Secrets of War

Hacking Guide
-The Basic Hacking Guide For PSO-

Okay, this is the basic hacking guide so it will just cover the basics of modding. There are 3 main parts of a code 1st line is the address, 2nd line is the support, and the last 2 digits of a code is the value. If you wan't to change the code entirely you change the value. If you wanna make the code to do the same basic thing but stronger you change the support. If you have trouble connecting on PSO with the code you change the address. Now, modding codes is easier once you get an "Encrypting Decrypting" program. That is of course how I mod I am a decrypter, if you want my decryption program just IM me on AIM my AIM name is tupac4331. I will give you further instructions there.

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