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Table Columns Explanation

Column Heading Description
Paid E-Mails My average number and/or total amount earned daily of Paid E-Mail Links sent in one day. Usually multiple links and instructions are sent in one E-Mail.
Paid Links My average number and/or total amount earned daily of Paid Links contained in the member page - credit occurs usually within 20 seconds of visiting the link site. Important - the Links are (usually) at your member site, so you must login to these sites to find the paid links. Dont wait for e-mails!
Sign-Ups My average number and/or total amount earned of Paid to Sign-Up and become a member links - credit occurs after sign-up. Again you (usually) must login to your member site to find these sign-up task links. Don't wait for e-mails!
Payout Payment occurs WHEN your account reaches the minimum amount shown or monthly for the whole amount earned (even if only 1 cent was earned).
Join Free CLICK on these Links to the Program Web-Sites and JOIN these Money Making Programs!