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My Unofficial Nebraska Wenches’ Lust Muster Poynte is an area originally intended merely to provide a place for Wenches, Rogues, Ladies, Lords, Musicians – whomever! – to gather & rest, or muster, or adjust, or store stuff … whatever! … while attending the James Arthur Vineyard Ren Fest.
Twas only a picnic table and a basket o’ Free Hair Ribbons at first.

Within a year of its development, though, the Lust Muster Poynte grew to also offer FREE ACTIVITIES for young and old Faire-Goers. And, because the ribbons and activities are FREE, the Lust Muster Poynte requires FAIRE-GOERS to PARTICIPATE in order to enjoy them!!! (I can’t afford to pay people to “run” the stations, and I sure can’t run them all by myself!)

Since it’s an entirely NON-PROFIT gig, there also is no way that I could ever pay for a “space” in which to provide my Lust Muster Poynte! But, when I learned of the new Nebraska Ren Faire plans, I contacted Sir Gregory and asked if I could have a free space. After looking at the Lust Muster Poynte pix from past JAV fests, he graciously said, “SURE!”

When I first scoped-out the 2003 Nebraska Ren Faire site, I immediately wanted the PRIME SPOT for my Lust Muster Poynte: the spot right at the place where the foot bridge & path through the woods connected the Cabin area to the Faire area. Obviously, since Sir Gregory was “giving” me a space, I didn’t have much hope of getting the PRIME SPOT. I figured some paying-person (a Vendor) would snag it right away!

As luck (and the Goddess) would have it, however … the spot I wanted had been planted with little BUSHES during the past summer. So, when Faire Time arrived, no Vendor could set up a tent or canopy enclosure there!

In fact, Sir Gregory called the area “completely useless real estate” (or the like).

THUS, the Lust Muster Poynte ended up being in precisely the PRIME SPOT
I wanted to begin with!!!

(That dark ARCH in the trees just above the right end of the picnic table
in this “BEFORE” pic is the PATHWAY ENTRANCE!)

Here is the “AFTER” pic of
the Lust Muster Poynte –
taken once the different
“stations” were set up.

As you can see, the BUSHES
and I got along right FYNE!
In fact, except for the one UNDER
the picnic table, I LIKED the bushes!

(Next Year: the picnic table will go
BESIDE a bush, rather than over it.)

Here’s a view of the Lust Muster Poynte from the trees (behind it).
From Left to Right: The Ribbon Rack; The Picnic Table (offering helpful literature and brochures, first aid stuff, incense, WATER, a place to stow stuff underneath, and a place to SIT & REST);
The Faerie Story Teller Robe & Throne; the Rune Stone table; the Woad Face Painting table.
(The HAND WASH STATION and the PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD are outside of this pic.)

Ooh! Here’s a pic o’ the
BACK of the
Hand Washing Station.

From Left-to-Right:
Dirty towel basket (on the ground) …
clean towel basket …
copper water basin …
someone’s pink lemonade!
(Water bucket with ladle on ground
at the far end.)

The soap at the station is
Dr. Bronners’ “Aloe Vera Baby-Mild”:
hypoallergenic, biodegradable and
environmentally safe.
But, one of the signs hanging
up above is “Ye Olde Disclaimer”:
Wash your face & hands with this soap
“at your own risk”! (GadZ!)

This station was originally created to make the Woad Face Painting more “hygienic”
(folkz are supposed to wash their filthy, grubby, paws before touching the paint pots)!
But, what with turkey legs and all the other messy, sticky, Faire fare,

WINDY CITY!!! Yikes! The WIND was incredibly obnoxious!
It took me a gude THREE EXTRA SET-UP HOURS to find ways of tying everything down so that it wouldn’t blow-the-flip away!!!

I had to tie all the signs down with extra ribbon, and weight all the instruction cards with heavy objects from the table each was on. (Since people would move the objects each time they perused the instruction cards, all of us spent time chasing stuff and re-weighting it!)

I also ended up having to TIE the Ribbon Rack to the end of the picnic table (see previous pic of the “rear view” of the site).

Lastly, I had to attach a BUCKET full of STONES to the bottom of the Lust Muster Poynte BANNER
to keep the wind from flipping it up OVER the bar that held it between its poles!

Once all was
against the wind,
things went
pretty smoothly.

All in all,
I think the area
was a huge success.

It certainly was
by entertainers and
faire-goers alike!

Jest a few LMP pix snagged from

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Ribboning Pix

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If you have suggestions for MISTRESS CHAS’ RENAISSANCE WEB SITE,
Plz Email the “WebMistress” – CHAS!
those are hyphens/dashes (-)
between the “c” and “d” and “miller”

This COUNTER was started in October, 2003.