Editress Ginger Strivelli Summer Solstice came and went already, we here at the APA do hope y’all took time to celebrate it, too many Pagans ‘do’ Yule up big but forget Summer Solstice in June. The Strivelli Clan all goes to the beach yearly for the holiday and I suggest everyone who worships the Mother Earth and the Father Sun God, try to remember all the Solar holidays not just Yule and Beltane. In other words you Yule and Beltane Pagans out there, get off your rump and celebrate the full year long! ---------------- Pagans are … What!? On Wednesday, June 25, 2008, Kathie Lee Gifford, co-host of NBC’s Today Show ignited a controversy when she referred to Pagans as “nasty” and “bad” during a segment on the morning infotainment about weddings. Gifford read a quiz which asked viewers why the wedding ring is worn on the left hand rather than the right. She read the first two entries as written, but on the final which read “Pagans believed it was bad luck to carry metal on your right side” she departed from the wording and said, “The Pagans, the nasty, bad, Pagans, believed ...” Gifford, a born-again Christian, seemed unaware that her comments had offended anyone. However, they did. Pagans and their supporters roundly denounced Gifford’s insensitive remarks – some going as far as to launch a petition initiative demanding an apology from Gifford and threatening a boycott of the segment’s sponsor, Samsung. Their petition at Care2Petitionsite has garnered nearly 3,000 signatures and terms Gifford’s remarks “hate speech.” Members of the Appalachian Pagan Alliance were also outraged by Gifford’s remarks. Letters were drafted by some members of the APA calling upon Gifford to consider how she would feel should someone refer to Christians as “nasty” and “bad” and reminding her that Christians have a rather sketchy history when it comes to calling others “nasty” and “bad.” The letters pointed out that the Christian atrocities during the Crusades, the Reformation, and the Medieval Witch Hunts hardly gives any Christian the right to label others as “nasty” and “bad.” Other letters castigated Gifford’s remarks as “bigoted,” “ignorant,” and “hateful.” Not all Pagans think that a boycott is called for, though. Jason Pitzl-Waters, chief blogger at The Wild Hunt, doesn’t think Kathie Lee deserves the hullabaloo. Calling her “vacuous,” he stated that while her comments were ill-conceived, they don’t qualify as hate speech: “Hate speech is something very specific, and Gifford's off-the-cuff riffing on a trivia question doesn't even come close to qualifying.” Be that as it may, APA Leading Priestess Ginger Strivelli says that the incident has led to more activism than the Appalachian Pagan Alliance has seen in quite some time. Hopefully, Gifford and NBC will realize that Pagans deserve just as much respect as Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and Christians. They’re not just hanging out in the broom closet anymore. --Shadowolf Quote of the Month to ponder: “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” H.L. Mencken