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A Million Times I want

The taste of your lips still fresh over mine
would it be so bad if I asked for ten thousand more?
Your scent on my clothing
a night of intoxication and I
Blessing or curse I wouldn't care if it were both
Your touch how it soothes me
The very look in your eyes when I gaze towards
the world it carries me off to
A million times more I want you
A million times again how I crave you
Hours to days to weeks to years
I need you.
The past came and went and now I see you
Of heart and mind I spoke to you
of tears and truth I told you
a hundred times did it pass my lips
two hundred
I will speak it for eternity if you let me.
Today I love you
Tomorrow will come and I shall still.
If it will come to the day after we shall see with time.
I will not deny you the truth.
As twisted as my life is....
As pretzeled as my heart is
you hold it in your hand
and I asked you last night and I ask you again
Please, be gentle with me.
If there were ever such a hand that could calm so deep
it would be yours.
A million times I want to taste you
A million times I want to lavish in you
A million times I want to say I love you
and a million times will come.