
by Joy Harwood.

Attracting People this is general purpose, not for a love spell but just to get people to notice you. Wash your face and hands with something containing roses or patchouli, and say: "Cleansed be these hands, cleansed be this face, Attract good people from all over the place." This works even better if you burn a pink candle.

Warding Off Negative Energy Light a bundle of sage or a stick of incense. If smoke is a problem, use a sprig of thyme instead. Whatever you're holding, make a big swirl of it counterclockwise in all your doorways and windows. The icky stuff will get caught in the swirl and get banished when it comes to the end. If you used thyme, leave it over the doorframe for a more lasting effect. Creative Energy Do this before creating art of any sort. Prepare your sacred space, light a yellow candle, and drink a very small amount of mugwort tea.* Then say: "God/dess of visions and of dreaming, Let me see beyond the seeming And express what is true, Just as it comes from you." Play music that keeps you in this space. *Mugwort is subtle but strong--you only need a little. DON'T take it during pregnancy (bad for the baby) or right before Aunt Flow's monthly visit (there's such a thing as being TOO spiritually open). Otherwise it's very useful.

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