President Carter's World Commission to control population decreed that 2.7 billion non-white peoples must be eleminated from this planet by the year 2000.
The fact that Aids was a United States (U.S.) germ warfare creation was the headline and front page news of the Sunday Express newspaper in London, England on October 26, 1986, how AIDS was given to Afrikans was clearly exposed in the London Times May 11, 1987.
John Seale, a British Venerealogist claimed that the Aids epidemic has been caused by experiments carried out in the USA as part of the development of new biological weapons. On October 26, 1986 Seale's startling accusations appeared on the front page of the London Sunday Express. The headlines claimed - "Aids made in lab shock" - The world's killer virus was man made in a US secret laboratory experiment. Seale told reporters he was totally convinced that the virus was man made. That story appeared in all the news media of the world, except the news media of the USA, and even today the story has not appeared in the US news media.
"Many people don't remember or are unaware," said Dr. Donald Babcock, an American scientist and statistical expert, "that the USA was the chief creator and player in the White World International Treaty for the Global 2000 Policy in the eradication of a billion plus non-white peoples from the face of the Earth by the year 2000 using whatever method was required be it wars, disease, starvation, plagues, or whatever," Aids, The End of Civilization by William Campbell Douglass, M.D. page 56
No doubt many people will say the US regime would never do such a thing seeing that it is one of the most "civilized" countries in the world. Well to such doubting Thomas's the news is that the new US regime has already used and tested germ warfare on its own citizens in the past.
One of the most notorious medical experiments the USA has carried out within its own borders involved a group of African brothers in Macon County, Alabama. These brothers, about 400 in all were enrolled in a Federal Government study during the years 1932-1972. While on this study they were, unknowingly to themselves, injected with the Syphilis Virus. The purpose of the study, according to the Public Health Service doctors in Tuskegee, was to record the destructive effects of untreated Syphilis, and to follow closely the medical progress of the group until each man died.
The brothers were never told they had Syphilis, nor were they told their disease could endanger their families. They only knew they were being examined yearly and were receiving free treatment for "bad blood". Even when a penicillin cure for Syphilis became available in the 1940's the brothers in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment were not allowed to receive the antibiotic. By decree, other doctors in Macon County were forbidden to treat any of the brothers in the Study. Only special doctors of the US regime could treat the brothers, and when any of them died the US regime quickly made arrangments for autopsy examination at Andrew Hospital.
An article by Martin Levine (Bad Blood, New York Native, Feb. 16, 1987) examined the racist science inherent in the study. He reminded his readers that the Tuskegee experiment was supervised by the Center of Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia (CDC), the same agency that now oversees the Aids epidemic. According to Levine, the experiment eas easily justified by physicians and scientists because, "it was widely believed the Africans' racial inferiority made them a Syphilis-soaked race. Their smaller brains lacked mechanism for controlling sexual desire, causing them to be highly promiscuous. They matured early and consequently were more sexually active; and the African man's enormous penis with its long foreskin was prone to venereal infections." Levine concluded that "what happened in Macon County means that we cannot blindly trust the Center for Disease Control."
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