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Broken Down Stupidity

I write my mishaps down in black and white
blue and purple
pink and green
Ink..the color made no nevermind
I didn't hear from you
not a telephone call
not an email
nor message on my machine
it was like you vanished
slithering through iron walls
I tried to call there was no answer
Broken down stupidity
Men coming and going like paper towels
once I was done they went to the trash.
I never used you
Passing by candy shop window
the slightest of smiles came to me
not for something I couldn't have
but for something I could still taste
so sweet on my tongue
I craved it all the more
Broken down stupidity
I couldn't match you in games
I never play them with my heart
You were never my pawn
but my king
I saved you for the very last power move
and the world came tumbling down
No more small squared spaces left
my own heart went into play
and some how when I was not looking
And there it went off to the side out of the game
I have no strategical plans left
Wear my heart on my sleeve
Broken down stupidity
I had forgotten
and was forced to remember
I was let down by you once
will three times be my charm
The music told no lies
it always ended on a note that lingered
and a thunder clap echoing in the distance
you were gone
Blind eyes gaze and saw only wind
The rupturing sound of your voice left in my heart
The enticing caress of a lingering digit
still scathed upon my flesh
Scalpel of words cut deep
Silence drug by its strangulated neck
withered before me like some ocean eaten rag doll
the tattered remains of my heart
and I stand a monument of
broken down stupidity.