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What Else is there

Ripped away torn out
smoke exhaled from my lungs
Past the point of no return
I just walked away from the edge
Eyes stained shut with the heavy coating of salt
Blocked away from the world alone once more
Left to stand detached I simply crumbled
It wasn't as if I needed help
It wasn't as if I needed you here
But you came anyway
Curse or blessing I took it in whole
throwing whatever caution into the wind
Not a moment of doubt to cast
Lost so suddenly
blink and it was gone
a moment of time
a moment of truth
and blackened wings stole you away
dream shifting into the hand of nightmare
I could only stand third person and watch
What may come will come no matter my words
What fate deems worthy will fall into place
not prose nor phrase will turn that around
So I am left wondering
what now
what next
who's to come with tarnished hands and grapple
Not kind nor kindred
I've found my peace with the world and shall see no other
My last hope....
my last remaining beat of my heart stopped by a hand I had seen a decade ago
Past gone
Future ceased in a second to come
Present rotting away
Left to stand side by side with empty eternity
Shall I walk
Shall I fall
it is time that holds the secrets of all
Time that stands ticking still as I sit at a stand still
waiting for you
wondering of you
pressed pause
what else can I do but flicker in pale moon light.