
 Lord have mercy on us.
 Christ have mercy on us.
 Lord have mercy on us.

 St. John Paul II, 
 Friend of dictators,                                 pay for your sins.
 Friend of fascists,                                  pay for your sins.
 Enemy of Peacemakers,                                pay for your sins.
 Consolation to Warmakers,                            pay for your sins.
 Master of the fake apology,                          pay for your sins.
 Supporter of Exploiters,                             pay for your sins.
 Despiser of the dark-skinned,                        pay for your sins.
 Saboteur of Eumenicalism,                            pay for your sins.
 Enemy of the Clever Jews,                            pay for your sins.
 Crusader against the Evil Muslims,                   pay for your sins.
 Who grew fat while children starved,                 pay for your sins.
 Who ignored the suffering of God's People,           pay for your sins. 
 Defiler of sainthood,                                pay for your sins.
 Defiler of the sacraments,                           pay for your sins.
 Destroyer of the liturgy,                            pay for your sins.
 Destroyer of religious vocations,                    pay for your sins.
 Tolerater of priestly pedophiles,                    pay for your sins.
 Tolerater of priestly rapists,                       pay for your sins.
 Persecutor of theologians,                           pay for your sins. 
 Who turned marriage annulments into a business,      pay for your sins.
 Egomaniac on the World Stage,                        pay for your sins.
 Misogynist,                                          pay for your sins.
 Homophobe,                                           pay for your sins.
 Superstitious old peasant,                           pay for your sins.
 Your servant, Pope John-Paul II, the very embodiment of the ancient
 High Priest of the Jerusalem Temple in the time of Your incarnation,
 did much to burden Your people and little to offer them Your love
 and compassion. Just as with the Temple High Priest of Your time, 
 John Paul also gained his High Office through dishonesty and deception. 
 Just as with the Temple High Priest of Your time, John Paul executed 
 his High Office through heavy-handed persecution and used it for 
 personal enrichment. He became quite fat while Your children starved. 
 Just as with the High Priest of Your time, he turned his back on the 
 suffering of Your People and gave succor to their exploiters while 
 standing silent before the Warmakers who terrorized them. Just as with 
 the High Priest of Your time, he turned the Sacramental sacrifices and 
 offerings of Your people into a monetary commodity and a putrid defilement. 
 He chose Bishops and Cardinals on the basis of political loyalty not piety 
 or religious integrity. And just as with the Temple High Priest of Your 
 time, he violated and deformed our Covenant, turning the sweet burden
 of its yoke into a cursed load. Few Popes were such poor guardians of 
 your treasures or as poor shepherds of your flock. We will be grateful 
 when you finally return his rotten soul to Your judgement. 
