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Radiohead - Unplugged
21 tracks 71'42 A
Vancouver Canada CBC-studios, 22-03-1995:
01. Killer Cars
02. Wonderwall
03. Blow Out
04. Street Spirit
Maryland USA, recorded at Rockville, 1995:
05. Lucky
06. High And Dry
07. Motion Picture Soundtrack
08. Fake Plastic Trees
London UK, recorded for the Johny Walker Show, BBC. 08-06-1995:
09. Black Star
10. Street Spirit
11. Subterranean Homesick Alien
T In The Park Festival Scotland, 1996:
12. Thinking About You
Los Angeles, KROQ-studios, 1995:
13. Creep
Acoustic demo, 1995:
14. Just
London, The Forum, 24-03-1995:
15. Lozenge Of Love
Los Angeles USA, On The Edge, 1994:
16. Bulletproof
17. Killer Cars
18. Banana Co
19. Yes I Am
London UK, XFM-studios, December 1995:
20. Airbag
21. Fake Plastic Trees