"It was a denial of God. It was a denial of man. It
was the destruction of the world in miniature form."
(Hugo Gryn, survivor of the Holocaust)
The Holocaust was the systematic mass murder of the Jews
during the Nazi regime.
After the Nazis came to power in 1933, they deprived
the Jews of their civil rights, persecuted them and
forced them into ghettoes. In 1941 Adolf Eichman's
program "The Final Solution" introduced extermination
in the concentration camps. At this time death camps
were built in Poland. More than six million Jews died
at the hands of the Nazis by the spring of 1945.
This site lists some links to some of the perpetrators,
victims and events of the Holocaust. I have also
added several movies and films which I have found
enlightening and useful in teaching High School
students. Following this list is a list of excellent
books which give some insight into the Holocaust.
I personally believe that every student should read
NIGHT by Elie Wiesel.
I had a dream,
A dream so terrible:
My people were no more,
No more!
I wake with a cry.
What I dreamed was true:
It had happened indeed,
It had happened to me.
Katznelson, gassed at Birkenau April 30, 1944)