• Not living in the past. We donīt focus on old grievances, we donīt wallow or play victims.

  • If one had offended the other we should ask for forgiveness. There's a high level of forgiveness and acceptance.

  • We compliment each other liberally, it makes us better husband and wife appreciating each other.

  • Budget wisely together, live within our income.

  • Sometimes we are sociable and go out together, having fun together and really enjoying each other together.

  • Sharing similar backgrounds when it comes to family, sharing a belief when it comes to life, sharing a love to each own children and to be our own children. If there will be an "empty nest" syndrome its not a problem īcause we basically stay together 'cause we love each other and we want to be together.

  • Respecting each other as individual who have separate space and activities ..sometimes.

  • We keep our home clean and cheerful, keep our household troubles to ourselves.

  • Most of all we have to love GOD....the family that prays together will stays together.



Greetings!! Welcome to my little corner of
our Barkadahang Pinay...."Butil Kaalaman"...in this section we are going to share bits and pieces of tips to everyone.   If you have any tips to share with us (any topics) please feel free to email me and iīll feature it here. Have some fun!!...I wish you all a wholesome feeling of love, peace and happiness**


*Vital Factors for a successful Marriage*

  • Mutual trust, respect, honesty and love each other.

  • Avoid arguments as much as possible, we have our own share from each other sources and try to create ways together of solving what ever is the problem.

  • No nagging.


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Tuloy Pa Rin


Prepared by:
Emily Nancy Sauer

 2001 Đ Barkadahang Pinay. All rights reserved.
created and maintain by: barkadahangpinay-owner@yahoogroups.com