APA Newsletter March 2000Our June meeting went well and we worked on a lot of the details for SAMHAIN FEST 2000- A WITCHES HALLOWEEN BROUHAHA. It sounds like it is going to be a truly wonderful event. Shannon has nearly got all the 'red tape' work done for the gathering, (She's done such a good job, I have added to her bio on the APA website, that she is in charge of all APA red tape!!! Joy is making arrangements for the musicians for the gathering, and we will be finishing up the planning stage this month, and launch full force into the 'advertising' phase of the gathering preparations. So we all are really looking forward to Samhain night! Hope to see you all there! August 's meeting will be held at Mysts of Avalon at 6:00pm on August 15th. Joy will be leading the ritual for that meeting and I will be leading a workshop on crafting magical harvest wreaths. We also will be restarting out Harvest Food Drive P.R./Charity project, so please bring some canned food items for our donation to the Manna Food Bank, with you to the August, Sept. and Oct. meetings. We also will once again be donating Yuletide decorations to Eliada Homes for troubled Teens, please bring decorating or wrapping items to the November and December meetings. The Appalachian Pagan Alliance's First birthday party will be held on August 13th at noon at Lake Julian. The Witchlings' Circle will be having its first Field Trip, this month, going to the Bele Chere opening parade. The APA is planning to host a booth at Bele Chere Next year!
From our Book of Shadowswritten by: Ginger and Amethyst Strivelli (to be danced and sung to the tune and steps of 'Ring Around the Rosie') "The Moon is up when it is sunny, isn't that just too funny, Moonbeams, Moonbeams, we all call you down! The Sun makes the day bright, you're supposed to shine all night, Moonbeams, Moonbeams, we all call you down! Nightmare Spell By: Shannon "This is what the kids and I came up with, I know its simple, but it works for them." **Starting at one corner of the bed, draw a line from that corner to the others. While you are doing this, say: Banishing Nightmare Charm On a piece of paper draw a spider's web. Write the words "Let only good dreams pass through this web to me, My Gods, So Mote It Be!" around the web in a circle.
Holidays:July 23rd;Neptunalia, the festival of Neptune and his wife, Salacia July 31st: August 1st: August 12th:
Quotes to Meditate Upon"When the Gods choose to punish, They merely answer our prayers." Oscar Wilde"Next week there can't be any crisis. My schedule is already full." Henry A. Kissinger "He who knows others is clever; He who knows himself is enlightened." Lao-tzu "I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it." Mae West "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." Marie Curie |