Magical words to chant as prescribed by the God, Vishnu, in his form of Lord Krishna.

Taken from the Bhagavad Gita,17th teaching, 23rd through 28th quatrains

OM TAT SAT: "that is the real"-
this is the triple symbol of the infinite
spirit that gave a primordial sanctity to
the Priests, sacred lore,and sacrifice.

OM: knowers of the infinite spirit chant
this as they perform acts of sacrifice, charity,
and penance perscribed bt tradition.

TAT: men who crave freedom utter it as they
perform acts of sacrifice, charity, and
penance, without concern for reward.

SAT: it means what is real and what is good
Arjuna; the word SAT is also used when
an action merits praise.

SAT: is steadfastness in sacrifice, in charity;
any action of this order is denoted by SAT.

But oblation, charity, and penance offered without
faith are called ASAT, for they have no reality
here or in the world after death.

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