__ _ / _|_ __ ___
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                         Another Foggy Moment

      These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
      of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
      Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
        cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
      another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

                      THIS AIN'T NO STINK'N BLOG

         WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
         If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
         punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
         the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
         Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
         89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                              - 211 -

 What a pleasant surprise. Walking onto the U Dub campus from down by
 Husky Stadium this week, I couldn't help notice Drumheller Fountain
 in full-gush. It may not be the fanciest fountain in the world but,
 most especially with the recent heat, it is a refreshing sight and
 draws a small crowd. Found some fat, sweet and juicy berries in the
 brambles along the walk up the Mall towards it too. Yum. Yum.

 After years of intense research I've finally found the best house in
 all of Seattle. Unfortunately, somebody else is living in it. It's that
 lovely old stone Hobbit House at the south entrance to Washington Park.
 It isn't very big but it's got a copper roof and lovely stained-glass
 windows. And it is the only house actually inside the park. Whoever 
 is living in it seems to get more than their share of uninvited guests.
 They've got little signs posted around it reminding people that it IS
 a private residence. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Bilbo Baggins
 come walking out the front door one fine day. It's got that kind of
 look to it. Almost like it 'grew' there as a natural rock formation
 amidst the tall trees and lush green undergrowth.

 Washington Park, located mid-way between Capitol Hill and the Lake
 Washington, is one of my favorite ways of hoofing it home from 
 downtown. I can usually catch a ride down Madison to where it starts.
 It's got to be about as close as a person can get to what it must
 have been like to get around Seattle 100-150 years ago before the
 roads went in. Just a nice bunch of trails winding through all those
 lovely big trees. The Arboritum is also folded into the park along 
 with the pretty Japanese Garden. It's less than an hour's walk to 
 where the Park meets Foster Island, then up over Montlake Bridge 
 and I'm practically home. Way nicer than fighting traffic or getting 
 sardined aboard one of MetroTransit's rambling wrecks.

 In a matter of weeks the Husky Marching Band will be parading again
 through my neighborhood in all their brash, cheeky glory as the
 skantily clad cheerleaders flip and wheel around. Woo! Woo! I can
 hardly wait. Booooowwwwwww Doooooowwwwwwnnnnn to Washington.

 Seattle +2 Weeks: 
                    Man Utd's Juan Veron (#4) has deserted the Devils
 for Chelsea's rich new Russian owner. Sir Alex's latest rebuilding
 effort has become that much more difficult. He tried to put the best
 face on the situation with references to his aging mid-fielders but
 it wasn't fooling anyone. He'll be praying for another miracle.
                   The Bhoys of Glasgow Celtic recovered nicely from
 their thrashing in Hooterville. It was the only real stinker in their
 entire pre-season. Henrik Larsson's out with a hamstring injury but
 Chris Sutton is picking up the slack as they begin their season. They
 joined with Rangers, their partners in the "Old Firm", to once again
 appeal for a spot in England's Premier League (which Man Utd plays in)
 but were once again turned down. Snooty damn Limies.


 It will have been 59 years ago on Thursday that black soldiers at the
 Army's former Ft. Lawton up on Magnolia Bluff rioted. The former fort 
 is now mostly taken up by Discovery Park. Trapped between the Army's 
 institutionalized bigotry and the the bigotry of Seattle's residents,
 they got fed up and set about tearing the joint down. 

 Lacking a Real American Ghetto like Boston's Roxbury or New York City's
 Bronx or Detroit's East Side, Seattle has mantained the fiction that
 it's somewhat more racially enlightened than your average American
 city. It's not. Hooterville the Pure & Progressive managed to keep
 it's black population small for decades by making sure black people
 knew they weren't welcome here - there would be no jobs for them and
 they'd have to live in strictly regulated areas of the city.

 You'll notice Seattle's traditional neighborhoods of color are limited 
 to First Hill and Beacon Hill. That isn't because black folks enjoy one 
 another's company so much they all decided to live with each other. It's 
 because of a decades-long illegal under-the-table policy of 'red lining' 
 that made it impossible for a black person to get a mortgage for a house
 anywhere else in Seattle. City Hall gave the the policy a wink and a nod 
 as did the state. It wasn't until Uncle Sammy decided to clean up his 
 FHA mess that Hooterville suddenly got a case of the scrupples and 
 reluctantly started cleaning up it's mess too. It was either that or
 get its ass sued off. Even then the effort was as half-assed as it was

 Seattle blacks were limited to menial labor jobs: laundry workers, 
 janitors, diswashers, etc. The Seattle Police Department discouraged 
 blacks from becoming cops and, when that didn't work, just wouldn't 
 promote them beyond beat-cops. It wasn't until the 70's that a black 
 cop was finally promoted to Sargent. Forget working in the Navy's 
 shipyard across the Sound in Bremerton - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard 
 was 'lilly white' and up to its neck in Crackers from Mississippi
 shipyards. No blacks allowed. Local contractors and construction union 
 locals worked hand in hand at keeping their industry pure white. Even 
 on Federal government projects like building I-5, they were allowed 
 to prohibit blacks from getting jobs. It wasn't until the building 
 of SeaTac Airport that a concerted effort was made through the then-new 
 Civil Rights Act to force the hiring of black construction workers. 
 The Urban League man most responsible for that change got his head 
 blown off by a shotgun blast. The Seattle Police still haven't figured 
 out who did it. Perhaps because it was one of their own? That's one
 of the theories. Uppity blacks were a major item on their Shit List
 back then.

 And U Dub? The state's most illustrious institution of higher learning
 also has the state's worst record for institutional bigotry. Twice in
 the last few years they've been successfully sued for millions of Bucks 
 compensation for refusing to promote long-time black employees. As in
 many other matters, the Crackers who run the school thought they had a
 dispensation from the rules everyone else has to live by. The racial
 atmosphere there is still one of the worst I've ever encountered ANY
 where in America.

 About the only difference between your average Southern Hillbilly Cracker
 and your average Hooterville Cracker is the accent. That, and Loserville's
 baffling smarmy arrogance - mediocre and damn proud of it.


 When it comes to anything involving matters sexual, we often resort to
 indirect-references in dealing with it. For example, this touchy-feely
 thing with the Gay Guy who recently became an Episcopalian bishop. The
 guy with the complaint wasn't upset about being touched inappropriately;
 he was upset about the Gay Guy becoming a bishop in his church. But
 since he knew nobody would listen to a bigoted homophobe's rant, he 
 instead bitched about getting inappropriately touched. Then he got
 cold-feet when somebody cleverly called his bluff.

 Another prominent example: Same Sex Marriages. Nobody really gives a
 damn if people get married to their frik'n dogs. The Vatican and the
 rest of the Christian homophobe bigots just can't mind their own damn
 business. It's a congenital problem with them. They want to run 
 everybody else's life. Just don't look at theirs: the Pervert Priest
 scandal, Jimmy Swaggert pork'n mommy in front of her kids, Jimmy and
 Tammy Baker's kinky sexual tastes, etc. Christians can safely be
 assumed to be hypocrites until they manage to find a way to prove
 otherwise. How? That's their problem.

 Lacking in any credibility of their own, they drag God's good Name 
 into their messes claiming He says it's His idea to keep Queers from 
 getting Hitched. Says so right there in His book - the Bible.  To 
 imagine God is directing the actions of the corrupt, perverted old 
 Queens in Rome is the height of obscenity. It's open for debate as 
 to whether the Pope really is Christian, let alone Catholic. As a 
 Catholic, I have my doubts. To imagine God is inspiring the hateful 
 Cracker bigots of our religious-right is equally bizarre. He wasn't
 too crazy about their lynching Black folks at their Sunday picnics 
 back in The Good Old Days and he aint' likely too damn happy about 
 their present Queer Bashing activities. He was into freeing slaves 
 and embracing the rejected. 
 With 75% of all American marriages dissolving within 10 years and
 a clear shift in focus from raising kids, evidenced in steadily
 declining birth rates, to simple companionship, I'd say it's 
 obvious that Straights have already made significant changes to 
 the concept of marriage. No one taking those vows seriously intends 
 to uphold them 'for better or for worse, until death do us part. 
 Hell, even a family-oriented guy like Newt Ginghrich dumped his 
 Old Lady when she got terminal cancer and couldn't put out no 
 more. Marriage is not forever and it's no longer centered on kids. 
 That is the new reality. The traditional idea of marriage is deader 
 than the proverbial door knob. The door is wide open to non-traditional

 If Gays want to get married, it's fine with me. And if they can
 get a break on their health insurance in the process by tapping
 into the Company Plan as a couple, more power to them. If it cheers 
 the Pope up any, he can think of all the extra Loot he could make 
 from Gay annulments. Since God's willing to turn a blind-eye to the 
 eternal-bonds of failed Straight marriages (for a substantial fee), 
 I'm sure He'll have no problem averting His vision with regard to 
 Gay marriages.


 These truely are peculiar times we're living in. 

 We have a phoney President who, failing to get elected, had to resort 
 to legal trickery to sneak in the White House backdoor. We have phoney 
 Congress-Critters and Senators who pretend to represent their electorate 
 when everybody knows they really represent whatever corporate interest 
 bids highest for their 'favors'. Our phoney elections have become little
 more than Canidate Raffles precided over by our News Nazis. We have 
 judges whose phoney independance is dicated by an unelected political 
 flunky from the Executive Branch that they are supposedly independant 
 of. He decides, on the basis of political loyalties exclusively, which 
 of them will get a promotion and which won't. We have phoney Supreme 
 Court justices who are really just third-rate lawyers with good political 
 connections and a firm willingness to prostitute themselves to whomever 
 can cough up the most money. And it's all populated by our phony Public
 Servants (aka bureaucrats) who are really little more than theives and
 incompetents. At last tally, they have walked off with over OneTrillion 
 Bucks worth of unaccoutned for tax money. In the Commerce Department 
 alone, the paper-shufflers have quietly pocketed over $160 BillionBucks 
 from the Indian Trust Fund without a single arrest, let alone conviction, 
 for the theft.  

 Why not? The head of the CIA and the lying hillbilly in the White House
 both publically admitting to committing a fraud that cost the American
 tax-payer Billions of Buck and cost thousands of people their lives.
 No charges filed, no arrests made. No consequences whatsoever. It's like
 "Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and an Act of Contrition, my
 son, and go in peace." It borders on being surrealistic.

 We have a phoney war to prevent the use of non-existent Weapons of 
 Mass Destruction while staging a phoney liberation that's really a 
 simple mugging of a nation for its oil. The run-up to this phoney 
 war involved the slinging of an enormous amount of phoney evidence 
 that never existed except in the minds of clever and ambitious phoney 
 'experts' in our phoney "intelligence" agencies who spewed it out. 
 Then our phoney military generals, really no more than bureaucratic 
 ass-kissers sucking up to the phony political "military expert' who 
 runs the Department of Defense (military experience - none), stumbled 
 and bumbled their way through a half-botched invasion. It only took 
 Hitler a week to invade and secure Poland, militarily a near equal. 
 It took us - the most powerful military juggernaut in the history of
 humanity - over a month to invade and secure a nation lacking even 
 in an Air Force or Navy. The phoney 'peace' that has followed has 
 been marked by large-scale civil unrest and a steady flow of body-bags 
 full of phoney American military heroes getting an early trip home. 

 On the economic front, we have phoney recessions, that do next to
 nothing to clear the financial air, followed by equally phoney 
 recoveries that produce an economy nearly as crippled as that of 
 a real recession. Last week when the bond market suddenly collapsed 
 to a 20+ year low even as millions of unemployed citizens pounded
 the pavement in search of non-existent jobs, what were the news
 headlines? "The Economy is Surging" "Recovery Is Just Around The 
 Corner" It's enough to make a person wonder just what planet our 
 News Nazis live on. Obviously it isn't this one. So much for our
 phoney 5th Estate - the so-called Fourth Branch of Government.

 Spending $1.20 for every $1.00 we earn, even our income is phoney.
 At least as phoney as our phoney Federal Budget Deficit, tagged
 at $40+ Billion Bucks, when it's been well-documented that Uncle
 Sammy has over $44 TRILLION Bucks worth of committments to cover
 just in the next 10 years alone. No matter, our phoney Buck isn't 
 even worth a Buck anyways. Hasn't been for decades now. Still, 
 it isn't half as phony as the pensions many people have traded
 their working lives for. What pensions? POOF! They're popping like
 balloons nearly daily as companies, aided by Congress, bail out 
 of their committments. Just their way of saying, "Thanks suckers!"

 No point in saying all this phoniness comes at a price. We're 
 already paying the price. Just because our News Nazis don't 
 report it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Not a day goes by that 
 thousands more Americans lose their jobs and the phoney incomes 
 that went with them. Prices have also defied the Fed's phoney 
 claim of no inflation by climbing steadily higher on most every
 day items. Nor is their any point in telling the retards who are 
 shelling out $4,000+ Bucks for a stock, recently dumped by the
 executives of those same companies, that only earns $1, that 
 they're about to get kicked in the teeth again by the same sort 
 of Tech Bubble that relieved them of their 401(k) pension savings
 just a year or two ago. Of course they will lose their shirts
 once again. The biggest waste of time would result from trying to 
 tell the young men and women who join our military that it isn't 
 wise let alone smart to put your trust, much less your life, in 
 the hands of lying, self-serving, buck-sucking pricks like those 
 that run our military. They're young - they know it all.  Those
 that survive will find out the hard way.


 Radio Awaz is NOT on 1180 AM

                             Radio Awaz
                            Pubjab Music
                          noon to midnight
                             Sun - Sat
                              1680 AM



 While perhaps not one of our favorite sports, it surely is one of the
 more enduring, cock-fights have been an American tradition for a long 
 time. I used to hear about the more memorable ones as a kid growing up
 in Detroit's hillbilly-choked suburbs. They still retain considerable 
 popularity. Even around here. From the Burbs north of Seattle to the 
 suburbs of Vancouver (BC), without the benefit of any sort of advertising, 
 for obvious reasons, the Boyz pull up at the designated rotating spot 
 in their pickups and SUVs to watch a couple chickens duke it out. I 
 don't think I've ever heard of the cops around here busting a cock-fight, 
 but the Mounties up over the border make a public thing about their 
 handful of busts every year.

 Chatting with a Country Cousin recently I asked if they had any fights
 up in his neck of the woods. The answer was a cautious 'yes'. Caution
 comes naturally when cock-fights are involved. Unless you're talking to
 somebody who was standing next to you at the last one, it's not a good
 idea to get too talkative about the matter. 

 He said the Philipinos have the best birds. When a fight is setting up, 
 they improbably materialize alongside the road near the spot where the
 fight is going to be. These are not neighborhoods known for their 
 Philipino populations. So they sort of stick conspicuously out. It's
 a sign everybody understands very well in those places. Concealed in 
 the weeds and bushes nearby are their birds in cages ready to rumble. 

 From his description it sounded like the crowds weren't big but they
 were enthusiastic. Everybody's got their six-packs for refreshment and
 they all lay down their bets as they prepare for an exciting evening's
 entertainment. I'm sure the chickens have a somewhat different take on
 the matter. Their handlers aren't shy about juicing them up a little
 to get them in the mood. But, since there aren't any state vets around,
 there's no way to know for sure. There's much cheering and whooping
 it up as everybody roots for their fav. And the lucky winners pocket
 their tax-free Loot.

 This is all VERY illegal, of course, in Washington state. Though the
 "sport" is still legal in three or four states (Louisiana and Oklahoma
 to name a couple). The cops would have a wide variety of local, township, 
 county, state and federal statutes under which to prosecute those present. 
 Needless to say, the morality of such activities is beyond suspect - it's 
 downright cruel. Even if they don't die, the chickens get banged up pretty 
 bad. So no one present has any illusions about this being edifying or 
 uplifting in any way, shape or form. But they do find it entertaining, 
 just as their daddies and grand-daddies did off into the hazy mists of 
 history. Just as a race is inevitable whenever two horse owners meet, a 
 chicken-fight is inevitable whenever two guys with roosters meet. It's 
 one of those eternal certainties that always have and always will be 
 with us.


                   Metropolitan Statistical Areas
                    With Highest Car Theft Rates
                  (National Insurance Crime Bureau)

                   1. Phoenix, AZ
                   2. Miami, FL
                   3. Fresno, CA
                   4. Detroit, MI
                   5. Sacramento, CA
                   6. Tucson, AZ
                   7. Tacoma, WA
                   8. Stockton, CA
                   9. Seattle, WA
                  10. Jersey City, NJ


 do you wrinkle up your brow with grief?
 the saint's prescription can cure you
 Liu Ling taught his closest friends...

 when your bosom's full with sadness
 when your time has come to grieve
 his message comes in self-disclosing fragrance
 to know things change is fine but
 not as good as
 morning, evening
 drinking wine.

 Ch'en Ts'ao-an
 14th Century Chinese Poet


                          'OL YELLER'S TWAT
                  (aka The War Against Terrorism)

 Drip...drip...drip. American blood continues to drip steadily onto
 Iraqi soil. And a steady flow of body-bags fly home to heroic
 military funerals for 18-years who wanted to play soldier.

 Our News Nazis have made a fun little game out of the Iraqi Freedom
 Fighters snuffing of our soldiers. They want to see how many days
 we can go without a Snuffing. Wee! Isn't it fun playing with other
 people's lives? It's just like being rich.

 They've also made a point of often mentioning that we're in it for
 the long-run. Fine with the Iraqi Freedom Fighters - the longer
 we're there, the more Americans they get to kill. And since it IS
 their country, they've been there forever. Which is far more "long
 term" than we'll ever get. Media and White House delusions to the 
 contrary, just as in Vietnam: we will NEVER be welcome there. Ever. 
 The Freedom Fighters are surrounded by sympathetic allies capable 
 of offering sanctuary, arms and funding.  We, on the other hand as 
 the The World's Biggest Asshole, have few friends to speak of and 
 no moral or legal right to be there. We are simply stealing their oil 
 and enslaving their population. The whole world knows it. That's why 
 everyone refuses to lend a hand. They'll just wait and watch while 
 we're slowly bled to death. And I'm sure they'll enjoy every moment 
 of it. We all know how it will end - with another humiliating Great 
 American Bug Out. Same as in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, etc. etc. Our 
 "colors" have run many times in the past and we obviously still 
 haven't learned a damn thing from those mistakes.
 By some mysterious/magical process our News Nazis have annointed 
 former Vermont Governor Howard Dean as The Leading "Good Guy" 
 Canidate to run against President Yellowbelly. Why? Nobody knows. 
 There must be some money in it for them. About the only obvious 
 asset he has is that he isn't another stinking hillbilly. That's 
 a good start. Otherwise he seems like just another boringly typical 
 political weasel who tries to talk out of both sides of mouth at 
 the same time. He has no track-record in the anti-war movement or 
 as an innovator in social programs. He was a big zero as Governor
 of Vermont. Maybe they're just stringing the rope out for him to
 see how long it takes him to hang himself. Clear the field early
 for the serious competition.

 Yellowbelly's going to pull a bunny out of his hat. Maybe several.
 With his Iraq Mess crumbling daily and the Taliban in Afghanistan
 in a weekly race with the Iraqi Freedom Fighters to see how many
 occupiers they can Snuff, Yeller's credentials as a great military
 leader are fading quickly. The mess he's made out of our economy,
 cluelessly optomistic headlines to the contrary, hasn't impressed
 anyone. All along the line he has deferred consequences and allowed
 situations to continue to worsen. When the baloons do start popping
 they'll make even bigger bangs. Lacking the intelligence and ability
 to lead, he's left with no other choice but to temporarily goose
 his numbers with manufactured events and to continue lying his ass
 off. He's got to. Any unsympathetic eyes see the shit he's been
 pulling in the past three years, he'd be lucky not to end up in

 Even in the event of a change of administrations, it's not likely
 to produce any great changes. Our pride will keep us in Iraq until
 we become anemic with the effort. Our economy is bagged. It will
 take decades to eliminate that humongous national debt and restore
 financial sanity. A painful process that's sure to consume a few
 political careers along the way. Now that the Goons at the Pentagon
 have gotten used to a rich budgetary diet, they aren't going to
 take kindly to anybody who tries to cut them back. They are ready,
 willing and able to hurt anyone who tries. If I were a young fella 
 just getting out of university, I'd seriously consider moving 
 elsewhere. There's no future here any more and things are about 
 to get exceptionally nasty soon.


      "Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought."

                        Graham Greene
                    famous Catholic author

                        MONDO VATICANO

 Divide and conquer. The oldest strategy in the books. Throw $55 Mega
 Bucks at 500+ people and watch them go at each others throats to get
 at it. That essentially is what new Boston Bishop O'Malley did this
 week. Hardly ethical or spiritually uplifting, but it's what passes
 for both from today's Vatican flunkies. And it would definitely bring
 a tear to St. Francis' eye to see one of his monks as the money-waver.
 The Media, despite its "anti-Catholic" bias, wouldn't be so impolite 
 as suggest such things. On the contrary. They've been improbably
 Spinning it as a "Noble Gesture". Pfft!

 While the resulting warfare will likely take months to sort out, if
 he pulls it off, O'Malley will have bought the Deal of a Lifetime.
 With literally thousands of Boston archdiocese children raped and
 molested by Pervert Priests over the last few decades and facing 
 over 500 lawsuits as result, the real cost of compensating the
 victims would (and should) bankrupt the diocese. Those that have
 committed suicide can't be helped of course. At least the diocese 
 could pay for their funerals. 


 Cardinal Ottaviani's old 1962 letter advising bishops to do all in
 their power to conceal the perversity within their priesthoods , was 
 making headlines everywhere. If nothing else, it revealed the Vatican
 was fully aware of the problem nearly half a century ago. An obscure 
 group of canon lawyers tried to throw cold-water on the idea that 
 it was 'official policy' but nobody was buying it. 

 CBS News, which claims to be in possession of the document, hasn't
 released the exact text. Did the Bishops need an official document
 to tell them they were to harass anyone who revealed a Pervert
 Priest, obstruct all attempts by civil authorities to bring the
 their perverts to Justice and legally rape the victims? No, of 
 course not. Not any more than the Mob issues requistions for the
 Snuffing of its enemies. In both cases they are expected to Just
 Do It without leaving a Paper Trail. These things are understood
 amongst the trusted few.

 I'm not sure why everyone is getting excited about this document.
 It's not like our courts and prosecutors are going to do anything
 about it. They answer to their political masters, not the public.
 Given that there isn't a single bishop in the entire country who
 isn't guilty of obstruction of justice and showing open contempt
 for our system of laws, they'd have to throw the whole bunch of 
 them in prison to clean their mess up. And that ain't gonna happen.
 The civil authorities can't even bring themselves to arrest the
 most blatant offenders let alone the more clever of them.


 Employing the famous if-you-can't-dazzle-them-with-your-wit-baffle-
 them-with-your-bullshit manouver, the pastor of Our Lady of Grace 
 Vietnamese Catholic Church in Eastpointe, Michigan sent out registered 
 letters to 14 parishoners this week telling them they were no longer 
 welcome. What did they do? They ratted on their pastor. He snuck his 
 defrocked brother onto his payroll and allowed him to perform services 
 despite his being strictly prohibited from doing so. So instead of 
 just apologizing for his stupidity and telling brother to hit the road, 
 the Good Father tried legally intimidating the complaintants. Didn't 
 work. They all intend to show up for mass on Sunday anyways. Screw 
 him. The bishop is still napping and had no comment.


 The Post Office also figured in a recent attempt by Maricopa
 County (AZ) Prosecutor to retrieve a number of pervert priests
 who fled his jurisdiction. He wrote to Cardinal Sodano in the
 Vatican asking him to return the priests, a number of whom are
 residing in Vatican City, to face Justice. Instead, Cardinal 
 Sodano just returned the Prosecutor's letter, ignoring it. He
 didn't even bother reading it. Well...okay...he might have steamed
 it open and taken a peek just to see if it was a donation, but
 nothing more than that. New Phoenix bishop Sheehan cleverly
 tried to Spin it as a 'good faith' effort on Cardinal Sodano's
 part. The man from Planet Mondo Vaticano.

 California gubnatorial canidate and famous Porn Peddler Larry
 Flynt of "Hustler Magazine" declared Tuesday August 5th a Day of
 Prayer. He asked Americans to join him in praying to God for the
 death of notorious and infamous FOX News Loud Mouth Bill O'Reilly.
 While it hasn't yet had the desired effect, it at least shut
 Mr. O'Reilly's obnoxiously fat mouth. The former Hollywood Gossip
 Monger turned Political Commentator, remarkably had nothing to 
 say about Mr. Flynt's religious efforts on his behalf.

 This whatever-it-is operates under the patented Daily Bleed
 "anti-CopyRite 2000-3000". More or less. As the product of
 my imagination, I retain full pecuniary rights. You make any
 money off it, I better get my fair share. My lawyer, the Ginzu
 Viking, Dr. Yoshi Rasmussan LLD, anxiously awaits the chance
 to rat-fuck you and your heirs unto eternity if you even think
 of trying to screw me over. Otherwise, help yourself.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 (Only checked when feeling self-abusive.)
 ARCHIVE: https://www.angelfire.com/nb/afm