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23rd March 2002 - I've just put my award on the site! Go to the awards page to tell me about your site and why u deserve an award for it!

22nd March 2002 - I've ONLY JUST got around to doing anything to this website for ages! Been busy with A-Levels at the moment! I've gone to every webpage on my site (which is like 40 or something stupid) and put hit counters on every page! Please use the FORUM!

25th October - FINALLY I finished the pictures!!! I now have to wait for ages to upload them. I've put up 616 so far in easy to use categories! Please send me any pictures that you think I don't have or that you think I may like! THANKS!!!

October 2001 - PLEASE sign up for the
mailing list. I am going to do a newsletter every so often sent via email to let you all know of updates/ Fairuza info and basic stuff. Also PLEASE use the forum! And also sign the Guestbook.

October 2001 - I am currently building all the picture pages at the moment, they'll be completely ready in about a week, I've been working on them and researching for them since June!

October 2001 - Human Click has been deleted! No-one used it and it just slowed my computer down when I was using it.

October 2001 -
MAJOR CHANGE: Basically (who my site has been with since the beginning) has decided to change EVERYTHING, thus effecting all the sites around them. Rather than wait around for my site to die from them I've re-uploaded Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma to Tripod! But I'm using the network that creates names such as to get into my site. The name is shorter and easier to remember HTTP://DRINK.TO/FAIRUZA

6th July 2001 - After a long wait, the Biography and Wicca sections are finally up! Most of the many pictures are already uploaded, I just need to finish the index page for them!

16th June 2001 - Credits and Thanks added. New Mailing list (much much better, please join!). New Counter on the homepage.


11th June 2001 - Human Click has been added, when you are at my site you can click on the button and talk to me LIVE! Tell me what u think or whatever. If I'm offline you can click and leave a message!

11th June 2001 - The Home Page has been re-styled. Smaller writing to reduce download time. Picture Buttons (That were made from Ru's eyes) linking to the pages at the site have been deleted, also to reduce download time. These have been replaced with text links, which quite weirdly and completely coincidental form a heart shape...weird eh? I used red patterns at the end of lines, realising afterwards that it forms a heart shape more from that....!

10th June 2001 - The Mailing List has been up for a couple of weeks...please sign up to be alerted of all major updates

9th June 2001 - A more Powerful Seach Engine for my site has been added using

6th June 2001 - Updates page created, all the updates before this date have not been recorded.

Hit Counter