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Last Unsaid Plea

Spinning black sheets upon the wild mind
I could not float through your fog
and I left days and nights behind
a cold reminder of a heart emptied
through deep fissure.
Time eluded with the rapture of
mind and soul
Tears ceased with a wave of the hand
and your total forgiveness never came
A sin upon your soul
A sin upon your heart
I've said my Hail Mary's
forgive me for my wrongs
love me again for my rights
I am begging
I am pleading
I cannot live in this wretched world
without you at my side.
I am not better
nor worse than you
Do not let me part
like severed heart was let ages ago
do not let me fall into such sweet sorrow
Unsung hero melody a foreign tune to your heart
This is my last unsaid plea.