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Letters of Support

Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:10:14
From: Sia

Regarding the recent "We Still Work Magik" Rally, may I say "Well done!" to you and your organizers :-)

I know how hard it is to organize an event when you have plenty of time. That you pulled this one off in the time you had and given the many obstacles you faced, is a great tribute to your organization and to the Pagan Community in your area.

Blessed Be,
Council Leader, Full Circle Events
"Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, Create the Future"

Subject: We support you
To: Lady_Ginger_S@g...
From: "Aradian D.L." aradian2@y...
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:49:57 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings Lady Ginger,
Brightest Blessings upon this endeavor. I have been away from the computer for many weeks. Our coven is experiencing growing pains and I have been placing most of my energy there.

I represent the Grove of the Seven Oaks, and eclectic coven with members of several paths and traditions. We have 16 members. We wished to voice our support in the Appalachian Pagan Alliance's "We Still Work Magic" rally this upcoming Weds. As many of our members are teachers, broadcasters, or otherwise work in the public eye, we cannot all send our names. As I have no fear of being a public pagan, I act as spokes person. Know that the Grove of the Seven Oaks of Central Alabama support your efforts to guarantee our religious rights and to educate the public at large about the Pagan paths.

Light and Love,
Lady Aradian
HPS Grove of the Seven Oaks, serving Central Alabama
Rev. Dawna Lockhart

From: Reed A. Cartwright

Hello Pagan Alliance,

I have just finished reading the Time article that included your request to use the football stadium. I think it is a wonderful idea to show the conservative, controlling, Christians that they are not the only ones in this country. I am an Atheist and thus a strong supporter for separation and a secular government and public officials. However, I think that EVERY school which sponsors Christian events should be inundated with requests like yours. Thank you. I can only hope that many more minorities will follow your example and demand equal time.

I wish you the best of luck, and thank you very much!

Reed A. Cartwright

Subject: [NC_WARD] APA on NPR
From: "MoonBaby"
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000

Lady Ginger... heard the APA on NPR this morning re: the Reynolds Stadium issue. Seems that the school board is "considering" your request. I would say this is a wise move on their part. What is the official word on your end? Also, I tried to find a news link on the NPR site but couldn't find one. Is this on your local news as well? If you have one I would love it if we could pass this along to the national WARD list as well as this one so everyone can check it out.

Date: Thu, 24 August 2000
From: Storm Bear

I heard you on the Michael Medved show this afternoon and am very proud with the way you handled yourself. Personally I can't stand Medved and when I was scrolling through stations, I heard him say your name and I lasered right in. Also, I heard him say he would be on FOX News tonight, however I am not sure what that will cover.

Drink Deep Sister!
Storm Bear
Order Of The Red Grail Winston-Salem, NC

From: Gina Henderson
Date: Mon Aug 28, 2000

I think that's marvelous what you're doing. I agree that a school is not the best place to hold a "prayer meeting" of any kind but now that they've opened the cookie jar so to speak they have to make sure we all have the chance to get one.

Subject: you're doing great!
From: "luna " luna_47@h...
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000

Hang in there my sister, what you are doing is a wonderful thing, an advancement for all of us. You have my admiration and support.
Bright Blessings,
Patt Meyer

"Blessed be, Lady Ginger

Goddess may open their hearts and souls . Pagans are no daemonic powers ! May more of the narrowminded people open up again !

"Don't give up the fight - Lady Ginger. Merry Part
CzechWoods" (from europe)

So, can I just say that while I am elated for you w/ regard to being mentioned, heard & quoted; the rest of that article scares the sh*t out of me. I guess living in a less inyourfacechristian area has lulled me. I commend you on having the courage to survive gracefully in an area so monotheistic."


"...interesting article.
good luck in your persuits. where is asheville by the way?
seems a muslim sister i have worked with in the field of journalism/writing for several years has had many of the same questions/dilemmas in dealing with the dominant culture, the school system in particular. but she stayed polite yet very firm and things have been just fine for quite awhile now. but not without some firm struggle."
ilisa (From California)

Subject: What wonderful news!!
From: Susan Chenoweth
Date: 29 Aug 00 14:08:40 EDT

My sister,

What you are doing is a wonderful thing, and I thank you and our Goddess for your strength and efforts. You have my admiration and support.

Susan Chenowet

Date: Sun, 03 September 2000

Dear Lady Ginger,
I would just like to say in response to your letter to the editor WHOWA, Pam said and I quote " She has some kahoonas (balls)" I am greatly impressed with your activism. You are Magnificent in the way you handle the religious right. Keep up the great work. Many Blessings to you and your family,
Jeff and Pam

Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 16:46:38 EDT

Yes, and we are thrilled to be spreading the message up this way. We truly wish that we could be there to join you, but our thoughts will be with you on that day. We may have a representive there from Virginia if all goes well.

Bright Blessings!
---Deb Jarvis, editor of The Crow's Calling magazine

Date: Sun, 03 September 2000
From: Storm Bear

Hi all!
One thing I have learned about Ginger, is that she has probably written more press releases, letters to the editor, commentary and FAQ's than the rest of us put together.

My feeling is that the Appalachian Pagan Alliance is successful because of her media experience. Some here in North Carolina cringe at the publicity that she and Paganism attains, but it is better to be out their slugging it out, than have a Governor proclaim a "March for Jesus Day" and no one speak up. Hell, she went toe-to-toe with Michael Medved last week!

Silence provides fertile ground for the continuation of bigotry.

Drink Deep,
Storm Bear

Date: Sun, 03 September 2000

blessings to you for your strength and courage i read about the rally you all are planning on Mabon at the high school and have passed on the word to the sisters in my group. I know how difficult it is to face up to the hatred and hysteria of the christian groups as i have come in contact with this in a much smaller degree. we will be raising a cone of energy for you during our circle. religious freedom is limited in our society and people like you are to be commended for helping to get people to understand us and what wicca stands for will be following the story


Subject: Pagan Rally
To: Lady_Ginger_S@g...
From: Mark Laity-Snyder marklaitys@y...
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 08:45:52 -0700 (PDT)

We are with you in spirit from Denver, CO Hope you get lots of people and positive paganism and that the media is supportive.

Blessed Be!
Mark & Natasha Laity-Snyder

Subject: Re the Rally
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:40:58 EDT

I'm E-mailing from the UK, I'm a druid from North Wales. I've heard all about your rally from the Dallas Pagan group run by Maeven and I support what you are doing wholeheartedly. I met the Dallas group 18 months ago now at Yule, until then I had a fairly low opinion of American Pagans, but since I have seen the work which you all are doing and I have to say I'm impressed. In some ways you have it better than us because you have your Constitution to support you legally, 'though it seems that even that is called into question by some fundementalists at times. You are right to insist on this rally from an equallity point of view, I was shocked that a religious group were allowed to use an educational place to hold a rally. The sad part is that in this country schools are almost for the exclusive use of Christians. In a few predominently coloured areas the schools are allowed details about beliefs such as Hinduism but paganism is virtually banned. At my daughters school they were taught that pagan druids were wiped out by the Romans! When she pointed out that her father was a pagan druid priest who was raised at Stonehenge we recieved phone calls from the school who couldn't believe it. They refused to discuss her religion within the class saying that it was nonsense. They also issue leaflets in October warning about the Satanic implications of celebrating Hallowe'en! I made an official complaint but the Christian viewpoint was withheld because it is the State Religion.

Sorry about the rant above but I do feel so strongly for what you are doing and wish that I could be there to support you. Do feel free to quote from this if it is of any use.

Yours in love, light and truth


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