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 Blair Earl Ross


Morell, PEI    C0A 1S0


  (902) 961-3289



April 7, 2003


Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty The Queen

Buckingham Palace

London, SW1A 1AA

United Kingdom


Your Majesty,


This registered letter is written to you in order that you may become aware of the current situation in regards to the children who were living at the Mt. Herbert Orphanage, governed by provincial legislation, in Prince Edward Island, Canada beginning in the year 1921.


You were involved in the Mt. Herbert Orphanage, during your promotional tour in 1960's.  Your visit was during the time when the name of the Orphanage was changed, through legislation, to “Prince Edward Island Protestant Children’s Home”.  Two(2) years after the Orphanage was closed in 1975, through legislation, the name was changed again to “Prince Edward Island Protestant Children’s Trust”. 


There is current litigation filed in the PEI Supreme Court with 58 plaintiff’s, who all have a common legal representative.  There are allegations of human rights violations and deaths.  Access to legal representation has been denied to myself and to others who lived at the home.  This denial of access to proper legal representation allows the continuance of the trauma I experienced while living in an orphanage in Canada, while my mother worked there and while money was deducted from her provincial cheque to pay for torture instead of protection.  My family members, myself, other orphans and their families, have suffered enough. 


In 1902 the Grand Orange Lodge of the Freemasons originated the PEI Protestant Orphanage (Mount Herbert) and the deed was for 130 acres of land including a farmhouse.  Since 1921, the trust, a federally registered charity, has control of a vast amount of income and property.  The trust had the duty to care for each child living at the orphanage: emotionally, physically, sexually, socially and spiritually, as well as a duty to ensure that they were educated and cared for when they stopped living at the orphanage. 


A few of the children who lived at the Mt. Herbert Orphanage were selected to receive some benefit from the income of the orphanage.  All of the children were traumatized; emotionally, physically, sexually, socially and spiritually, some children more severely than others.




Blair Ross to Queen Elizabeth II, dated April 7 , 2003, page 2


The very people who had a duty to ensure that the children were looked after and cared for are the same people who are in control of the political patronage system legislated by federal and provincial law that was enacted to protect the children in the first place. Whether they were federal, provincial or municipal officials or representatives or community representatives, they will be a party in future litigation, for the misappropriation of funds, perpetrating intentional acts of abuse and torture and then denying corrective actions the children needed to ensure their life, liberty and their security of person.  This persecution was legitimized by the Prince Edward Island legislated assembly since 1921.


There is still no protection in place for the unethical distribution of the funds, held in trust, for the children that now, as well as in the past, were in need of corrective actions, education, support, counselling and therapy for themselves, family and foster family members, and other associates effected.  All in need of proper legal representation.  Restitution for these crimes against humanity could bring some closure.


A PEI Supreme Court Justice, Gordon Campbell, has ruled that all money is to be returned to the trustFor justice to be served this money must include the buying, selling, renting and demolishing of the building, sale of property, donations public, private and government, countries, utilities and all other donators since 1921, excluding any legitimate claim of expenditures for the care of those living and working at the orphanage.  


The Laws that were enacted since 1921 in regards to the Mt. Herbert Orphanage in Prince Edward Island, Canada, have never been enforced.  The Trust was authorized to actively manage the affairs of the orphanage and the children who were legislated to live there.  The children’s money was embezzled from the children by the direct people responsible for their care.


The Trust had the right to acquire by lease or purchase any real or personal property they may require for the use of the Corporation and the purposes of the Orphanage, and to accept and hold any real or personal property that has heretofore been or hereafter may be gratuitously given, granted or bequeathed for the use of the Orphanage. 


The Trust had the right to engage in farming, dairy work, stock raising or any industry, trade or business that may be deemed expedient in the interest of the Orphanage or that may provide OCCUPATION FOR ITS INMATES


The Trust was constituted a body corporate by An Act to Incorporate the PEI Protestant Orphanage, 11 Geo. V, Ch. 27, 1921









                THE DUE APPLICATION THEREOF.                                                                     




Blair Ross to Queen Elizabeth II, dated April 7, 2003, page 3



The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the PEI Orphanage upon approval became the working organization on behalf of the Orphanage.


The Corporation may borrow money on its promissory notes or on the security by mortgage, pledge or otherwise of any of its real or personal property acquired by it, or which it may have received by DONATION, BEQUEST, or otherwise; and may also draw, accept, and endorse all cheques, bills, notes or other negotiable instruments that may be expedient in its business by the hands of such officers as shall be designated by the by-laws of the Corporation.


The Corporation’s name was changed to the Prince Edward Island Protestant Children’s Home by An Act to Amend An Act to Incorporate the PEI Protestant Orphanage, 11 Geo. V, in1923. This act states: a new and modernly equipped Orphanage has been erected at Mount Herbert.


The corporation was then authorized to issue debentures to the amount of $25,000.00.  Issued in amounts of $100.00 6 ½ %, shall be a first charge upon all property...


The Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of PEI was ex-officio a member, the Anglican Church, Presbytery of PEI Canada), Methodist Church, the Church of Scotland and the Baptist Church each had a member, the Ladies Auxiliary of the PEI Protestant Orphanage had 3 members, The Ladies Orange Benevolent Assn. of PEI had 3 members and the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of PEI had 3 members.


There was an ENDOWMENT FUND of $20,000 where a CONTRIBUTION = MEMBERSHIP.  The Lodge was in control of investment and kept in own hands for the benefit of said orphans.  Paid annually to PEI Protestant Orphanage the income thereof.


We need your attention brought to this matter immediately, as we have been trying for many years to receive legal representation to allow closure and we have been unable to access this fundamental right, due to the current legal system here on Prince Edward Island and in Canada.  We are asking for your assistance in ensuring that we receive proper legal representation.  We are sure your position could greatly benefit the children and their families, who were living at the orphanage.


Yours very truly,




Blair E. Ross

per: Orphans Seeking Closure   

cc:   Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada

        Martin Couchon, Minister of Justice, Canada       

        Jeff Lantz, Minister of Justice, Prince Edward Island, Canada                         

        Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada     

        Eric MacNeil, PEI Protestant Children’s Trust, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island


By: Ms. Susan M. Marshall

Dated : May 6th, 2003

I, Susan Marshall, am sending out a Press Release. This news can not be kept secret any longer as I am wanting Justice and Resolution so that I may let the General Public be aware of what has taken place to Innocent Orphan Children in this Country. The Federal Government has to be accountable for the Horrific Abuse that took place on the Quiet Island Of Prince Edward in Canada at an Orphanage named Mount Herbert. I was a young child who was used in Experimentations on Behalf of the Government of Prince Edward Island, was beaten, tied up, raped, druged and placed in a Basement of the Orphanage for many months. Was tied up and given electrical shock treatments for experimentation and to erase my memories of such Horrific Abuse. Also, used as a war child by our Government and there was also evidence of Cults being involved as well. There are now approximately 58 cases of abuse and is now in Court Proceedings. There were several organizations involved including Churchs, Military and the very persons whom were responsible for our care. Children were sold and shipped on trains to different parts of the world like United States and other Countries. This was going on since the early 1900's up until the 1970's. I want this to be National News because many of these children who are now adults need to be aware of the Court Proceedings that are now taking place in the Province of Prince Edward Island. Recently, I have contacted the Prime Minister Of Canada to HELP in passing a Bill in Legislation right away so as to Start a Class Action Law Suit and to assist myself with the on going investigatin that I have worked on for over 8 long years against the mentioned parties which can be done in a matter of days because it's done all the time in Canada. Many of these children have died and are in Poverty due to the Horrific Neglect of our Government and our Social Systems. We deserve the Respect and Care in getting the proper counselling and representation for Justice due. This type of Neglect of Innocent children still goes on in many Institution in this Country and in many Countries. PLEASE HEAR OUR PLEA FOR FAIR REPRESENTATION FOR MYSELF AND AS WELL AS FOR ALL THE CHILDREN OF MOUNT HERBER ORPHANAGE IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. THANK YOU, MS. SUSAN M. MARSHALL