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Only For You

Your kisses like a thousand silken tongues bathing across my skin
How do I miss thee.
Your hands how they laid a single spot at ease when they caress
How do I miss thee...
The next line drifting along in the fog I could not quite pull out
I missed..everything there was to miss about you
How my name rolled past your lips
How you looked into my eyes
The unsurpassed gentleness within you.
I could not have asked for more..or less
you were perfect in the way I would long for
An eternity passed...I walked so lost
I almost charged right over you
but something stopped the rampage and let the walls down
A moment of vulnerability and you were let within
Not a single second do I regret that
You had shown me what it was like to fall in love all over again
and I would thank you a million times over again for that
Never would I speak a harsh word of you
Nothing would seep past these lips that would tarnish you
But how do I long for a revival of that
How do I want so fully of something I got but a single taste for
Like the wine of gods far too fine for my mortal pallet
You dwindled away in the pale moon light
taken amidst blackened angle wings
I could do nothing but watch
but how I would have begged for you not to go
if you would have heard my pleas
my knees caked in blood my hands tied in besieged fists
If you asked for a day I would have given..
A week too easy...
a month would pass still
and I would beg all the same.
But alas you were deaf to my words
and went nonetheless
and all I did was stand in silence and watch you pass.
Will you return...I do so long for that
a single breath surging from you with only my name upon those ever loved tiers.
I could not even believe what I felt so deep
past the cracked visage of my heart
past all the armor I had built up with time and pain
and inward you leaked deep within my heart
like some raging plague I welcomed with open arms
and...Adam..I would do it a thousand times more
only for you....
only for you....