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My Music

Lets face it, my music is better than yours. All the bands I listen to are great, and all bands you listen to SUCK. Even though most of you idoits out there don't even listen to bands, most of you listen to prepackaged crap such as Britney Spears or Beyonce... Or even worse, Emimen or Justin Timperlake...EWWW, just the thought that poeple actually listen to his winey voice makes me shutter. Anyway, on to my music..

Bad Religion
Ok, this my friends is the greatest punk-rock band EVER. Probably one of the best bands of all time too. This is by far my favorite band because they rock, and if you've never heard of them, I want you to kick yourself in the face right now. Not only is it great music, but the lyrics actually mean something, strange, I know, but hear me out. Actually, just go to their website and check them out. Better yet, just go buy some of thier cds. Enough said.
(The) White Stripes
Ok, whether you like them or not, White Stripes are a great band. I personally like them, it's refreshing to have a new band on the scene who doesn't just mimic everybody else (stupid new found glory). Meg doesn't have much skills as a drummer, but Jack's mad skillz on the guitar more than make up for it. Easy beats with sweet guitar riffs and strange, but insightful lyrics make for a great band. Don't judge them on the singles that they released, they don't do the band justice.
Ok, I could go on like this for hours and hours, but I don't want to waste my time, cause my time is the only time that matters. I'm just going to list all of my favorite bands, and if you don't like any of them, then go away, you don't deserve to be at my website.
In No Particular Order

Hot Hot Heat
Bouncing Souls
Led Zeppelin
Pink Ployd
The Sex Pistols
Dropkick Murphys
The Hives
Death by Stereo
The Cure
Pearl Jam
Agonstic Front
Rage Against The Machine
Queens of the Stone Age
The Who
The Strokes
Black Sabboth
Nine Inch Nails
Swingin' Utters
Tom Waits
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Vines
Presidents of the United States Of America
The Kinks
The Clash
The Ramoans
Thin Lizzy
Jimi Hendrix
The Offspring
The Distillers
Linkin Park (only first CD)
Danko Jones
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
I'm sure i've forgotten a few, but oh well.
Then there is all of that music that I hate. I would list them, but the list would be way too long. Instead I'm just going to say that I hate most rap. Most rap is mindless crap, it takes about 3 minutes to write, then they make up some stupid catchy beat (or "sample" it in some cases, stupid P-Diddy). Then they just throw it together and hope somebody out there buys it. But most people don't realize that they like it until they see the video, which makes a lot of sense, wiat NO IT DOESN'T. STOP WITH THE BLING BLING AND SWEET CARS, AND CRYSTAL. ITS BEEN DONE!!!!!!.

I'm not against all hip-hop though, there are some artists out there that I respect, because they have respect for music, such as The Black Eyed Peas, and Outkast. I think thats enough on this subject, go watch some MTV, you tool.