"There can be no effective control of
corporations while their political activity remains.
To put an end to it will be neither a short nor an easy task, but it can be done." full text
--Theodore Roosevelt
EnronGate - Top Ten Things You Need to Know About Enron, Enron Will Force Dubya's Resignation, Crime in the Suites, Enron Is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, Getting to the Bottom of Enron, Enron Fries In Its Own Juices, Enron's Human Toll, Enron and Our Putrid Campaign Finance System, The Man Who Screwed the World, Recuse Me! Congress Bought Off by Enron, Rubin Shouldn't Escape Enron Investigation Alternet
Enron Information Center - The fall of Enron Corp. has exposed shocking regulatory failures by the government and has illustrated once again how corporate interests use political connections and millions in campaign contributions to pull the strings in Washington, D.C. Public Citizen
Enron Timeline - The collapse of Enron: Timeline of events Platts
The Bush Administration and Enron - Several Enron articles. The Nation
The Enron Probe - Washington Post coverage. Washingtom Post
Enron-omics at a Glance - A brief summary of events, including government entanglements Citizenworks.org
What has Enron gotten for it's political contributions? - CommonCause
Enron/Andersen Contributions to Congress - Total Contributions Since 1989 opensecrets.org
Guardian Unlimited Special Report: Enron - Several articles by this UK news source. Guardian Unlimited
The Enron Affair - Several Enron articles from BBC News. BBC News
Understanding Enron - NY Times Enron primer. NY Times
HotTopic Enron - Complete coverage of Enron's ups, downs. Houston Chronicle
Enron in India - Enron deal, an agreement between the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) and the Dabhol Power Company (DPC), an Indian subsidiary of the U.S. based Multinational, Enron Corporation. We believe that this deal is the largest scam India has yet seen. AltIndia
Enron Articles by Date
Enron Developments at a Glance - Developments related to the Enron collapse and investigation. Washington Post 02/01/02
TV Ad Assails Dole for Enron Fundraiser - In what aides called a "last-minute decision," she agreed to let Kenneth L. Lay, then Enron Corp.'s chairman, host a fundraising lunch for her at a Houston hotel. Washington Post 02/01/02
Enron Says It Can't Supply Data - An attorney for Enron Corp. said yesterday that the company cannot provide Congress with the names of the investors in the controversial partnerships the company used to move millions of dollars in debt off its books and whose losses triggered the company's fall into bankruptcy. Washington Post 02/01/02
Former Executive, Now in Washington, Denies Impropriety at His Unit - Thomas E. White, the secretary of the Army, vigorously defended today the business practices of a major Enron (news/quote) division that he helped manage until early last year, rejecting in an interview assertions by former employees that there was improper accounting at the unit. NY Times 02/01/02
Senator Says Enron Refuses to Cooperate - Enron has refused to turn over to a Senate panel records of controversial partnerships that are crucial to understanding the company's downfall, the panel's chairman said today. NY Times 02/01/02
Firms Face Demand for Openness - Enron Corp. was hardly the only company in the nation to keep important elements of its finances off its books, out of public view. Washington Post 02/01/02
Audit Firms Are Set to Alter Some Practices - Four of the five biggest accounting firms said they would reject the industry practices that have prompted criticism of Enron's auditor, Arthur Andersen. NY Times 02/01/02
Enron Choices Received Bush Posts - A few months after the White House got a list of recommended candidates from former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay, a friend and backer of President Bush, two of them were appointed to a federal energy commission. NY Times 02/01/02
FERC to focus on Enron's role in Calif. energy crisis - Federal energy regulators Thursday launched an investigation into whether Houston's embattled Enron Corp. helped prolong last year's electricity crisis in California by unfairly manipulating wholesale power prices. Houston Chronicle 02/01/02
Enron - On that day, Enron's now-infamous outside partnership arrangements took a turn from the straightforward and mundane to the deceptive and possibly illegal. The seven-member executive committee of the company's board approved a management proposal to provide several hundred million dollars in loan guarantees for a new partnership named for the Star Wars character Chewbacca. Wall Street Journal - 2/1/02
Andal advises UC to drop law firm for Enron suit - The University of California should fire a law firm it hired to recoup millions it lost when Enron went bankrupt, State Board of Equalization member and candidate for state controller Dean Andal said. It's the same law firm that forced the state to pay $665 million to settle a class-action suit filed by people who had to pay a so-called smog-impact fee when they registered their out-of-state vehicles in California. Stockton Record, Sacramento Bee - 2/1/02
Most Enron offices in California vacant - Enron Corp., the bankrupt energy-trading company that influenced the design of California's disastrous experiment with electricity deregulation, has vacated nearly all its offices in the state, including an Orange County headquarters in Costa Mesa. From commodity traders in Long Beach to lobbyists in Sacramento, Enron once employed 450 people in California. Orange County Register - 2/1/02
Cheney ignored Davis - Foremost among Enron's guidelines was something the administration shouldn't do: impose caps on runaway wholesale electricity prices. And the administration resisted just such an impulse until an exasperated Congress threatened to act on its own. San Francisco Chronicle - 2/1/02
Showdown over energy meetings heads for lawsuit - The investigative arm of Congress announced Wednesday that it will sue the White House to get access to the names of energy company executives and political contributors, including officials from Enron Corp., who advised the administration's energy task force last year. - Detroit Free Press - 1/31/02
Billions Still Hidden In Enron Pyramid - Enron, the failed energy firm, was yesterday likened to a pyramid-selling scam and was said to be possibly hiding billions of dollars of debts that have yet to come to light. The Guardian - 1/31/02
Davis, Riordan and Enron - California Gov. Gray Davis is moving to link gubernatorial opponent Richard Riordan to Enron, claiming the Republican's energy policies are based on a plan former Enron Chairman Ken Lay presented to Riordan a year ago. Dow Jones Newswires - 1/31/02
Boxer, Feinstein seize on 'smoking gun' note - California's two senators pledged yesterday to turn up the heat on the White House after seeing what one called a "smoking gun" memorandum that highlights the close ties between Enron and the Bush administration. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said the memo shows that Enron was more concerned with "escalating gas and electricity prices, from which it benefited, than in helping to fix the broken energy market." San Francisco Chronicle - 1/31/02
Enron - Members of Enron Corp.'s board of directors received detailed briefings as early as four years ago about the purpose and structure of controversial partnerships whose losses triggered the company's fall into bankruptcy, according to minutes of the meetings. Washington Post - 1/31/02
Enron derivatives - Although to this day Enron is generally known as an energy trading company, a close review of financial records and interviews with accounting experts show that at its heart it had become a massive trading operation in derivatives, which are financial contracts that can entail significant risks. Los Angeles Times - 1/31/02
Enron accused of withholding data - Already under fire for shredding documents, Enron Corp. is now facing accusations that it failed to turn over records to congressional investigators looking into the company's collapse. Los Angeles Times -- 1/31/02
Evidence is scant on Enron price manipulation - Charges that Enron may have artificially inflated the cost of West Coast electricity as recently as December are merely the latest in a long series of allegations about power firms manipulating prices. Yet despite more than a half-dozen investigations into such claims over the past two years, scant hard evidence of wrongdoing has emerged. San Jose Mercury - 1/31/02
Enron fallout claims BofA execs - Bank of America Corp., which recorded $231 million in Enron Corp.-related losses for the fourth quarter, has fired three veteran employees in Texas who managed loans to Enron. And the head of its group in New York that financed energy companies has resigned, the bank said Wednesday. They are the first bank executives to be ousted in connection with Enron's collapse. Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle - 1/31/02
Spin on tech financial results comes under more scrutiny - As the Enron scandal deepens, it is jolting investors' faith in financial reporting, including the ways that Silicon Valley companies spin their numbers to the public. San Jose Mercury - 1/31/02
Calpine - Chief Executive Officer Peter Cartwright has been unable to reassure investors about the power-plant builder's prospects after Enron Corp. collapsed and electricity prices declined. bloomberg.com - 1/31/02
Global Crossing - Global Crossing Ltd. prevented its workers from selling company shares or other assets in their 401(k) savings plans for a total of four weeks during December and January, at a time when its fate was increasingly uncertain. Wall Street Journal - 1/31/02
Global crossing became a top contributor fast - Financially troubled Global Crossing Ltd. catapulted from nowhere four years ago to become one of Washington's biggest political givers, although its lobbying focus was far narrower than most other corporate giants. Los Angeles Times - 1/31/02
Mum’s the Word - From its ferocious stonewalling over the release of Dick Cheney’s Enron papers (or even revealing his post–September 11 whereabouts) to the press lock-down in Afghanistan, the White House has been about as open as any East Bloc information ministry during the Cold War. LA Weekly 02/01/02
Bank of America and Enron -- of America Corp. fired two employees who managed the firm's business with Enron Corp. after the bankruptcy of the biggest energy trader caused the bank to lose $231 million, people familiar with the matter said. bloomberg.com -- 1/30/02
What's This About "Accountability." - George W. Bush could not bring himself to mention the name "Enron" in his State of the Union address. But no one doubted that, when the president spoke of the need for greater corporate accountability Tuesday night, he was refering to the economic and political scandals that have arisen in the aftermath of the collapse of Houston-based Enron Corp. The Nation 1/30/02
Memo details Cheney-Enron links -- While the White House insists that details of its talks with Enron officials remain secret, a memo outlining those discussions reveals the extent to which the Houston energy giant lobbied to influence government policy. The memo, a copy of which was obtained by The Chronicle, was handed by former Enron Chairman Ken Lay to Vice President Dick Cheney last April when the two met to discuss the administration's response to California's energy crisis. San Francisco Chronicle -- 1/30/02Reaching Out: The First Lady's Message to Victims of the Enron Collapse - Gals, wondering what to do with your worthless Enron stock certificates? Decoupage! That's right, Decoupage - the French art of dressing up surfaces with attractive scrap paper! Whitehouse.org
Bush and Andersen's Texas Two-Step - George W. Bush must be feeling an acute sense of deja vu these days, as the dubious dealings of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, LLP take center stage in the Enron scandal. Because the last time Bush was entangled in charges of insider trading and influence-peddling--during the 1991 federal investigation of his sale of oil company stock--Andersen was right in the thick of things. TheNation 1/30/02
FERC to probe Enron and California prices -- Federal energy regulators are looking into whether Enron Corp. improperly boosted the electricity prices that Californians and other consumers in the Pacific Northwest will be paying for years under long-term energy contracts, as a private study suggests. Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times 1/30/02
Hearing urged on Enron role in power crisis -- Citing anecdotal evidence that embattled power marketer Enron may have wielded considerable influence over electricity and natural gas prices on the West Coast, Sen. Dianne Feinstein yesterday pressed for a congressional hearing on the company's role in California's power crisis. San Diego Union -- 1/30/02
Merrill Lynch Enron -- Nearly 100 Merrill Lynch & Co. executives invested more than $16 million of their own money in a controversial partnership that the securities firm was selling for Enron Corp., even as other senior Merrill officials decided to turn down the offer, people close to Merrill said. Wall Street Journal -- 1/30/02
Enron contributions -- A new analysis by a watchdog organization details how energy giant Enron showered its cash on political recipients even as it underreported lobbying expenditures by nearly $1 million in the first half of 2001 alone. San Francisco Chronicle -- 1/30/02
"Those who hate the idea of cleaning up the campaign corruption in Washington say they want, instead, full disclosure of contributions. Full disclosure is a good thing. When the doctor knows you have a disease, you certainly want full disclosure. That is no substitute, however, for the cure. Full disclosure isn't enough with cancer, and it isn't enough with campaign finance reform." --Doris Haddock
Andersen spent millions lobbying for deregulation -- Bean-counting and paper-shredding may not have been the only services that the Andersen accounting firm provided for the collapsed energy giant Enron. In the late 1990s, Andersen also devoted a portion of its lobbying activities on Capitol Hill to fighting on behalf of energy deregulation, mirroring Enron's own lobbying work. San Diego Union -- 1/30/02
Top Homicide Cop Not Yet Ready For Baxter 'Suicide' Verdict - A day after former Enron executive John Clifford Baxter was found dead in his parked Mercedes with a gunshot wound to the head, the medical examiner ruled it a suicide. Not so fast. Compuserve 1/30/02
Bush Wins Backing To Deny Energy Records To Congress - President Bush won the backing of Republican leaders on Tuesday in seeking to deny congressional investigators access to records critics say could show the role played by Enron Corp. in crafting an energy plan favorable to the now bankrupt company. Reuters 1/30/02
Blair mired in Enron row - Downing Street last night launched a vigorous defence of its policy dealings with the disgraced US energy company Enron, as the Conservatives turned their attack on what they termed "a very murky business" for the government.Guardian Unlimited 1/30/02
George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane: An Open Letter to George W. Bush from Michael Moore - Dear George, When it's all over in a couple months, and you're packing up your pretzels and Spot and heading back to Texas, what will be your biggest regret? Michael Moore 1/29/02
The Cheating of America: Think Enron and Arthur Andersen Are Exceptions? Think Again. - "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society," said former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Most Americans probably agree. No one loves the IRS, but we do our duty as citizens and pay our taxes. TomPaine.com 1/29/02
HIGHTOWER: What's Involved In Enron? - Like a stunning 4th of July fireworks display, this corporate firecracker keeps lighting up the sky with new revelations of its arrogance and avarice, each one more breathtaking than the last. Alternet1/29/02
Another Huge Andersen Accounting Client Files For Bankruptcy - The accounting firm Andersen yesterday faced fresh embarrassment after Global Crossing, a Wall Street giant, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The global telecoms company's insolvency, the fourth-largest in US history, comes hot on the heels of the collapse of the energy group Enron. Both companies used the auditing services of Andersen. IndependentNews.com 1/29/02
Enron Had Journalists On Payroll - NY Times Columnist Got $50,000! - Bankrupt energy major Enron, which allegedly financed the election campaign of Republican and Democratic politicians, also channelled thousands of dollars to journalists, a media report said. Chalomumbai Correspondent 1/29/02
Enron and Our Putrid Campaign Finance System - In the wake of the collapse of Enron and the disclosure of the company's political contributions and close ties to prominent government officials, many reports have been focused on the prospect of untoward -- or even illegal -- behavior on the part of elected officials. Many are calling for officeholders to return Enron contributions, and some officials have already done so. Alternet 1/29/02
Enron Cocktail Of Cash, Sex, And Fast Living - Houston provided the stage for the energy giant's meteoric rise - and the crash that will reverberate for years. Philip Delves Broughton reports. London Telegraph 1/28/02
Crime in the Suites - The collapse of Enron has swiftly morphed into a go-to-jail financial scandal, laden with the heavy breathing of political fixers, but Enron makes visible a more profound scandal--the failure of market orthodoxy itself. Alternet 01/28/02
'Suicide' Baxter Talked About Hiring A Bodyguard - It was only when he broke the window that he discovered the body of J Clifford Baxter, graduate of Columbia Business School, former Enron executive, and now the very recently dead repository of knowledge about what really happened in the biggest corporate scandal in history. London Independent 1/28/02
Cheney Refuses To Turn Over Energy Papers To GAO - Despite the threat of an unprecedented lawsuit, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney said on Sunday he would not give congressional investigators internal documents related to development of the administration's energy plan, including additional information on Enron Corp. Reuters 1/28/02
Cheney Flatly Rejects Congress Energy Information Demands - - The White House and Congress are headed toward an unprecedented legal showdown after Vice President Cheney rejected demands Sunday that he release information about industry consultations by his energy task force. USA Today 1/28/02
Campaign-Finance Reform? Think Enron - As the Enron story unfolds, we are reminded why the U.S. Supreme Court, in its famous 1976 Buckley vs. Valeo decision, said that the appearance of corruption, not just corruption itself, justifies congressional action to place limits on our campaign-finance system. CounterPunch 1/27/02
Enron's Drip, Drip, Drip - The collapse of Enron is a story far too rich to be reduced to a single story line. But one crucial narrative is how a series of seemingly small and technical decisions purchased in Washington, D.C. eventually combined to enable Enron's implosion -- and how recent and evolving policy decisions are paving the way for future Enron-level disasters. Counterpunch 1/27/02
Enron's Way: Pay Packages Foster Spin, Not Results - As the stock plummeted, investors and employees alike were left with big losses. But one group of shareholders came out ahead — management. NY Times 01/27/02
The Enron Web - Arthur Andersen Consultant Shot Dead In December - Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - A body discovered in a van in Pike National Forest was identified Monday as a missing 59-year-old Jefferson County man. Denver Post 1/26/02
"Enronitis" Ravishing the GOP! - A new and contagious ailment is spreading through Republican circles; call it "enronitis." This condition, only recently identified, strikes suddenly and brings about a state of discombobulation, causing the afflicted, in the words of one medical expert, "to talk foolishness" when he or she is confronted with questions involving a particular energy company. Alternet 1/25/02
Dead Enron Exec Challenged Enron's Accounting Over A Year Ago - A former Enron Corp. executive found shot to death in his car in an apparent suicide had reportedly challenged the company's accounting practices almost a year before it plunged into bankruptcy Associated Press 1/25/02
Former Top Enron Executive Found Shot Dead - A former Enron Corp. executive who reportedly challenged the company's questionable financial practices and resigned last May was found shot to death in a car today, an apparent suicide. Associated Press 1/25/02
OUTRAGED PRESIDENT: FIRST MOTHER-IN-LAW WAS CRUELLY PLEASURED IN ENRON AFFAIR - Today, as the Enron bankruptcy continues to balloon into a full-fledged scandal - the magnitude of which poses the first legitimate threat to my presidency since early September - I stand before you to use my mother-in-law, Jenna Welch, as something much more than an explanation for why I'm grinding my molars into dust. Whitehouse.org
Report: Cal Energy "Crisis" Was A $71 Billion Hoax, And It's Not Over - The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) issued the first comprehensive review of the California energy crisis today, exactly one year after the first rolling blackouts hit California. Using government and industry data, the 58 page report, entitled "Hoax: How Deregulation Let the Power Industry Steal $71 Billion From California," shows that the California electricity system did not fail according to the laws of supply and demand, as it has been widely portrayed. Counterpunch 1/25/02
Enron Does India: The Contract for the Dabhol Power Project - The name Enron once meant the seventh largest corporation in the United States; it now means a scandal that will likely see some wealthy men serving prison sentences and hopefully also mean the richly deserved demise of the Bush administration, an administration that came to power with the philosophy that it is the role of government to protect robber barons from public scrutiny and regulation in what is nominally a democratic system. Democratic Underground 1/25/02
The scandal that has left the credibility of American politics in shreds - When you think of Texas and melodrama, you tend to think of Dallas. But the Texan city that's currently providing all the prime-time intrigue, back-stabbing and sudden reversals of fortune - on a colossal, improbably scale - is Houston. Znet 1/25/02
Lying On Top -"The third quarter is going to be great." That's what Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay said last September to a room full of workers who had come to hear about the company's prospects after a recent wave of bad news had sent the stock price plummeting. Counterpunch 1/24/02
Enron Got Its Money's Worth - Look No Further Than the National Energy Plan - One of the major falsehoods being bandied about by apologists for the Bush administration is that while Enron may have bankrolled much of the president's political career it got nothing for those bucks once George W. occupied the White House. Los Angeles Times 1/24/02
"But this is their game. They're counting on your patriotism to distract you from their plunder. They're counting on you to be standing at attention with your hand over your heart, pledging allegiance to the flag, while they pick your pocket!" -- Bill Moyers full text
USA: Fired Andersen Partner Refuses to Testify on Enron - A fired partner of auditor Andersen on Thursday refused to testify to Congress on the destruction of evidence in the collapse of energy giant Enron, prompting lawmakers to say he was frustrating their probe. Rueters 1/24/02
Is Enron Still Shredding Documents? - A former Enron executive told ABCNEWS in an exclusive interview that Enron shredded documents after federal authorities began investigating the energy giant's collapse. An Enron attorney says the company is investigating the report. ABC News 1/22/02
Enron's Lay Touted Shares To Employees - Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth Lay told employees the company's stock was "an incredible bargain" just weeks before the energy trader imploded, Reuters learned on Friday, as Democrats attempted to tar Republicans with guilt by association with Enron in an election year. Reuters 1/19/02
Enron's Hero - With A Smoking-Gun Letter - Sherron Watkins' memo to CEO Ken Lay spoke volumes about the company's behavior. So did the higher-ups' tepid response. Business Week 1/18/02
A New Twist In Enron's Can Of Worms - Congressional probers are now examining whether the company used complex but legal securities to mask the true size of its debt load Business Week 1/18/02
Enron Evidence Said To Implicate Treasury Secretary O'Neill - Public Citizen today called on Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill to explain evidence indicating that he helped Enron continue hiding information about its financial condition and took actions enabling it to funnel potentially billions of dollars belonging to shareholders and employees into offshore tax havens. Public Citizen 1/18/02
The Enron Black Magic - In the often evil world of oil and natural gas, and other energy, they became the seventh largest of the Fortune 500. What has happened to put them as the largest of the No Fortune 100? How did they become, so far, the biggest loser? Skolnick's Report, part 2, part 3 1/18/02
Arthur Andersen's Contract to Audit FBI Unaffected By Mounting Evidence Of Criminal Activity - In the exploding popcorn mix of new Enron investigations, increasingly focusing on possible criminal misconduct by accounting giant Arthur Andersen, a Justice Department spokesperson has told FTW that a contract for Andersen to review sensitive FBI management and recordkeeping procedures has been unaffected. Wilderness Publications 1/16/02
Andersen Says Enron Lead Partner Ordered Files Destroyed - The growing scandal over the collapse of Enron Corp. deepened on Tuesday, with accounting firm Andersen saying its lead partner for auditing the energy trader had ordered documents destroyed after learning federal regulators wanted to see them. Reuters 1/16/02
Crony Capitalism, U.S.A. - Four years ago, as Asia struggled with an economic crisis, many observers blamed "crony capitalism." Wealthy businessmen in Asia didn't bother to tell investors the truth about their assets, their liabilities or their profits; the aura of invincibility that came from their political connections was enough. Only when a financial crisis came along did people take a hard look at their businesses, which promptly collapsed. New York Times 1/15/02
'It Would Help Enron If You Made That Call' Bush Was Told - As he approaches the first anniversary of his inauguration, George W Bush is under siege. He has won the war in Afghanistan, but finds himself engaged in a new battle against a scandal that is threatening to dog his administration and tarnish his reputation . London Observer 1/13/02
Cheques & Balances - Plumbing The Depths With Enron - Enron is a case study in the dangers that will inevitably arise when unrestrained corporate greed is joined at the hip with the legalised bribery and influence-peddling that passes for government these days. Indian Express 1/13/02
Enron Chief Quizzed Over Emails To Employees Just Prior To Collapse - Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay may have misled employees by telling them he expected the company's share price to go up just weeks before it started to collapse, a high-ranking House Democrat says. Reuters 1/13/02
Senator Phil Gramm's Wife Gets Enron Subpoena - A Senate panel probing energy conglomerate Enron Corp.'s sudden collapse sent a subpoena Friday to Texas Republican Sen. Phil Gramm's wife, Wendy Gramm, panel sources confirmed, while a new contact with a Bush administration official -- by a prominent Democrat -- was disclosed by the Treasury Department. UPI 1/12/02
Enron Conflicts Of Interest In SEC and GAO Threaten Credibility Of Investigations - Even as Attorney General John Ashcroft today recused himself from involvement in any Justice Department investigation into the mushrooming Enron scandal, larger conflicts of interest - potentially more damaging to the Bush Administration -- are becoming increasingly apparent. Wilderness Publications 1/11/02
VP Tried to Aid Enron in India - Vice President Cheney tried to help Enron collect a $64 million debt from a giant energy project in India, government documents obtained by the Daily News show. New York Daily News 1/18/02
Auditor Says Enron Documents Gone - The firm that audited the books of collapsed Enron Corp., Arthur Andersen LLP, disclosed Thursday that its employees had destroyed a ''significant'' number of documents related to Enron. Andersen said it didn't know whether its directive to preserve documents demanded by government investigators was violated. Associated Press 1/10/02
Corporations Behaving Badly: The Ten Worst Corporations of 2001 - The U.S. Supreme Court says a corporation is a person, or at least must be treated like one when it comes to most constitutional protections. Multinational Monitor - 12/01
Enron: Pulling the Plug on the Global Power Broker - On December 4, 2001, Enron filed for bankruptcy. Not long ago Enron was the largest energy trader in the world, the largest natural gas pipeline owner in the country and a pioneering force behind energy deregulation. The move resulted in 4,500 layoffs, or 60% of Enron's workforce at its headquarters in downtown Houston. CorpWatch 12/13/01
Enron, We Hardly Knew Ye - Until it imploded last October, Enron -- long known as End-Run by its critics -- was often described as just another aggressive corporation eager to expand its portfolio and open routes into new markets, albeit sometimes with "strong arm" tactics. Toward Freedom 12/13/01
Connect the Enron Dots to Bush - Enron is Whitewater in spades. This isn't just some rinky-dink land investment like the one dredged up by right-wing enemies to haunt the Clinton White House -- but rather it has the makings of the greatest presidential scandal since the Teapot Dome. LA Times 12/11/01
Enron's Legacy - Kenneth Lay is living proof that one person can change the world. His company, Enron, may be in shambles. In three months, it may no longer exist. But for the rest of our lives we will live in a world redesigned by Kenneth Lay. Alternet 12/3/01
How Deregulation and Enron's Influence Over Government Looted Billions from Americans - Blind Faith: How Deregulation and Enron’s Influence Over Government Lotted Billions from Americans. Public Citizen 12/01
Enron: Washington's Number One Behind-the-Scenes GATS Negotiator - So, what do Enron Corporation and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) have in common? After all, Enron is primarily a giant energy corporation specializing in everything from natural gas pipelines to electricity. And the GATS is a new body of rules at the World Trade Organization (WTO) which is designed to liberalize cross border trade-in-services. Why, then, is Enron such a big player in the GATS negotiations at the WTO? CorpWatch 10/25/01
"It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war,
corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money
power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people
until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment
more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."
- Abraham Lincoln in a letter to William F. Elkins, Nov 21st, 1864
The Enron Corporation: Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Violations - This report focuses on a subsidiary of the Enron Development Corporation in India: the Dabhol Power Corporation (DPC). The DPC’s project in the state of Maharashtra constitutes the largest single foreign investment in India, and its history, since 1992, raises questions intrinsic to any serious discussion of the importance of human rights concerns to governments and companies designing investment strategies. Human Rights Watch
The Players in the GATS Negotiations - The U.S. Coalition of Service Industries is the top lobby group in the November WTO meeting in Qatar. The table looks at 12 heavy hitters in the 67 member CoalitionCorpWatch 10/25/01
Political Donors Profiteering in the Name of Economic Stimulus - As debate on economic stimulus legislation moves from the House to the Senate, a relatively small number of large soft money donors is poised for a significant windfall, according to a Common Cause analysis. Common Cause 10/25/01
Enron's eight-year power struggle in India - On January 9, the Maharashtra state government in India averted an immediate crisis by coughing up US$24 million for the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) to pay some of the money it owed the Enron-controlled Dabhol Power Corporation (DPC) for the purchase of electricity Asia Times 1/18/01
Halliburton's Destructive Engagement: How Dick Cheney and USA-Engage Subvert Democracy at Home and Abroad - Since Dick Cheney became a candidate for Vice President, many journalists have focused on his mixed financial record as CEO of Halliburton, and his enormous retirement package. Few have investigated Dick Cheney's role in influencing foreign policy for the benefit of the company. Nor have they looked into Halliburton's role in undermining democracy Burma. CorpWatch 10/11/00
How Fat Cats Buy Access - Surely one of the most amusing developments of the 2000 presidential election campaign is the emergence of Billionaires for Bush (or Gore). Focus on the Corporation 8/16/00
Cheney's Oil Investments and the Future of Mexico's Democracy - The GOP's vice-presidential hopeful Dick Cheney once claimed that it was a damned shame the "good lord" didn't put the earth's most abundant oil reserves in democratic countries. It would appear that Cheney's prayers were partially answered last July, when Vicente Fox Quesada defeated Mexico's ruling, authoritarian party, and seemingly ushered in a new era of American-style democracy CorpWatch 8/8/00
George W. Bush Gets Layed: The Mutually Beneficial Relationship Between Enron CEO Ken Lay and the Republican Contender - Early last October, every member of a ninth grade girls track team and the freshman football team at suburban Houston's Deer Park High School's north campus returned from practice reporting severe breathing problems. That day Deer Park registered 251 parts of ozone per billion, more than twice the federal standard, and Houston surpassed Los Angeles as the smoggiest city in the United States CorpWatch 7/20/00
Enron in India: The Dabhol Disaster - Just before dawn on June 3, 1997, police officers forcibly entered the homes of several women in Veldur, a fishing village in western India, dragging them into waiting police vans and beating them with sticks. The only "crime" committed by these women was to lead a peaceful protest against the environmental impact of a massive new natural-gas plant being built near Veldur by Enron. CorpWatch 7/20/00