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Demons leading strangulated necks

We do not fight demons
but ourselves encased in wrought
lifting heads too high burnt eyes...blinded
warm rays of sun dwindling down across
chafed flesh to bleed
Ash and blood soaked my hands
Unfold from within I show you nothing
Fight and lose
diminish to nothing but lies
I cannot contain your wraith
I will not deny your anger
I will not succumb to your maddening delusions of grandeur
You've done wrong as of I
but I've forgiven your sanctity
yet you still relish in my unhallowed mind
Too far to part
to close to see
what is hidden blind
screams fallen on deaf ears
do not hear
will not see
The truth so blatantly thrown out
We still think
I still cry
you still hate
No longer fallen from gods grace but gone
the strength could not hold you dear
my tears carved over in salted stains
publicly humiliated by the rough of your hand
In truth we do not fight
but we are led by our strangulated necks
by fates hand
Sealed in stone time no longer tics away
Demons to come
to poses
to rape pillage and plunder
and Fate to have its glory days
with a shell that I once was
Mind, Body, Soul