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Sunday, January 12, 2002 11:26 PM

my letter to her

....Hey, what up? Umm.. well actually the main reason I did what I did was because of how freaked Rusty was. I knew when he found out, he'd feel better. But, hey, you're welcome! I'm not really going to touch much on the fact I have a problem with you. If you really want me to get into it, you can write back and ask. I'm sure you can pretty much figure out why though.. anyhow, I know you don't have a problem with me, or atleast I didn't think you did, since I haven't done anything to you. I know you feel the same way, but you can't put everything that happened off on John & Rusty, you really can't. It was not completely all their fault. Besides they have their time that I've been mad at them & they have apologized for what they've done. You said in your letter that you didn't like me because I didn't like you for something you didn't do. I'm fine with you not like'n me.. I feel it's a juvenile reason, but it's your decision, so feel the way you wish. But this does raise one question in my mind.. If you think you did nothing wrong, why did you try so hard to apologize to me before? you tried to get my # from Rusty and Jesse, but why? what were you going to apologize for? You also wrote John a letter in which you asked him to tell me you were sorry for what you have done to me.. why apologize if you feel you've done nothing wrong? I'm not trying to be a straight-up bitch, I'm just trying to understand where you are comming from.. you don't even know me, you're acing like you lost a best-friend and you're trying to get me back.. you messed with Rusty when he and I were together.. then you messed with John while him and I were together.. now you're (or atleast were trying at one time) trying to get Rusty to stop hanging out with me. Yet, you want so badly to be my friend.. it's very contradicting and I'm trying to understand your point of view.. I'm confused about what you are trying to to achieve.. friendship? About the middle of your letter you said I got mad at you and "everything broke loose": what do you mean by that? Yes, Rusty and I have been best friends since, like, the second grade, and no, you won't mess that up, I'm glad you don't want to. I know, that since I am a girl, you are somewhat worried about him and I hanging out.. please realize Rusty and I are just friends, I'm not trying to take him from you, but I don't want you to take him from me either. I also want you to know that I didn't stop John from being your friend. He chose that himself. I allowed him to be your friend and go to your homecoming dance and all. After we started going back out he decided it was best for our relationship to not write a response back to your letter. The way you acted towards him after your brake-up pretty much showed him that you weren't interested in being friends. As for us becoming friends, I don't become friends with people I don't trust. Being able to stand each other is fine with me, but I have no desire to be your friend. If we become okay by writing to each other, than we'll see, but I don't foresee a friendship in the future. You say it is up to me if we become friends, but it was up to you to be atleast honest about things and not go with a guy who was with another girl.. imagine how you'd feel..
....Enjoy The Snow,
..........Ash - lee

You can write back if you want to answer my questions or try to work things out..(peace sign)

hopefully she'll reply so there can be some more drama.. oh yay..

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