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Who Is This So Called White Man?

The pale man originated from the Caucus mountains, where there was very little plant life and not much means for salt. This condition forced him to rob the Nubian female of her chastity in order to keep his seed alive, it’s called integration.

The Caucasian woman who was left in the mountains, resorted to lying with and having sex with beasts: such as the jackal, which is an ancestor of today’s dog. The phrase “dog is man’s best friend” came from this situation. The dog would lick the festered sores of the leper and clean them for him. His seed was kept alive because the Caucasian woman and the jackal mated. This is where you get people who possess an animalistic nature.

Ques: Is it possible for one species to have offspring’s with another species?

Ans: The reason why Amorites could have offspring’s from a union with an animal was because they themselves had retreated to being animals, and were lab rats for extraterrestrials who did genetic splicing with all kinds of animals and humans. The lepers that remained in the mountains were pushed further, into the Caucus mountains and fell so low as to mate with the dog-like animals, which is called the act of bestiality, and anyone who was guilty of it was condemned (Leviticus 18:22-23). If it did not happen there would have been no reason for this law, and if you want to know who this is talking about just read Leviticus chapter 13 and 14, then to 15, to 16, and then right on up 17, then you're there. The result of this mixture were ape-like animals. The ones who had left the mountains did not return.
