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The Past Gone

I sometimes wish I could tell you to listen to hear me
you always got the last word in..I wanted to tell you still so much
you knew everything there was..and forgot so quickly...I didn't
I did not forget some of the more tender secrets you told me
I held them close to my once I did with you
neither of us was in the wrong...nor right
we both caused a great amount of pain in the other...
but I understood your drive to do for love.. is worth a thousand lakes of tears isn't it
I can only imagine....
no not a trophy or prize to win....but
a heart to love.....
I wonder of these words..will you ever read them
I do not have the heart to send
you asked something simple..for me to vanish
and though that one tender place left in my heart screams
I haven't the will to push you further
I still wish you know...dream perhaps...not of
love but something understood
we gave each other comfort in words
and I wept to you
punished you for my unending pain
I would beg for your forgiveness
but I haven't the heart to push you further
tears are dry with pillow soft touches
I wish you could read the words upon my screen
You always said I wrote so well a talent a gift
I can no longer give un to you
Stuck now with second rate poetry
no longer my words of great mind and will
but my thoughts screaming for you to listen and read
you never heard them before...why start now
I can't recall your first words nor last
your voice billowing in my tears to only fade in my breath
The chance was torn by my own faults
I am sorry a thousand times over
as are are we
no longer a pair but a-part
I wish you to listen to read and to taste
of what will fall empty on deafen ears
I can't recall the scent of faded
so long ago with your voice...falling away
embers at paper to ignite
I lost this last fight.