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Hey, my name is Sarah. I'm a 16 year old girl, from a tiny little community called Gladwyn in New Brunswick, Canada. I know, I know, it sounds like hickville but it's not really... what am I saying. Yes it is! *grin* I guess I'm gonna have a page that tells about me, so you don't have to sit here and read a lot of shit about a person you don't even know... if you wanna, you can look at the page. NEwayz, go ahead, look around, and tell me if I'm doing an Ok job, 'cause this is my first ever page and I have no clue what I'm doing. *grin* Oh yeah, I have ICQ, so if you wanna talk to me sometime, feel free. *ICQ # 14171767*

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~*EvEn MoRe PiCs*~
~*AnD mOrE...*~
~*mEgZ wOrLd*~
~*TiNk'S pAgE*~
~*JeSsKa'S pAgE*~
