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Dying Ember

On a misty days morning I can
Hear the crow call my name,
In the night I can feel soft
Whispers upon my back,
Shadows pass by my door
Haunting my dreams,
Lovers call out my name,
Headaches fill my day,
Birds call out singing appraisals,
Snakes slither through my brain,
blood of butterfly's fill my veins,
The breath of Satan touches my skin,
The horn of a unicorn pierces my heart,
The blade of the sword rips my life,
Children swing incessantly,
A black angle takes me up on his
Wings to drop me far below,
Snow covers my eyes,
Fog drifts in my head,
Clouded thoughts,
I can't see,
I feel lost,
A sea of scorpions fill my bath,
A gentle touch of alcohol on my cuts,
A soft breeze fills my room,
Smog fills my lungs, inhale,
Rain drops fall crushing my heart,
Thunder breaks my spirits,
Lighting strikes my eyes blinding me,
Flowers tear my flesh,
Lilies murder my soul,
A cactus my only friend,
I shall not go near,
The love of death consumes my days,
The dead kill each-other,
The dying to late,
The fall takes over,
Love seems endless,
As a dying ember falls to the floor.