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Scream There is No Way Out

I can't silence these inner screams
"do something...ANYTHING"
say a word speak a phrase
tell him all
the truth to be told.
I can't quiet the constant thrum
beating heart bellowed forth
speak your emotions
tell him how....
what you feel.
I can't seem to hush this persistent need
to call....
to cry....
to utter all my secrets
my confessional....
your heart.
I can't seem to break this bound
"let me free let me fly away"
my mind shrieks.
What keeps me here?
Coming back like a dislodged splinter in your side
Prying me out to only once again fall
against the particle board.
why do you care to hurt still.
I can't get you OUT
please...please....I'm begging
leave me be...
Why can I not leave
Why can I not walk away
WHY... Why must I dream of you.
Why must I see and hear all over again
Why do these tears still fall
Why must the pain never cease?
You this darkness that has fallen.
You this wrecked visage of my heart.
You this grain of sand stained with salted tears.
You this never ending torment of lost love.
Sifting past spidery digits
I could no longer hold you still
So much anger
So much misplaced emotions
I had no other outlet.
Why can't you just understand the pain you caused?
Why am I all of a sudden the bad guy?
All I did was act how I felt
All I did was...feel
All I did
and all I received in the end
for love
for heartache
for this never-ending thrall I've become.
I'm sorry....
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry..
I'm sorry.
I can find no way out.