstance, 
 such a move would have been unthinkable and impossible. The FBI, anxious 
 to cover its ass, began rounding up thousands of citizens and legal 
 immigrants of "Middle Eastern ethnicity" and throwing some, without charge 
 or legal defense, into secret prisons while summarily deporting others
 back to their former homeland. Not a peep of complaint out of our Courts, 
 the Media or any of the usual "bleeding heart Liberals". Even ACLU refused 
 to take up any cases involving these illegally detained people. Just as 
 it had refused to help any of the victims of Senator Joe McCarthy's 
 Communist Witch-hunt in the 50's. Again, Allah's Hand guided matters 
 and there were no hitches. In fact America had taken on a self-destructive 
 momentum of its own largely aided by its unquestioning, totally submissive 
 and easily-distracted Media.

 The whole attack was blamed on Al Qaida and Osama bin Laden though there 
 isn't a shred of proof to support the notion. Three years ago Secretary 
 of State Powell promised he'd provide proof. We're still waiting.

 In order to begin the process of economically destroying the Great Satan, 
 Agent Yellowbelly ordered billions in reparations be paid to America's 
 greedy airlines for the business they lost during the empty-handed search 
 after 9/11. The search itself had been a waste of time and failed to turn 
 up a single lead of further attacks, suspected terrorists or anything 
 else of value. All it really accomplished was to throw the commercial
 enterprises that depended on airtravel into total chaos for a month.

 Continuing his economic attack, he invented a vast, duplicious, useless 
 new government agency whose only purpose was to suction up huge quantities 
 of tax revenues - Homeland Security. Despite the title of its name - Defense 
 Department - no one dared suggest that the military's job was to defend the 
 Homeland. The name was just a fossil left over from the days when it 
 actually did make an effort to defend America.

 As a further enhancement, even as he was pumping up the federal bureaucracy
 to never before seen dimensions, he started passing out tax-cuts to the
 wealthiest of Americans. Federal tax revenues had already been reduced
 to 50-year lows and the tax-cuts decreased them even further. National
 debt, predictably, began to bloat to historically high levels. Not a peep
 out of anyone from Congress to the Media. They didn't dare say anything.

 A costly and pointless revenge assault was launched on the tiny, impoverished 
 nation of Afghanistan. The only Afghani involved in 9/11 was a commercial 
 agent who died as one of the victims of the attack. An occupation was put 
 into place and has been slowly disintegrating ever since due to increasing 
 Afghani resistance from the supposedly no longer existing Taliban.

 A Death Camp was established at the Naval base on Gitmo Island in Cuba 
 where prisoners of war are illegally kept in metal animal cages and 
 subjected to various forms of torture and medical experimentation. Military 
 tribunals in which the accussed is illegally denied legal defense were 
 empowered with full authority to execute whomever they pleased. Not a 
 peep out of the UN, the World Court or the Europeans here either.

 To destroy the Great Satan's credibility and Good Name amongst its friends, 
 Agent Yellowbelly then launched official verbal attacks on some of America's 
 oldest allies, accusing them of cowardice and disloyalty. France, the nation 
 that offered the American Revolutionaries millions of dollars of aid and half 
 a million troops in their fight against Britain, were dismissed as gutless 
 Frogs. Germany, who had allowed a massive US military presence on its soil 
 for decades, was sloughed off as Krauts and Surrender Monkies. He lashed out 
 wildly and irrationally at all of America's best friends turning them 
 almost overnight into adversaries, if not new enemies.

 The crowning moment came with the launching of Plan B: the Mugging of Iraq. 
 Another massive and grossly expensive new military campaign was launched 
 against the Infidel Saddam, America's former friend. Yeller's agents were 
 sent around the world and told to lie their asses off to every potential 
 ally they could find, in an effort to further estrange America from its 
 friends. It worked like a charm. From the UN to Europe to Canada, everyone 
 turned their backs on the Great Satan. The entire cost in dollars and blood 
 had to be borne by America alone. Obviously the purpose of the whole exercise 
 was simply to steal Iraq's oil. No one else was willing to help the Great 
 Satan in his theivery. And all were universally insulted by his lies.

 And here we are today: the Great Satan's legal underpinnings have been 
 obliterated, his name sullied and despoiled amongst his friends, his economy 
 in a Death Spin with millions thrown out of work, his formerly indominable 
 American Dollar sinking ever deeper, his national debt at never before 
 seen levels, his bureaucracy swollen with the bloat and rot of corruption 
 and incompetence, and a global community that now looks upon him as the 
 World's Biggest Asshole. 

 A kind of mass-insanity and irrationality has overtaken events. It's the 
 delerium that preceeds the Great Satan's fall from power. Sick with fear, 
 the Beast has begun to panic as it senselessly lashes out in its pain.

 The Final Blow will come soon in the form of a "Surprise". As reluctant 
 as Americans have become to fall for Yellowbelly's never-ending stream of 
 lies, there are ways of forcing them back into line. The America that 
 emerges from The Surprise won't resemble anything that has preceeded it. 
 It's buildings and people will be intact, but it's heart and soul will 
 be wrenched out by the roots. The Beast will be reduced to a Zombie -
 the walking dead. Another sad victim of suicide. Selah.


 Last week the USDA came out with interesting numbers on computer 
 use and Net access on our farms. Generally speaking, most farms
 now have access to computers but less than half have Net access.
 It reflects the not often mentioned fact that the Net is primarily
 an urban phenomena with access much more restricted in rural areas.
 If you've ever lived out in the country and tried to get access, 
 you know what I mean. Or worse, you end up having to use some
 braindead, rip-off operation like AOL, that's guaranteed to make 
 you wish you never heard of the Net.

 Washington state came close to leading the pack in computer use
 and Net access a few years ago. But many of the slackers from 
 that time have now surged ahead of us while our numbers have
 stayed stagnant. The Hillbilly States in the south were among
 the most backward then and have posted the biggest gains since.
 Though Mississippi and Georgia have only improved marginally.
 The top farm states for computers and the Net are, strangely 
 enough, Iowa and Montana. 

 Even with the improvement, few farmers use their computers and
 Net connections to conduct farm business. The numbers are all
 single digit. Those farmboys must be using their Net connections
 to Surf for porn eh. 


 After listening to the MetroTransit radio frequencies for a while 
 I think I've figured out the REAL reason why Metro hung onto to 
 those electrics - most of the retards they got for drivers would
 get lost if they didn't have a wire to follow. Every day it's a
 continuous litany of idiots making wrong turns, missing their turn
 off or just wandering way the hell off course. One jughead who was
 supposed to be in Bellevue called in from Newcastle wondering why
 he didn't see any bus-stops any more. Sound Transit is the only
 outfit around here that's worse. They get all the rejects from
 MetroT - trickle down stupidity.

 The ones who really slay me are those who think they're clever. Like
 the driver who called in conspiratorially confiding to the dispatcher
 that he 'heard a rumor' that a passenger who just got off his bus
 tripped and strained his ankle. He said one of the other passengers
 told him about it. He didn't see anything himself and couldn't say
 for sure if it was true. Obviously he did, and instead of seeing if
 the poor schmuck needed any help, just drove off leaving him lying
 on the sidewalk. He seemed to imagine that in case the ingrate turned
 around and sued the County, this call would make it appear that the
 injury was faked. He seemed stupid enough to think he was cleverly
 saving MetroT tons of messy legal hassles. Screw the passengers. The 
 dispatcher was just kind of flummoxed. Like, what in the hell could 
 he possibly say to that moron that he would understand?

 Most of their drivers are part-timers. This month they're driving
 a bus; next month they'll be back to dumpster-diving and bumming
 spare change at the Interstate exits. The old days of full-timers
 with some semblence of professionalism are long gone. Like most of
 the money-saving schemes dreamt up by the Space Cadets who run MetroT
 it ends up costing more. Like the fare-increase to a Buck and change. 
 The fare boxes suck up Bucks, no problemo. But they often clog up
 with change. And when they do - everybody rides for free. Except
 the taxpayers who pick up the lost revenues tab. Doh! Heaven only
 know how much the 'fare-increase' has cost MetroT. Our News Nazis,
 of course, would never be so rude as to ask.

 Oh well...it's reassuring whenever I listen in like that. It makes
 me ever so grateful I'm not at their mercy any more. No matter how
 bad the traffic sucks around here, it couldn't possibly suck as
 bad as the buses.


 A growing number of people in India have a peculiar problem: they
 have been declared dead while still quite definitely alive. They
 refer to themselves as "The Living Dead". The usual cause for this
 situation is that a greedy relative has had them declared officially
 dead so they can grab their property and other assets. Older people
 are often ripped off by their kids, brothers, sisters and other
 close family members. An added complication is, that once they are 
 officially dead, they also lose all pensions and other entitlements.

 The real problem is with India's bureaucrats. They are amongst the
 most corrupt in the world. Not quite up to the standards of America's
 corrupt and incompetent bureucrats with their rip-off of the 
 Aboriginal Trust Fund for $160 BILLION Bucks, but close. Once you
 have been declared officially dead in India, it costs a small
 fortune in bribes to even get the appropriate bureaucrats to look
 at the possibility of correcting the mistake. Often, even after
 they are bought-off, they don't feel energetic enough to really 
 pursue the matter and require constant replenishment with more
 bribes to maintain their interest. Essentially, once they say 
 you're dead, you're as good as dead and might as well get used
 to the idea. And the greedy relatives? They get all your stuff.
 I'm sure a percentage goes to the cooperative bureaucrats too.


                          'OL YELLER'S TWAT
                  (aka The War Against Terrorism)

 And American blood continues to steadily drip...drip...drip in
 Iraq as the body-bags continue to flow home to heroic military

 Yellowbelly and his Screaming White House Nazis seemed a little
 confused this week. At the same time they announced heightening of
 security because of possible airline highjacking threats, they also
 announced to the Sky Marshals who fly the most threatened flights
 (overseas and cross-country flights) would no longer be needed. 
 Doh! There's an increased threat but they dump the guys who would 
 deal with it? Obviously the threat was bogus. Another phony alert.

 The CIA cranked out a new "Saddam" tape this week in their effort 
 to create the fantasy that the Iraqi Freedom Fighters are tied to
 the Coward of Baghdad. They are such an amateurish hack that no one
 outside of US News Nazis and the Goobers who listen to them, are
 taking them seriously. Saddam wasn't an ordinary Muslim let alone 
 a fervent Muslim. Muslims universally considered him as much of an  
 Infidel as President Yellowbelly. For him to be blubbering about 
 Jihads and martyrs is highly unlikely. Only an American would be 
 stupid enough fall for it. But like the man said: a sucker's born 
 every minute in this country. That's Yeller's 'edge'.

 Saddam and his boys are likely playing a game of croquet with Osama
 and his Little Lady at their new digs in the Caymans. Right where we
 put them. If that had actually been his sons there would have been
 DNA evidence to confirm their identities. The topic never even 
 came up. A US lab wouldn't have had an credibility anyways.

 The Pollocks sent a new crew of Commando Toilet Cleaners to help
 out in Iraq. The first of them should be shipping home in body-bags
 soon. The Nips are still uncomfortable with the idea of their guys
 getting shot at and haven't coughed up any warm bodies yet. And
 India isn't even vaguely interested in sending help - no matter
 how big Yeller's bribes are.

 I don't support our troops any more than I would support a Mugger
 holding a gun on someone. The Iraqis are in exactly the same
 position as a home-owner who gets awoken one night by crashing
 downstairs. On investigating, he finds himself staring down the
 barrel of a gun held on him by a mugger. He's not in a position
 to judge whether the guy is really a 'good guy at heart' or to
 sympathize with whatever dire circumstances drove the poor man
 to do this terrible thing to strangers. It being a simple matter
 of 'me or him' he can only think in terms of blowing the bastard's
 brains out before he gets his own brains blown out. Sympathy will
 have to come later.

 Our military are no different from muggers. They have no legal or
 moral right to be in Iraq. They rode in on a trail of lies from
 their Commander in Chief. They've done nothing to liberate the
 people of Iraq and have instead murdered, enslaved and humiliated
 them while stealing their oil. The Iraqi Freedom Fighters have 
 every legal and moral right in the world to kick American ass by 
 whatever means are available to them. It's called repelling an 
 invader - the highest duty of any real patriot. 

 Our military ain't American Heroes; they're American Cowards. They 
 ain't serving us or our interests; they're serving their own interests. 
 Their Commander in Chief blew-off the American people and lied his ass 
 off to our friends to gain their passive acceptance of our Mugging 
 of Iraq. Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11 and it lacked the 
 wherewithal to pose any sort of threat to us. We just want to steal 
 their oil. It's as simple as that. Oh yeah...and rub the Ragheads
 noses in it whenever the opportunity comes up.

 So pardon me if I really don't give much of a damn if some kid from 
 Yakima gets his brains blown out in Baghdad. Serves him right. He's got 
 no business there. And if he was stupid enough to trust the judgement of 
 his officers, then it's his tough luck it cost him his life. Maybe the 
 rest of them will smarten up and realize they're being led by a pack of 
 lying, incompetent, bureaucratic ass-kissers. Grovelling little weasels
 like recently retired General Tommy "The Toady" Franks - one of Rummy's
 prize Bitches.


                        MONDO VATICANO

 At the same time Bishop O'Malley was being installed as Bernie "The Pimp"
 Law's replacement in Boston, a little incident popped up at his old Fall
 River diocese in Cape Cod. Much of Bishop O'Malley's reputation revolves
 around his cleaning up of sexual abuse messes other bishops left behind
 by implementing simple, common-sense proceedures and regulations for
 dealing with Pervert Priests. Fall River was his first real 'triumph'. 

 This week a complaint of inappropriate behavior towards a 7-year old 
 was filed against a male nurse at a children's camp the diocese runs. 
 So with Bishop O'Malley's rigerous new proceedures in place for dealing 
 with situations like this, what happened? Not much. The diocese simply
 refused to answer its phone. Same old bullshit as before. The new
 proceedures, apparently just for show, were essentially ignored and the
 famous Vatican Wall of Stone erected. Expect the same Smoke-and-Mirrors
 Show in Boston.

 With the Vatican directly instructing its American bishops to ignore
 civil law and obstruct any Pervert Priest investigations or fair 
 settlement by victims, you really have to wonder what difference it 
 makes anyways. If a bishop actually does try to Do The Right Thing, 
 he's going to get into hot water with the Curia Queens and the Old 
 Pollock. He's screwed no matter what he does.

 Meanwhile...O'Malley dumped that sleeze-bag lawfirm that has been the
 diocese's Mouthpiece and hired the Jesuits top lawyer. A good Catholic 
 boy who went to Notre Dame, he's expected to drop the obstructionist 
 tactics of his predecessor and make an effort to achieve a timely 
 settlement with the victims of Fr.Shanley and Cardinal Bernie's many
 other perverts. O'Malley apparently first hitched up with him in Fall 
 River. Despite the accolades, he IS a lawyer and he's no push-over or 
 the Jesuits wouldn't have touched him. Still, he couldn't possibly 
 be any worse than the cheap Amblulance Chasers he's replacing.


 Italian prosecutors made it official this past week: Roberto Calvi,
 former head of the Banco Ambrosiano who worked closely with Bishop
 Marchincus of the Vatican Bank in a Mafia money-laundering scam back
 in the early 80's, was murdered. The 62-year old, found hanging from
 the scaffolding of a bridge in London, was originally put down as a 
 suicide. British authorities tried to suggest that a fat, out-of-shape 
 old Wop banker with bricks in his pockets scampered up the bridgeworks 
 and deftly slipped a noose around his neck before jumping off. Italian 
 authorties, being a bit more familiar with this Modus recognized it for 
 what it really was: a Mafia hit.

 It is thought he was about to turn State's evidence against the Vatican
 and it's Mafia friends. So they snuffed him before he could open his
 mouth. The good Bishop is still alive and well, living in Phoenix. 
 Though he is an American citizen, he's hiding in Arizona under his
 Vatican passport to avoid extradition back to Italy where he's wanted
 for various charges ranging from simple fraud to complicity in murder.


 The "Blonde Angel of Death", an Argentinian Naval Captain convicted
 in-absentia by a French court for the murder of two nuns while that 
 country was ruled by a Military Dictatorship from the mid-70's to 
 mid-80's, was arrested in Spain this week. Protected by various 
 Argentinian politicians over the years, the new Presidente revoked 
 Alfredo Astiz's immunity leaving him open for arrest and prosecution 
 for his direct responsibility in the deaths of thousands of his 
 countrymen during the Junta years. Spain now has 16 former Death 
 Squad members under detention and has requested the extradition of 
 64 more. Argentian courts are apparently incapable of handling 
 their own justice and need Spain's help in doing so. This bag of
 human shit needed to flushed a long, long time ago. Kiss your ass
 good-bye Alfredo. Your time's up baby.


 The Magdalene Sisters is Peter Mullen's new film about a slave
 labor scam the Vatican's Irish clergy  ran from 1938 up to 1996.
 The film won the Golden Lion at this year's Venice Film Festival
 and is being distributed by Miramax. The slave labor scam involved 
 young Irish Catholic girls who had children out-of-wedlock. Many 
 had been raped, others were just merely ignorant of the basics
 of sex. All ended up being farmed out to various "charitable"
 industries the Irish bishops ran. Industries that paid them next 
 to nothing, worked them half to death and cut them off from their
 children. It's yet another one of the Vatican's dirty little
 secrets. Like the boys in the Vatican choir who were castrated to 
 keep their voices permanently at the femininely high pitch the Holy
 Father so dearly loved.

 Bottled water from the Jordan River has finally hit the market.
 Whether you want to baptize your brat with the same water St.
 John the Baptist used to baptize Jesus or you merely want to 
 test out its curative powers on that annoying terminal disease
 you picked up recently, now's your big chance. It comes in tiny
 little bottles about the size of airlines liquor bottles and
 goes for $8 for two or $86 for a case of 36. It's a joint 
 Israeli/Jordanian enterprise with the Vatican getting a percentage
 of the Take as Jesus' official Earthy represenative.


 Ignoring the testimony of military experts who characterized their
 actions as 'harmless', US District Judge Bobby "The Brown Noser"
 Blackburn in Colorado sentenced Sister Jackie Hudson of Poulsbo
 (WA) and her two co-religious to two and half years in a federal
 prison. If this don't get Bobby a seat on the Federal Appeals Bench, 
 nothing will. Knowing way, way more about national security than 
 those military Boobs, Bobby characterized the nuns actions as 
 'dangerously irresponsible' and a threat to the Free World. The 
 nuns snuck into a Colorado missle compound last fall, banged
 on the silo's nuke-proof lid with hammers and painted crosses on
 it with their own blood. It was to protest the mass-murder the
 silos were capable of dispensing. It'd sure be a shame if Bobby's
 suck-up routine didn't get him promoted. Obviously he's the kind
 of little judicial whore who's willing to crank out whatever kind
 of decision the Boss Upstairs wants. He aspires to be one of
 Johnny Boy's prize Bitches.


 Matthias Sindelar, The Paper Man, was likely the greatest soccer
 player to ever come out of Austria. He got his nickname from his
 unusually fragile appearance. On January 23rd 1939, shortly after
 Nazi Germany 'repatriation' of Austria, he was found dead in bed 
 with his girlfriend next to him. For decades since, everyone has 
 assumed either he committed suicide out of depression over the 
 Nazi take over or that the Nazis, realizing his hatred for them 
 combined with his high public profile made him an especially 
 dangerous man, murdered him. His death has become something of 
 an Austrian sports conspiracy parlor game ever since.
 Everyone was certain he was a Jew, as was his girl-friend. That 
 turned out to be a wrong assumption. He was a Catholic. His girl
 friend, more like a business-associate he'd only met 10-days 
 before, was an Italian Catholic. The confusion about Matthias 
 comes from his Moravian origins. Many Jews fled Moravia for Vienna. 
 He got accidently lumped in with them. Also, his team the Viennese 
 club "Austria", had a reputation for hiring Jewish soccer players.
 When the Nazis moved in, most of his team-mates had to bug out.
 Being the highest-profile player of his time in Austria, it had
 caused a bit a stir when he had declined an invitation to join 
 the new Austrian/German national team. But the team's coach, a
 good friend of his, understood his reasons and didn't push it.
 Matthias essential retired from soccer at that point rather than
 play for the Nazis. He ran into his 'girlfriend' after buying a 
 bar off a dispossed Jew - unusually paying full-price for it instead 
 of taking advantage of the man's situation. She had been managing 
 it for the Jew.

 While the Gestapo was aware of his antipathy towards Germans and
 had its suspicions about him, he wasn't a major item on their
 menu. And the suicide theories didn't make a lot of sense. He
 was doing well and enjoyed even higher respect for his stand
 against the Nazis. 

 It turns out he and his girl-friend were likely the victims of
 gas-poisoning from the gas heater in the room. Earlier in the
 same week, previous occupants had complained to the landlord
 about gas-poisoning symptoms they got because of a defective 
 chimney in the room. A chimney-sweep was supposed to show up
 to clean it out but never did. After an evening of enjoying
 one another's company over drinks, Mathias and his girlfriend
 laid down and fell asleep never to awaken.
 This whatever-it-is operates under the patented Daily Bleed
 "anti-CopyRite 2000-3000". More or less. As the product of
 my imagination, I retain full pecuniary rights. You make any
 money off it, I better get my fair share. My lawyer, the Ginzu
 Viking, Dr. Yoshi Rasmussan LLD, anxiously awaits the chance
 to rat-fuck you and your heirs unto eternity if you even think
 of trying to screw me over. Otherwise, help yourself.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 (Only checked when feeling self-abusive.)
 ARCHIVE: https://www.angelfire.com/nb/afm