That you did for me
Just because you loved me
And knew we were meant to be
What happened to the poems
You said were written from your soul?
What happened to the letters
Where you said I make you whole?
What happened to the romantic times
Where we danced in candlelight?
What happenedto all the sweet things you'd say
That would make that moment right?
What happened to wanting to surprise me
And making my day
By doing something totally unexpected
I liked it that way.
What happened to my nickname?
I never hear "I love you Brighteyes"
I loved it when you called me that
It made me feel good inside.
What happened to wanting to be with me
For the whole entire day
Now you always have better things to do
What happened to, "Sarah, it's you and me today"?
What happened to me being
The most enjoyable thing in your life?
Why, when I want it just you and me,
It turns into a fight?
I know you still love me
And every day that love grows
But what's wrong with sweet things every now and then...
Don't you want your love to show?
This poem isn't meant to be mean
You know I loved you from the start
But sometimes a girl like to feel appreciated
By things that come from the heart.
By Sarah White