(May All ods Bless America Graphic By Diana) Newslettwer Editress: Ginger Strivelli Our 3rd annual Vacation Witchcraft School had to be canceled at the last minute as Nessa was out of that weekend and then Paula had to pull out of helping Ginger host the event when one of her friends fell ill. We do hope to plan the next VWS for the summer of 2004, without any such scheduling problems, and emergency problems that derailed it this year. We of course, do still plan to meet for our usual Yuletide gathering. Of course we will miss Thomas' portrayal of the Holly King at that event, but Kevin McNelly has agreed to stand in his stead in that role this coming Yule. Ginger is currently checking in with Byron Ballard from CERES to see what the APA can do to help with Earth Religions Awareness Week Events in October this year. She will of course let everyone know how the APA is going to be involved, and then twist arms to get y'all involved with her, in representing the APA during that week's event/s that she volunteers the APA to help with. FROM OUR BOOK OF SHADOWS: --------------------------------------------- Calling/casting incantation by Terrikhat I am the maiden and the dawn the frailest bloom, the smallest fawn the virgin child, the eastern star the youthful sage and avatar I am the mother, wise and bold the bounty of the earth ten-fold the southern star, the crimson flame burn hot when summer sings my name I am the hag, the ageless crone who sings in Autumns somber tone the twilight of the western day where darkness waits not far away Alas, I am the frozen north where all that lives is now brought forth what sleeps today will be reborn to walk the earth one golden morn. ---------------------------------------------------- Quote by ? A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words" ------------------------------------------------------- MAGICAL PLACES SECTION When I was nine years old I had the pleasure of being a Camp Fire Girl and going to Camp Wo He Lo for outings and such. During one of our campouts it was my group’s turn to tend to clean-up at the main lodge building. We scrubbed pots and pans and got everything all tidy and clean. By the time we finished clean-up it was dusk. Just past the lodge was a small circular gathering area surrounded by trees and covered with shade. In the center was an ashy cold fire pit, long unused. The circle was defined by old logs. I decided to have a seat on one of the logs facing away from the lodge and lights. I sat there and took a deep breath and listened to the bugs and trees and felt a nice breeze blowing through. At that instance in time I knew just knew that THIS was a church. Not those brick buildings that I crammed in to with hundreds of other people when I went to church with my Grandma. I knew that God was wherever we needed Him to be. I discovered what a sacred and magical place was in that instance. In that moment I discovered what it felt like for my soul to be at peace. I truly found out what a magical place was. (Submitted by Marcia Tillison)