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The question: Are today’s scientist just now catching up with ancient knowledge? The answer: YES today’s scientist are just now catching up with knowledge known and well documented by Ancient civilizations such as the SUMERIANS, EGYPTIANS, and ancient NATIVE-AMERICAN TRIBES. How you ask? Well it’s simple; The SUMERIANS have diagrams of the SOLAR system and planets that date back way before the 1800’s when they were just being discovered by European scientist. They also have documented cloning and in their text’s(Enuma Elish) there are reports of a creation story in which man was cloned from our descendants(those who descended upon us) called ANUNNAQI(Those who Anu sent down to earth in 50’) long before any sheep named "dolly". Also the Ancient EGYPTIANS had batteries which produced electricity long before Benjamin Franklin and his flying kite so what is the big deal? THIS IS NOTHING NEW! Our NUWAUBIAN ancestors had knowledge of such things thousands of years ago! Established authorities would much rather have the public pass these off as "myths" and "fairytales" but The Supreme Grand Master Dr. Malachi Z. York has explained to us for decades and teaches that these are NO myths or fairytales. Even in the bible(which was watered down from the ancient text) and the Qur’an(which is plagiarized from the bible) you can also find story’s of cloning. As in the Qur’an where it says that we were made from a clot of blood and in Genesis 2:21-22 where Eve was supposedly taken from Adam’s rib(which is where bone marrow can be found. A prime source for DNA). To THIS day there is still a tribe in Africa known as the HENDENDAWA or "Fuzzy Wuzzies"(because of their abundance of kingly hair on their head) which is thousands of years old and have preserved their tribal knowledge of astronomy and diagrams of a SOLAR system, but you’ll find some "scientist" who will say "oh they must have gotten lucky". GET REAL! The time is NOW to wake up and break the spell! Read on.... Taken from "Man From Planet Rizq" Study Book One Supreme Mathematics Class A For The Students Of The Holy Tabernacle. Authored by The Supreme Grand Master Dr. Malachi Z. York.Pages 8 and 9(in part): "Ques:What is a Clone? Ans: First let me explain to you what the word Clone means. The word Clone comes from the greek word ‘Klon’ for ‘twig, shoot'. According to Illustrated Heritage Dictionary and Information Book on page 252 clone also means: A group of genetically identical cells descended from a single common ancestor. One or more organisms descended asexually from a single ancestor. To create a genetic duplicate of an individual of an individual organism through asexual reproduction, as by stimulating a single cell.—Which extends from Kel2 – meaning to strike, cut; With derivatives referring to something broken or cut off; Twig, piece of wood. Ques:So are you saying that, this is how clones are made? Ans: Yes. Clones are made by duplicating the genes from any one strand of DNA, or one cell in the body, or you can go into the cell and destroy the nucleus, then inject another nucleus into it. This can either be animal or plant. This will produce a duplicate cell from the donated nucleus to this cell. Another way to make a clone is by using identical particles of genetic material inside a cell, called Plasmids Technique, which allows scientist to combine a plant gene with an animal gene. Cloning is not recent scientific discovery. It has been in existence for thousands of years, but you just didn’t know it. When I tried to tell you about it over 25 years ago in books entitled ‘The True Story of Abraham, Edition #91’, ‘Ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs, Edition #85’ and many others, everyone thought I was crazy but once again, you now see that what I have been saying all along was the truth and facts. Some people fear the fact of humans being created by laboratory manipulation would be ‘less than human’; But twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc are biological clones. In twins, one is usually more aggressive while the other is sedate. One may be very happy while the other grumpy. Many say that they have double power, have the same brain thoughts and can read each others mind. However, they still may not have the same character or personality." It later continues on to Page 21(in part): "Ques:Were there clones in ancient civilizations? Ans: Yes. In ancient Sumer and Egypt where the ANUNNAQI meaning ‘those who came down to earth in 50’s from ANU’ who is The Most High EL. For every ANUNNAQI there were 9 clones. Originally there were 7 for the 7 major organs in the body. For example the ANUNNAQI ENQI, son of ANU and IYD, would have his genes frozen by scientist and put on ice by a process called Cryogenics, which is the process of freezing genes, for transport and/or preserving. Cryo comes from the Greek word Kryos which means ‘Icy cold' and Genics which is genes. Each clone of an ANUNNAQI will be used for a healthy heart, a healthy liver, etc. However when something is frozen it crystallizes which destroys cell tissue. Cryogenics is a science which earth is learning about quickly. There are private cryogenic societies who successfully freeze individuals who die but who want to take their chance that they can be revived in 50 or 100 years. The freezing must take place 30 minutes after death has occurred. Mummification, is another method for preserving the body for the voyage to the ‘Higher Life’ or ‘Next World’. These bodies are so well preserved, that mummies tombs opened today after being buried for 1,000’s of years are preserved perfectly and have full heads of hair. This mummification was used by the Egyptians, and became apart of their burial ritual. This process was also an alternative method to Cryogenics for preserving the body, without causing damage to the cells and tissue; However, it does not preserve the body forever, so scientist have a limited time to use the body to clone or duplicate this person for their purpose." So as you can see here there IS nothing new about these discoveries! STOP BEING FOOLED!

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