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Click for the Resume / Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Bob Benchoff.

For the main transcripts of Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

For a sample of awards earned or similar sample of achievements of Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

Dr. Bob Benchoff, CJ: Diploma And Main Degrees:

Academic Diploma

Montour / Pittsburgh, PA:

Arts & Sciences Bachelors Degree University of Pennsylvania transformation / expansion from California State Teachers College:

Arts & Sciences Masters Degree University of Pennsylvania transformation / expansion from California State Teachers College:

(Note: The above are accredited by the Department of Education. Due to the below [or affiliates] auditing the Department of Education, the below is not accredited by the Department of Education to preserve the legal conflict of interest standard. Below is accredited otherwise by federal government / clearance matters, federal government NAVSEA 250-1500, MIL-STD-2132, federal government MIL-STD-410, and by other institutions to various extents and increasingly, such as per SNT-TC-1A / ASNT, Universities as part of their continuing education systems (the ways they regard the Department of Education / law is per their own interpretations and such is not necessarily the views of others), and very many others). Philosophy Doctor Degree National Banking & Brokering / College of Advanced Studies (the first of the Doctorate Degrees' series) Charlotte, NC / Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, & Pittsburgh, PA.