Saturday, November 23, 2002 11:26 PM
pieces of me
i guess.. since you're reading my journal, i should fill you in on a few minor details about me..
my single most favorite thing to do in the world is photography. this is my second year taking photography.. (im a senior in high school). last year i was inducted into the national art honor society for photography and was elected to serve as public relations officer for this school year. this year i submitted a portfolio and essay for evaluation and was the only photo II accepted into the honors program.. so it's kind of a big deal in my life..
photography was one of the main reason i designed this website, (which, right now, isn't much of a design, but anyhow..) i wanted to make sort of an online gallery to display my work. i also want to post some of my poetry and possibly some of my artwork.
as for webdesign.. this is like my twentieth site. i've made a bunch of sites in the past for friends and some for myself. i still have a
scooby-doo (which is another one of my loves) site and am currently working on getting together an avril site.. one of my favorite bands.. especially justin (another one of my loves.. sigh.. j/k).
job.. well (cringe).. i've been unemployed for about two months (it was fun while it lasted.. or while the money lasted..). before i decided to be a bum i was working as a teacher-aide at a daycare center (a 'lil over a year).. before that, i worked as a waitress (about a year), which, since santa's commin', i am going back to. i start that job back monday of next week.. so many fun stories to come..
the significant other deal.. i have a boyfriend.. j. the 'together how long' question has a couple of different answers.. we've been "more than friends" (but not officially together) since february of 2001.. so it'll be two years in february. he made it technical (asked me out) on june 26 of that same year.. so you can do that math. we broke up for a month in november of 2001, and we have been going out for a whole consecutive year on december 15th.. which is the technical date i like to use.. mainly to rub in our break-up ;o)
i have a non-techy diary (the kind 'ya write in with an ink pen) that is updated pretty religiously, but while i was doing a website, i figured what the heck i tried the "new fangled blog thing"..
k, not quite the story of my life, but read on..