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Binding Spell

By Beth Langley

This spell is intended to bind the harmful words, actions, and intents of another person. Ethically, before doing a spell of this nature, you should meditate on the problem, and be assured that other solutions have been tried to work out the problem. At times, we may have unexplained negative energies from an unknown source.......this spell will work in that case as well. Be at peace with your decision to ask your Guardians to aid often helps to write a brief description of the problem, what solutions have been attempted, and the reason for performing the spell.

I wrote this spell for use in a Circle, but use your own usual method of self-preparation for ritual. I'll list some of my commonly used correspondences below the ritual, but feel free to substitute and personalize anything in the spell. Feel free to email me with questions or feedback.

Gather Materials

  • Altar supplies: water and salt; altar candles; candles or objects to represent your chosen deities; offerings for deities(such as herbs, blessed bread, crystals, or coins); incense(preferred---Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, and cedar) and burner/charcoal
  • Tools: pentacle, athame, boline, wand
  • Spell items: male or female figure candle, or a small taper to represent the person you are binding(if you know their birth sign, choose an astral color); cotton string or twine; oil(scented or plain......if scented, I recommend sage or sage and cedar, Dragon's Blood, or Rue oil); copy of the spell
  • parchment and black pen
  • Cauldron with sand, or other fire-proof surface. Take my advice, if you do this indoors, use your stovetop or hearth, and disable smoke alarms.........I learned this the hard way, a tale I can share with you all another time, lol! I now perform this outdoors, on the ground or on a large flat foil pan full of sand on the grill. You need to be prepared for flames twice the height of your candle, and the accompanying heat and smoke.

Prepare for Working

  • Set up altar or working space
  • Arrange supplies within reach
  • Cast Circle or perform your usual method of preparation. In my case, I cast with my athame, call the Elements with my wand, seal with blessed salt, incense, and consecrated water; invoke my Guardians and matron Goddess/Patron God.
  • If you desire, write intent of Working on the parchment and fold it into a small packet.


  • Take up the candle you are using. Hold it as you visualize the person to be bound, or focus on the behaviors/effects/activities you wish to cease.
  • Hold the candle up to your mouth, and slowly exhale 3 times onto candle, while visualizing your intent flowing into the wax.
  • Inscribe the name/names, or a symbol to represent the bound person onto the candle.
  • Cut 3 long pieces(long enough to wrap candle once with each piece) of twine. Taking the first piece, begin binding the candle from the head or top: ~~Bind forehead~~saying: I banish all negative thoughts and intentions towards me from your mind. Send these negative thoughts away from me. I stand protected by the Great Goddess(or insert chosen deity), and my mind is at peace.
    ~~Bind mouth~~saying: I banish all harmful words that you have used to hurt me. I bind thee, that unkind and thoughtless words will not be spoken to me. I stand protected by the Great Goddess; I have no need of harsh words.
    ~~Bind arms~~saying: I bind all negative actions and deeds that are performed against me by your hands. I bind your hands in their work against me, that no further harm come to me. I stand protected by the Great Goddess; I will do no harm.
    ~~Bind remaining lower half of candle(including the parchment packet, if using)~~saying: By the power of the Goddess who protects and keeps me safe from harm, I banish all ill-will and negative thoughts, words, and deeds. By the three-fold Goddess, I bind ______(insert name), that they treat me fairly and with respect. I bind and banish the behavior that has caused me such pain.
    ~~Repeat with each piece of twine; secure twine to candle. As you bind, picture the harmful activities being immoblized.

    ~~Bless oil and charge for this use.
    ~~Stand candle upright into sand/earth.
    ~~ Saturate candle and twine with the oil, saying:
    Goddess, aid my request, help me to be worthy of honor and respect. Grant me clarity and peace, bind and banish these harmful deeds from me. These things I ask for the good of all, in total love and trust, seeking to harm none. So mote it be.

    ~~Light the bound, oil-soaked candle. It will quickly become a pillar of flame. Picture the fire's power carrying your intent to the source. Dance(or use your favorite method of raising power) and chant:
    Three times three
    as ye have sown
    is thine to reap
    thy harvest grown.
    For best, for worst,
    for praise or chide
    the Gods alone
    your fate decide!

    After the Working

    • earth or ground the raised energy. (my favorite way to do this is to place my palms flat on the ground; then have a communion of bread and wine; then I offer the remaining bread and wine as an offering)
    • Give thanks to the Deities for their assistance
    • make an offering to the Elements/Guardians/gods/goddesses who aided you.
    • Dispose of the used ashes/wax from the working. One way to do this is to wrap in black cloth and bury, or dispose into running water.
    • close out your Circle or disperse your workspace as you prefer.

    Below are some common correspondences:
    Moon Phase: waning up til new moon

    Elementals---Use as symbols of, or offerings to, each element
    Earth: Sand, crystals, stones, salt, grain, bread, fruit; objects colored brown/dun/gray
    Air: Incense, candles, objects colored silver, white, blue(glass beads, cloud images; for kids----blue and white cotton candy!) Fire: lit candles, red/orange objects(such as carnelian stones, copper coins), dragon images/Dragon's Blood powder/oil/incense, sun items Water: Holy water, fish, shells, deep-blue and green objects

    Black : banishing/binding, dissolve negativity
    Orange : personal power, emotions
    Yellow : confidence
    Red : survival, life force
    Green : healing, growth
    Blue : healing, peace
    Purple :spirit contact
    White : all-color

    Herbs(use as herbs, oils, incense, offerings):
    Dragon's Blood, sage, cedar, juniper(leaves and berries), rue, mugwort, frankincense, myrrh, rosemary

    Offerings: Leave on altar overnight, then bury or place out doors for the Deities. Some pagans use the Native American "Blessing Tree" concept.......a special tree or bush is used to make offerings and to make requests of the Gods. Offerings are placed at the base of the tree/bush, and other items are tied to the branches by ribbons. I often bury metals or crystals, and leave edible offerings on the ground.
    ~~Fruit, blessed bread, consecrated wine, herbs, oils, incense(unburned), crystals, coins


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