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Rating:PG-14(my safety rating)

Disclaimer:Joss owns everything but the plot. He can have it if he asks me nicely, though.

Distribution:Beloved by the Zeppo, XGG archive, and any of my other regulr customers. All others ask at the counter.

Feedback:This is a goofy one, so I know I'll get some. People just hate my serious stuff.

Author's note:Aphasia is a disease where(for reasons that I'm not sure of, not being an expert on mediine) the person who has it seems to be speaking nonsense. Again, I'm not sure why, but the message of what to say gets screwed up between the brain and the mouth. Iam not mocking people withthe disease,I'm just being goofy.

Spoilers: Nothing really that I can think of, General Goofiness

Summary:Come on, If you haven't guessed yet you just aren't trying.


Xander was at the Bronze with the rest of the Scooby gang. Willand Oz were curled up together on a couch, sharing a Cappucino. Buffy was sitting in an overstuffed chair, her mind obviously preoccupied with a certain vampire. Xander decided that he needed to liven things up. "Hey guys watch this!" Xander yelled as he stood up and attempted a cartwheel. He went catapulting out into the dance floor. He was then punted by the crowd back oof the dance floor, and against the stairway. Willow, Oz, and Buffy hurried over to check on him.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked in a concerned tone. "Flying eggbeater monkeys pudding," Xander answered in an earnest voice as he got up. "What does that mean?" Buffy asked. "Eels truck cat fax zebra?" Xander asked skeptically

* * *


"I think something might be wrong with him," Oz interjected. "Gator ax crunchy taste nugget," Xander said in a hurt voice.

"I think he thinks he's making sense," Willow said.

"Wrench sack toe whale crust foghorn," Xander said, spreading his arms and nodding in the universal sign of 'Finally, someone gets it'. "Xander, you may make sense to you, but we're just hearing meaningless strings of words," Buffy told her friend. "Cracker tusk pigeon left?" Xander asked, looking worried. "I'm afraid so," Oz agreed, nodding.

"Maybe we should go see Giles," Willow suggested.

"Sister sleep crab puppy maggot," Xander said, nodding. "What did you say about my sister?" a large young man on the edge of the dance floor asked as he turned to look at Xander.

"Eat pony dirt breath," Xander said, holding his hands up, to show he meant no harm.

"You punk!" he said before hitting Xander in the jaw

* * *


Xander was laying unconcious on the floor. Buffy had hit his attacker, folding him like a cheap card table. The Scooby Gang was now gathered around their fallen Commarade. His eyes fluttered open. "You okay?" Willow asked. "Crease taco flange fine" Xander answered, as he stood back up.

"Wait a minute was that fine the right word, or a lucky coincidence?" Buffy asked. "I don't Hang banana," Xander said, uncertainly. "I think he's getting better," Oz offered. "I cabbage hose I am," Xander said excitedly. "Maybe he needs another wack," Willow suggested. "I don't think so!" Xander shouted. "He's back!" the rest of the gang yelled in unison

"Dumpster forge thicket cram bet link opal tonnage," Xander said, nodding sagely. Buffy made a fist and pulled it back. She knew she might hurt him, but she couldn't let him live like that forever. Before she could punch him, though, he put his hands up to stop her. "I was kidding that time," he yelped as he cringed, just in case she hadn't stopped. "Well, that was fun. Who's up for some mini golf?" Oz asked "Me!" all the others answered.

A lame end for a lame story. Please don't kick me off the list for this one=)

B/X Fanfic