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Fairuza Balk is indeed a Goddess

But it should be known that while she is in charge, she is still not the only goddess in the Land of Ru....

Here are a few of the goddesses who I also admire!

Name: Lisa Kudrow
Date of Birth: 30th July 1963
Goddess of: Humour and Laughter - often in the way that people would call stupidity (Phoebe in Friends)
Most Famous For: Phoebe in Friends probably
Cool Lisa Kudrow Links:
Mr Showbiz: Lisa Kudrow
IMDb: Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Kudrow
E! Online - Fact Sheet
The Lisa Kudrow Picture Site
Lisa Kudrow Unleashed

Name: Whoopi Goldberg (aka Caryn Johnson)
Date of Birth: November 13 1954
Goddess of: Acting stupidly in a funny way and liking it!
Most Famous For: Probably the Sister Act films...
Cool Whoopi Goldberg Links:
Mr Showbiz - Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg

Name: Sarah Jessica Parker
Date of Birth: March 25, 1965
Goddess of: funny blonde stereotyped bimbo characters...
Most Famous For: Sex in the City
Cool Sarah Jessica Parker Links:
Mr Showbiz: Sarah Jessica Parker
IMDb - Sarah Jessica Parker
Simply Sarah
Army of Sarah

Name: Daria
Date of Birth: n/a
Most Famous For: Daria believe it or not...
Goddess of: Sarcasm - the greatest tool on Earth. Also Goddess of the ability to not show emotion and to deeply show that basically - she don't give a shit...
Cool Daria Links:
The Daria Fan Fiction Website
Jason's World of Daria
Trent37's Daria Page
Sick Sad World

Name: Alyson Hannigan
Date of Birth: March 24 1974
Goddess of: Hidden humour and funny one liners. She was hilarious when she wasn't even trying to be on the Extra Features on the American Pie DVD! She even says stuff off the top of her head which are REALLY funny...The good features from this give her the priveledge of being one of the greatest goddesses...close to that of fairuza herself
Most Famous For: Buffy The Vampire Slayer/American Pie
Cool Alyson Hannigan Links:

IMDb - Alyson Hannigan
The Alyson Hannigan Website
The Alyson Hannigan Altar
The Hanniganites

Name: Sooz (Played by Emily Corrie)
Date of Birth: ?
Goddess of: Just coolness and all round funniness. Not afraid of being who she wants to be. Proud of her virginity etc lol. Emily Corrie who plays her in "As If" doesn't dress like her at all though.....shame.
Most Famous For: Biggest role has been in "As If".
Cool Links: None as yet, I seached...but nothin!

Name: Aunty Whoreface
Date of Birth: ?
Goddess of: Randomness and Nympho shit. With added Vodka drinking and pasta puking.
Most Famous For: Not famous at all!
Cool Links:

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