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                         Another Foggy Moment

      These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
      of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
      Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
        cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
      another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

                      THIS AIN'T NO STINK'N BLOG

         WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
         If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
         punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
         the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
         Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
         89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                              - 214 -

 The first hint of the trees changing colors has begun to appear. Summer 
 has begun to wind down. Drumheller Fountain continues to gush gleefully 
 away when I pass it in the late afternoons. The roses surrounding it are 
 quite happy about the situation and continue to bloom with reckless 
 abandon. But mysteriously, no goldfish have yet appeared in the pool 
 surrounding the fountain. Could these uncertain economic times have
 people hording their goldfish? Could be. The raspberries are slowly 
 taking their time ripening. Which means there are still plenty to eat. 
 Yum. Yum. I arrive home most nights looking like I've been in a wrestling 
 match with a mountain lion. But it's worth every succulent, sweet bite. 
 Whip me. Beat me. Feed me raspberries.

 Checking out the coming book Signings/Lectures in the window of the Dub 
 Bookstore on The Ave, a couple familiar names popped out. Both towards 
 the end of September. Former Saturday Night Live regular Al Franken, who 
 recently kicked FOX News' fascist ass in court when they tried to block 
 the cover of his new book, will be coming on September 22nd. Originally 
 he was scheduled for sometime in October but they moved him up. Then the 
 next night, Neal "Cryptonomicon" Stephenson will be arriving. Neal
 specializes in the realistic/near-future Sci-Fi sub-genre of Hacker-Fi. 
 For all our love of gizmos we haven't done much to incorporate technology, 
 nor the people who develop it, into our broader culture. Neal takes a 
 stab at doing so and seems to be making a few Bucks at it.

 The poster people have had a slight problem with anti-poster Nazis ever
 since the civic law banning posters was thrown out. I occasionally see
 the Nazis scrapping away at the informative and often imaginative graphic 
 efforts displayed by various local bands and politicos on the power poles. 
 Now the Poster People are fighting back - with a poster of course. Aside
 from condemning the Nazi atrosities, they throw a little humor in there 
 too. Next to a sad looking little girl's face are the words, "Today they're
 taking our posters. Tomorrow they will be taking our children". Bravo!
 I say: stop the bastards now before this thing gets out of control.

 Passing through downtown Thursday night I was amazed to see a "Jews For
 Jesus" lady passing out stuff in front of the Bon. That's the first time
 I've seen them out in public in Hooterville. I occasionally hear that 
 guy on the radio  who does the Jews For Jesus show everyday but he's 
 from "elsewhere". Jews, of course, generally consider Christianity to
 be worship of a False God - the absolute worst thing a Jew could get
 involved in. Needless to say, they totally detest the Jews For Jesus
 crowd. This ought to spur the Chabadniks (ultra-conservative Jews who
 prostelitize) into action. They got/had a little van they call the 
 "Chabad-mobile" that they used to use in the U District a couple years 
 ago. Rev that baby up and hit the bricks Bubbalah! The Infidels are at 
 the gates!

 I ran into one of the former occupants of the Nut House Formerly Owned 
 By a Nutcase. As you may recall, they were thinking of squatting in their 
 former residence after Mayor Greg suckered them into a one-week notice 
 to vacate so as to accomodate a couple of his developer buddies. The 
 law requires six-months notice but Big Shots like Greg can ignore the
 law. It's for Little People, not guys like him. The former residents 
 ended up in a downtown homeless shelter instead of getting nice new 
 places to live and the compensation checks always seemed to be 'in the
 mail'. A few of them escaped the shelter and have moved right back into
 their old neighborhood so as to better scope things out squatting-wise.
 Seeing as how the place is presently pretty much gutted, they decided
 this would not be a good time to move in. They're going to bide their

 The first World Cup Seattle was won by the local Brazilians. They blew
 out the Ethiopeans 4-0 in the final. A strong Mexican team gave the 
 Samba Boyz a run for their money in the semi-final but came up one
 goal short. The Ethiopeans were easily the best of the rest after
 dropping the Hondurans in their semi. Some local Japanese even jumped 
 in at the last minute and put in a respectible effort by winning a
 consolation round. 
 BTW -
 Early rumors of who will show up in Seattle for next year's FIFA Euro
 soccer match have the English Premiership's Liverpool v. La Liga's Real 
 Madrid. We just might get to Bend It Like Beckham afterall eh. The local 
 hombres would go nuts having a Spanish team to scream for. Latinos are 
 Seattle's largest minority.

 It was 35 years ago this coming Saturday that 26 armed Black Panthers paid
 a visit to Rainier High School. It was primarily a social visit and they
 didn't shoot anybody. The principal of the school had repeatedly ignored
 complaints of harassment from black students who were being Goofed On by
 some of the white kids there. So the Panthers showed up to let him know
 he should pay closer attention, if he knew what was good for him.

 Non-violent protests were pretty much a waste of time. Only a couple years
 earlier, a group of black kids at one Seattle high-school had staged a non-
 violent sit down strike to protest racial conditions at their school. This
 was around the time of Martin Luther King/Southern Christian Leadership
 Conference and the Selma March. They were arrested and the judge sentenced 
 the kids to time in the King County Jail for disrupting school activities! 
 High school kids! A Seattle judge was actually stupid enough to do such a
 thing. So much for Seattle the Pure & Progressive eh. Not a heck of a lot 
 different from what you'd expect from some backwoods Crackerville in Georgia 
 or Mississippi. Hooterville's always had a bigot heart. Always will.

 The Black Panthers - a 60's-era black self-defense group formed in Oakland,
 California - were Big News back in '68. Huey Newton, Eldridge Cleaver and
 Bobby Seale were practically household names. Posters of Huey wearing his
 black-leather jacket and wearing a black beret as he sat in a high-backed 
 chair holding a shot-gun in his hands, were nearly as popular as posters of 
 Che Guevera. The message was clear: don't fuck with us. Like many good ideas
 wrought by political-types, it all came to naught in the end. The Apparatus
 came down on them like ten tons of elephant shit. Uppity Nigras will not
 be tolerated in America. Only nice Negroes like General Shoeshine Powell
 and Little Missy Rice - Negroes who know how to kiss white ass - will be 

 The Panther group here wasn't as well-known as the Oakland Posse but they
 were active. The state Governor at the time, engineer-turned-politico Dan
 Evans, once actually invited the Pathers to tea at the state Capital to 
 discuss our racial situation with them! He may have been a Republican but 
 he wasn't your usual Republican. The Panthers took him up on it and deeply 
 impressed the Governor with their case. They showed him a side of America 
 he had never seen before and he responded positively and respectfully to 
 them. Which pretty much took the wind out of their sails. He was a very able 
 politician afterall. While Governor Evans' subsequent reforms were far from 
 revolutionary, they did instill in The System a basic level of respect for 
 black folks that wasn't there before. Small victories for everyone are a 
 better strategy than winner-take-all confrontations any day. It's a lesson 
 that the Little Stinker, our present gubnatorial dwarf, never learned.


 The US News & World Report ratings for universities came out for the new
 school year and I'm happy, if not proud, to say U Dub is moving up. Not
 exactly with a bullet but at least they're heading in the right direction.
 Leaping boldly from last year's 47th place, we are now 45th! Ain't that
 something? Look out Yeshiva University, here come the Dawgie Eggheads
 take'n down names and kick'n butt! We'll soon be knocking on College of 
 William & Mary's academic door any day now. And we won't be asking to 
 borrow no stink'n sugar neither.

 Really not much more than a glorified community college that cranks out
 Ambulance Chasers, Paper Shufflers and Bean Counters for the state's
 bureaucracy and local trade, U Dub is an academic mediocrity in America. 
 Medicine is the only strong faculty they have. Their Primary Care (sort
 of the engineering/technical end of medicine) faculty was rated tops in 
 the country but then the competition was pretty light. They rated much 
 further down in the sexy Medical Research category where the Big Boyz
 hang out. The Dub's nursing school is also highly regarded nationally. 
 And if you ever get diabetes, you're in the right place - it's one of 
 their specialties. But the home of Microsoft doesn't even register on 
 the computer science radar and the birth-home of Boeing, isn't a player 
 in aeronautical research. Both Microsoft and Boeing get their brains 
 from elsewhere. A kid from Washington state would have to move out of 
 state to get a competitive education in either field despite growing up 
 in the corporate shadow of the world's two leaders in those fields.

 The new Bundy Law School, named in honor of former Seattle Crime Commission
 member and notorious American mass-murderer Ted Bundy - its most famous
 alum - is a cellar dweller amongst American law faculties. Damn. After 
 all the money we spent on that goofy looking, ass-backwards building too. 
 People got no respect for architecture any more.

 The search for some poor sap to take on the Prez job apparently continues
 to grind on. The last Prez took a demotion to has-been Rutgers just to
 get outta here. And with our football team in managerial disarray after
 the coach got turfed for laying bets, we probably won't even have the
 prospect of Rose Bowl tickets to wave around as incentive. Dear, oh dear.
 Whatever will become of us? Hey! I hear Saddam Hussein's looking for work.
 You think he might be interested? He milked Uncle Sammy for billions and 
 billions in his heyday so he definitely knows how to put a budget together.

 Oh well. We STILL have one of the finest and funkiest Marching Bands in
 the country. I'm proud to say they will soon be marching in all their
 sassy, sexy, brassy glory right through my neighborhood. 
 Boooowwwwwww         to Washington! 

 BTW - it was intriguing to notice mention that most law school students
       pay for their education with student loans. The average American
       law school student graduates carrying a $85k debt. I don't know if
       U Dub is average or not, but tutition in the law school has gone
       up 80% in the last two years. Those guys NEED people to file lots
       of lawsuits just so they can pay for law school eh.


 It's not too difficult to see that events are building up to a dramatic
 crescendo. Our economy is in the trash bin and sinking ever deeper. But
 you'd never guess it from our News Nazis' ever more strident and insanely
 desperate attempts to create "Recovery Fever". In the Good Old Days we
 used to export cars, machines and management know-how. Nowadays our
 primary exports are jobs, factories and dollar-bills. 

 Can you really run an economy on bullshit, puffery and sleight of hand
 illusion? Probably not for long, but we are determined to give it the old 
 College Try. Quarterback George W. Yellowbelly has reached back and chucked 
 a Hail Mary Pass-the-Buck to whoever's hang'n around the global endzone. 
 Our News Nazis, using diddled Government Numbers carefully molded from 
 heavily massaged data, are cheering him on like its a sure touchdown. 
 Problem is, everybody seems to be running the other way trying to avoid 
 our Buck. It may be exciting, but I don't think that's how the game is

 This hasn't dettered the News Nazis in the least. That light at the end 
 of the tunnel, they would have you believe, isn't the high-balling freight 
 train of economic disaster, it's the Dawn of a New Era of Prosperity. And 
 those screaming bodies flying through the air aren't the first victims 
 getting hit, they're singing angels shouting Hallelujas. As improbable 
 as their Spin may be, Boobus Americanus is happily willing to allow himself 
 to be led down the garden path as he buries himself ever deeper in useless 
 junk and crippling debt. Hope springs eternal. Especially false hope. It's 
 got more spring than the regular kind. And unfortunately, more THUMP at the 
 end. No matter. We'll be getting our reality-check in the mail soon. We 
 have a date with Destiny. And from what I hear, she's one ugly Broad.

 President Yellowbelly's stinky TWAT is obviously also in serious trouble 
 both in Afghanistan and Iraq. What do we get for liberating them? They hate 
 our guts and want to kill every American they find. Everybody else thinks
 we're the Biggest Asshole in the World. Back on the homefront there is growing 
 restlessness and boredom with our foreign adventures. People are nervously 
 hitting the buttons on their remotes as they become annoyed at the lack of 
 Good News on the TWAT Front. Our News Nazis have even begun nudging and 
 prodding Yellowbelly to get on with this liberation business and get the job 
 done. Given his mental instability - a very dangerous thing to do. Showing 
 that they've absorbed their TV lessons well, the average Americano has 
 responded by giving Yeller low marks in the popularily polls. No need to 
 think. Mr. TV will do your thinking for you. Don't make him use his 24-hour 
 Maximum Brainwash special coverage with the HDTV Super Graphics.

 Just to really rub it in, A-G Johnny Boy Ashcroft has been out checking 
 on his whores and beating the bushes for his new Patriot II Act and the 
 results have been less than inspiring. The whores just whine about wanting 
 more money and everybody else practically spit on him. What is this world 
 coming to when an Attorney General tries to ram his fascist legislation 
 down peoples throats and they impertently tell him to shove it up his fat 
 ass? The insubordinate little bastards! After all he's done for them,
 saving them from the imaginary Al Qaida Boogermen and all. Nazis just 
 don't get no respect any more.

 The pressure is on. The strain, palpable. The sense of desperation, pushing
 the envelope. Something has got to give. Things can't go on like this for 
 much longer. 

 Under ordinary circumstances, this situation might be looked upon as the
 beginning of the long, slippery slope to political defeat for El Presidente.
 His Daddy started popping Prozac like M&Ms at about this point. He turned 
 into a drooling, incoherent blob of mush incapable of defending himself. 
 Bubba Jay, an obscure ex-Governor of a backwoods hillbilly state at the 
 time, had little trouble flushing Daddy down the toilet of political 
 oblivion as a Single Term President.

 But these are not ordinary times nor is this a normal President. This is a
 man whose drug-fried brain imagines itself to be in direct voice communication
 with God. This time it's going to be different and you may not like the way 
 it plays out. With a little luck, we all might even survive to laugh about
 it afterwards. But, at best, that's less than a 50/50 proposition at this 

 Previous adminstrations have looked upon public opinion as a beast to
 be catered to and fed. The public, while perhaps not being admireable, 
 at least had to be reckoned with. But this administration has taken a
 very different tact right from the get-go. It didn't need the electorate
 to gain the White House, so why should it need the electorate to keep 
 the White House? With its Star Chamber of rich and powerful supporters
 and our buyable Congressional Whores, it looks upon public opinion as 
 something to be manufactured rather than responded to. They're very 
 pro-active in that regard.

 Their assumption is: the public are an ignorant and unruly mob of children. 
 Simple, trusting, timid creatures, scared of their own shadows, each of 
 whom imagines himself to be the center of the known universe. Peasants far 
 too ignorant to know what is in their own best interests. Exploit their 
 fears, feed their overblown egos, encourage their most self-destructive
 tendencies - their hearts, minds and wallets will follow. Simple as that. 
 It is the DUTY of an elite to show the peasants the true path to happiness 
 and success. It's right there in the Bible somewheres.

 So far it's worked like a charm.
 Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are in the dumpster, we got secret
 prisons full of thousands of citizens, we got a Death Camp for Prisoners
 of War, we're running two BillionBuck-a-Day foreign wars and we're so
 far in the economic toilet we likely won't see daylight again for a
 decade. Yet, everybody's pleased as punch and happy as little birdies.
 Buying SUVs, throwing their money at death's-door tech companies and
 maxing out those credit cards like little demons. But the first clear
 signs of fidgeting have emerged and they better be nipped in the bud
 or Yeller's in trouble.

 This is an awkward moment for our Executive Hillbilly. He needs to pull
 a "bunny" out of is hat. A war, preferably. Nothing else will immediately 
 reunite the nation four-square behind him. But the timing's all wrong for 
 the sort of slow build-up and steady milking that Iraq required. He needs 
 another vicious high-death-count homeland terrorist event like 9/11 or a 
 large-scale surprise attack on one our helpless, innocent allies - like 
 say Israel or perhaps Taiwan. The sort of thing that would evoke instant 
 disgust in the minds of all Americans and demand an immediate crushing 
 response. Something with lots of dead babies and mangled innocent bystanders 
 so everybody will immediately forget about their lack of a job, that fat,
 bloated national debt and those nagging phonecalls from the Repo Man. A 
 big, HAIRY, ugly bunny with fangs, BO and bad-breath.

 But then what's he going to do next year during the election? Let's just
 say you wouldn't want to be Mr. Dean or whoever the opposition happens to
 be at that point. It'd sure be a shame if the Democratic front-runner got
 Whacked just before Voting Day? It would throw the whole election thingee 
 into chaotic disarray and force Yellowbelly to become President Pro-Tem 
 more or less for life. Against his will, of course. He'd sacrifice himself 
 for the national good. 


 First get the facts straight, then you are free to distort them at your

                              Mark Twain


 Everybody has prejudices. They are natural and normal. They serve a survial
 purpose or we wouldn't have them. Anyone who tries to tell you they have 
 no prejudices is BSing you. Either they're being dishonest or they are so
 lacking in self-insight as to be readily ignorable.

 Anyone who has read AFM even once, knows I have prejudices. I like black
 people. Most of my experiences with them have been good experiences. I
 don't like Pollocks. Those I grew up with and have encountered since have
 been amongst the worst bigots I've ever run into. I instantly 'click'
 with Injuns. There's nobody else in the world that I feel more comfortable
 with. I don't like politicians. Virtually all of them I've ever known were
 habitual liars and self-centered pricks of the worst sort. I like Chinese
 but I don't especially like Japs. Wops and Swedes are okay, but Krauts and
 Limies make me uncomfortable. On and on it goes. Incongruously, what I hate
 worst of all is someone who is ashamed of themselves - of who or what they
 are. That is the worst sin I could imagine. It seems like such a profound
 violation of a person's humanity. I can live with any perceived contradiction.

 More than occasionally people tell me they don't like my ad-hominum approach
 to criticizing others. What can I say? I don't distinguish between the 
 person and the idea. They are a package. A whole. I honestly don't believe
 you can seperate them. I think our gubnatorial dwarf is a phony and a poser, 
 so I call him the Little Stinker and make rude and impertenant remarks about 
 his lack of physical stature. It nicely mirrors his lack of moral stature. 
 Though I don't for a second believe that someone who is short in one category 
 is automatically short in the other. Just him. I don't believe it's possible 
 for a Hitler to come up with the thoughts and ideas of an Einstein. That just 
 doesn't make any sense to me. It's a fantasy to imagine you can seperate the 
 ideas from the person who conceived them. There's a small matter of integrity

 These prejudicial feelings and attitudes are the result of my life experiences. 
 They are the patterns that emerged from it. They are like intuitions and hints
 that emerged as I went along. I can try to deny them if I like but it won't work. 
 For better or for worse, they are a part of what makes up 'me'. They are fully 

 I will say that I treat them as 'starting points' not dogmatic entrenchments.
 People I don't like, I'm just wary of. I've never been able to bring myself to
 gratuitously write-off large populations. If they give me reason to think they
 are okay, I'll go with that. But if they follow the pattern, then screw 'em.
 Ditto for people I do like. In effect, I give them the first punch. If they
 abuse it, then they won't get another. I allow for exceptions to the rule. It
 just works better.

 I don't set my prejudices in concrete. Many people do. They just make up their 
 minds and that's that. I don't think of it as being especially dangerous. It
 just un-necessarily limits the field and all but eliminates the possibility of
 a big, juicy exception popping up. I tend to look for the exceptions to the
 rule. They are often more interesting than the general wash of humanity. Not 
 necessarily better, just more interesting.
 If nothing else, I see in each person I encounter, a mini-universe. They
 started out as a baby with a clean slate - didn't like or dislike anything.
 Then over their lifetime, they "re-invented the universe" in their own
 image, building it from scratch. Building it from their experiences with
 people and things. Forming their own little hypothesis about things and
 gradually shaping them into personal theories about how the World Works.
 Each of us is a unique universe of experiences and I'm always more than a 
 little interested in seeing how the other guy did his. And curious as to 
 how come theirs came out that way. Most especially if they did theirs in 
 peculiar circumstances: being black in white society, being Gay in a 
 Straight world, being Jewish in a Christian country, etc. It takes an
 exceptional person to reach beyond those sorts of basic barriers.

 We're often told it's bad to have prejudices. It's something we should 
 be ashamed of and strive to eliminate. It's hard to even imagine what a 
 person without prejudices would be like. They'd be more like a robot than 
 a human being. If somebody hated black people but felt the prejudice was
 somehow career-limiting and therefore inappropriate for their success in
 life, would that mean they liked or respected black people?  No, of course 
 not. It would just mean they found dishonesty to be a more lucrative strategy. 
 I would much rather deal with an honest bigot than with a dishonest bigot. 
 When people are dishonest, it's like you're talking to a shadow instead 
 of a person. It makes for poor conversation.

 Many of my favorite writers are people who were highly prejudiced and
 full of contradictions for that reason. Louis Celine was, at one time 
 in his life, virulently anti-Jewish. Yet he completely blocked out that
 aspect of his thinking in his wacky, lovely books. Ernst Juenger was a
 freak'n officer in the Nazi army, yet you'd be hard-put to find a more
 eloquently humane man of ideas. Sholem Asch was a practicing, faithful 
 Jew who wrote in Yiddish, yet his most famous books were about Christ 
 and Christian themes. Take away the contradiction and there isn't much 
 interesting left. 

 So have your prejudices and be aware of them, but don't let the tail wag
 your dog. Leave the door to your mind open a crack.


     I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it.

                            Groucho Marx

                          'OL YELLER'S TWAT
                  (aka The War Against Terrorism)

 And American blood continues to drip, drip, drip onto the sands of Iraq as
 more young "Heroes" are stuffed into big baggies and shipped home for glorious
 military funerals. We continue to ignore the slackers who merely lost an
 arm or leg. The Department of Defense says they aren't 'significant' and
 our News Nazis apparently agree - they never mention them. Stick 'em in a
 VA hospitial - out of sight, out of mind. Gone and most definitely forgotten.
 A few of the boys from the VFW will come around on Rememberance Day to give
 them all candy-bars. A small gesture of appreciation from a grateful nation.

 More bombs in Iraq. Was it them? Was it us? Was it some CIA cut-out that
 decided to take matters into their own hands? Or was it revenge for the
 UN bombing? We'll never know. Whatever is happening, it's clear that even
 Saddam did a far better job of running Iraq than our Retards in Uniform
 are doing. Our occpation is about as dumbass as it gets. We're too stupid
 to even run a backwash 3rd world country without fucking up.

 The first of the Conquering Heroes are arriving home after blowing away 8-year
 olds and cluster-bombing villages full of helpless civilians. And the whinning
 began almost as soon as they stepped foot back 'in-country'. Nobody drafted
 these clowns. Every last one of them VOLUNTARILY submitted themselves to the
 loving care of DoD. We dump billions and billions of Bucks into DoD's big black
 hole every year. Surely they can spare a few bucks to take care of their own.
 If the returnees want to whine, whine to General Rummy, not us. We paid our
 fair share and then some. Not that we had any frik'n choice in the matter. If 
 they aren't being taken of, General Rummy's to blame, not us. Maybe the drunks 
 down at the VFW Hall will put in a good word for them and pull some strings.
 Come on boys! Put down those beer bottles and send a little postcard to your
 Draft Dodger in Chief telling him to take care of his troops. It'll only take
 a few seconds.

 Generalissimo George W. Yellowbelly, terror of the Mooslem World and a close
 personal friend of God, this week assured everybody that he really didn't give 
 a hoot how many troops were getting their brains blown out - there would be no 
 retreat from Iraq. Brave words from a man who has run from every fight he's
 ever been in. And quite meaningless. We wouldn't even know who to retreat 
 from. Not to mention that Yeller's position is technically very temporary. 
 In fact, getting more temporary every day if he doesn't get his butt in
 gear soon.

 Everybody still wants to pretend our continued trashing of Iraq is merely a 
 temporary bureaucratic faux pas. It's not. It's deliberate and intentional. 
 Just like the senseless repeated ineffective mass-roundups of Iraqis by our 
 military screw-up artists isn't meant to ensure the safety of our troops.
 It's had no effect whatsoever on the Iraqi Freedom Fighters efforts in that
 regard. The snuffing pace hasn't been even slightly affected by the round-ups. 
 DoD doesn't care. There's plenty more hillbillies to replace the broke ones.

 Our real intention in both instances is to hurt the Iraqis. Our government 
 and our military hate the Iraqi people and everything they stand for. They're 
 stink'n Raghead Mooslems. We intend to make an example of them for all the 
 stink'n Raghead Mooslems in that part of the world. We want to show all of 
 them how much we hate and despise them. We want them to know that if we
 ever get our hands on them, they are going to get the exact same treatment
 that the Iraqis are getting, and then some. We don't want there to be any
 doubt in their minds. We want to rub their noses in it. We want to see it,
 day in and day out, everyday on TV in living color: this is how America
 liberates Ragheads. You better pray that you're not next.


 A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy
 bringeth mens minds about to religion.

                                 Francis Bacon
                                 "Of Atheism"

                                MONDO VATICANO

 The prison murder of John Geoghan, one of the principal Pervert Priests from
 Boston who precipitated the present scandal, dominated things last week. 
 Everyone was agreed that it was a shame and a pity but few quite knew why. 

 Certainly the prison's warden knew the likelihood was high that a Small Eyes 
 would be murdered if the general prison population ever got their hands on 
 him. It's kind of a prison tradition. Especially a Small Eyes of Geoghan's 
 notoriety. As to why the warden didn't take proper precautions to safeguard 
 Geoghan's life, is open to question. But I haven't heard anyone question his 
 judgement or his competence though both are obviously very much in question. 
 Perhaps the reason for this lack of interest is because everyone from the 
 Vatican on down is just a little bit happy Goeghan is no longer around to
 embarass them. Though it wouldn't be polite to admit it.

 Geoghan was a sick man. His bishop, Cardinal Law, led him to believe his
 problem wasn't a serious one. His bishop led him to believe that it was
 okay to rape and molest children as long as he did so discretely. Aware
 of Geoghan's 'problem', his bishop not only didn't get him the help he
 needed, he actually encouraged him in his perversion by protecting him 
 from the long arm of the law and feeding him new victims in parishes 
 where he wasn't yet known. Once the cat was out of the bag, Geoghan was 
 convicted and thrown in prison to die. His bishop remains free as a bird 
 and in no serious danger of being legally held to account for his clear
 obstruction of justice while aiding and abetting a man he knew was hurting
 and molesting children. Go figger.

 There is no effective treatment for Geoghan's problem. Indeed, the
 psychiatric community recently moved to have his illness removed from
 the manual they use to make their diagnosis of various forms of mental
 illness. Many of America's psychiatric professionals don't believe it 
 is abnormal for an adult to sexually exploit children. Exactly what 
 sort of treatment are they likely to develop for those who have this 
 problem? None, of course. Those who share Geoghan's problem are left 
 in limbo. Nobody wants to cure them. Nobody gives a damn.


 New Bishop Sean O'Malley in Boston continues to play "What's My Deal"
 with the many victims of sexual abuse in his diocese. He upped his
 offer a couple times since the original. Why doesn't he just put it
 on eBay and be done with it? In a couple weeks we can see what the
 winning bid was.


 I recently ran into a most interesting character. He's an ex-priest
 who was laicized. While he isn't a cleric by Vatican rules any more,
 he of course remains a priest for life. It's not just a good idea,
 it's Canon Law. And it's a responsibly he feels very deeply. I didn't 
 ask him why he is no longer a cleric. If he wanted me to know he
 would have told me. Some things are private. 

 Despite his situation, he continues to function as a priest. The
 Curia Queens in the Vatican would go bananas if they found out.
 But they're not likely to find out. His congregation, if you like,
 are those who are excluded by the Vatican's definition of Catholic
 despite being devout Catholics. They are Gay. And there's the rub. 
 Many are also slowly dying of AIDS. The spiritual comfort that the
 Vatican denies them, is provided by this priest whom the Vatican
 disapproves of. He is the most priestly priest I've run into in a
 very long time. As ordinary and unassuming as he is, the Spirit
 of Christ lives daily in him. He is living Christ's commandment
 to love his neighbor as himself through his acts of lovingkindness.
 And he's doing it on his own dime and out of pure selfless love.
 I really needed to run into a priest like this. He's given me a
 new respect for the priesthood at a time when it was sorely needed.

 The Church isn't a monolithic thing planted in Roma. It is a big,
 sloppy Ball 'o Mud. A messy, cantankerous, squabbling thing that
 embraces a wide variety of expressions of Catholic traditions.
 That's part of why I love it. Just like the sacraments, it doesn't 
 belong to the Vatican. It isn't the Vatican's property. It belong 
 to us - God's Family. Given the Vatican's corruption and perverity, 
 to imagine those hypocrites are guided by the Holy Spirit is the 
 height of obscenity. We have no Vatican-centered Magisterium at 
 present in any meaningful sense of the word. We have instead, a 
 Magisterium of the Family. The Vatican has profoundly failed in 
 its responsibilities, and we're picking up the slack ourselves. 
 That is the cold, hard reality of these times. Many Catholics are 
 slowly beginning to realise it. Some many never realize it. No 
 matter. The tide has turned. Perhaps someday a Vatican-centered 
 Magisterium will return. I'm open to the possibility but I'm not 
 holding my breath. Nor will I ever again give them a cent of my 
 money. It will go to people like the above-mentioned priest, who
 more accurately reflect the true Catholic Spirit.


 The synogague in Rock Island, Iowa had lost most of its congregation
 and the city picked it up on taxes. A culturally diverse neighborhood,
 the building right next door to it was a legendary whorehouse back in 
 the Good Old Days. The old synagogue dropped into the city's lap by
 default and they sold it for a Buck to a couple young fellers who were 
 willing to start a business in it. The new owners decided to appeal 
 to a congregation of a slightly different sort - they turned it into
 a sports bar & grill. And just to rub it in, they named it the "Hail 
 Mary's Last Chance Sports & Spirits". Oi! They named it after the
 legendary last-ditch desperation football pass of the same name, not 
 Jesus' mother. Any idiot knows that. The city knew it when they sold
 it to two fellas. And so it quietly remained for the past five months.

 Then along came Bishop Jenky of Peoria (IL). He's making a jackass of 
 himself by trying to marshall the local Catholic community to lean on 
 the town's politicians to force a name change. I guess the bishop 
 business is kinda slow in Peoria these days and he can't find anything
 better to do with his useless life. 

 Jenky's the replacement for the jerk who left Fr. Jeff twisting on the 
 wind a couple years ago after he got hooked on the Date Rape drug by a 
 couple weight lifting 'buddies'.? The hypocritcal bastard who left 
 his addicted priest in place while sneaking him off to the out-patient 
 drug rehab clinic. He didn't bother telling Fr. Jeff's parish about their
 newly addicted priest.  Didn't bother telling the cops about the drug 
 activity his priest had stumbled accidently into. That might have cut 
 into his Vatican career-potential. A real First-Class Citizen and deeply 
 religious Christian eh. My ass. Jenky seems to be much the same.
 City officials, political whores that they are, are seriously thinking
 of forcing the sports bar to change its name. The new owners feel more
 than a little betrayed. They were honest about the whole thing from
 the get-go and have brought the town new business that everyone has
 benefited from. What's Bishop Jenky ever done for Rock Island? Not a
 damn thing except stir up unnecessary trouble. He should be taught to
 mind his own damn business.

 This whatever-it-is operates under the patented Daily Bleed
 "anti-CopyRite 2000-3000". More or less. As the product of
 my imagination, I retain full pecuniary rights. You make any
 money off it, I better get my fair share. My lawyer, the Ginzu
 Viking, Dr. Yoshi Rasmussan LLD, anxiously awaits the chance
 to rat-fuck you and your heirs unto eternity if you even think
 of trying to screw me over. Otherwise, help yourself.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 (Only checked when feeling self-abusive.)
 ARCHIVE: https://www.angelfire.com/nb/afm