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For Immediate Release
September 25, 2003
Lower Montague, Prince Edward Island    Canada
There is a lot of making up to do.
One of the first items on the list of things to do when the Fundamental
Rights Party has power on Prince Edward Island would be to have a type
of Justice that ensures that the people who live on Prince Edward Island
are treated with the respect and dignity that they all deserve.
Number 1  The Provincial Correctional Centre currently called
                  Sleepy Hollow will be turned into a museum of
                  government abuse and be replaced by Healing Centres.
                  In the beginning Healing Centres would be built in the
                  four federal ridings.
                  These Healing Centres will be built with state of the
                  art materials that cause the least harm to the
                  environment and the people who make the materials.
                  These materials will eventually be made here on the
                  Island for the use of all who live here.
                  These Healing Centres will have sustainable heating
                  sources for winter and environmentally friendly
                  systems for summer.
                  The focus of healing will be on the five senses:
                  Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste and Touch
                  The focus of healing will be the five parts of a human
                  being: Emotional, Physical, Sexual, Social and
                  There will be healing music, art and sculpting, dance
                  and other artistic endeavours to bring about a
                  highest potential as a human being.
                  There will be organic gardening - food and flowers.
                  There will be the ability to bring about the best in
                  human being.
                  The principle of the healing centre is that human
                  are similar with their differences - we all need to be
                  reminded how to love ourselves so that we can love
Number 2   There will be a process in place to determine who will
                   need to go to the Healing Centres.
                  Those who have harmed the most people living on
                  Prince Edward Island will be given Top Priority.
                  Those on the top of the list of people who have harmed
                  the most people living on Prince Edward Island will
                  include people who are paid with the public purse:
                  PEI Provincial Court Judges present and past
                  PEI Supreme Court Judges present and past
                  Governor Generals present and past
                  PEI Members of the Legislative Assembly current and
                  Members of Parliament present and past
                  Municipal Counsellors
                  Provincial Employees and Officials
                  Federal Employees and Officials
                  Municipal Employees and Officials
                  Board Members, Commission Members, Committee
                  Members, Council Members, Trust Members,
                  Foundation Members, Appeal Tribunals, Organizations
                  and other patronage positions that were paid with
                  City of Charlottetown Police Constables and RCMP
                  Constables present and past.
                  Media personnel from publicly funded TV and Radio.
                  The Second list of people who have harmed people the
                  most will include people who were given money from
                  the  public purse:
                  Farmers who use pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and
                  other chemicals that can cause harm to human beings
                  and their environment to prosper at the expense of
                  others or the environment.
                  Farmers who cause their employees harm by their
                  exploitive farming practices and/or the paying of low
                  wages and little if any benefits while they and their
                  family members prosper at the expense of their
                  Business people who use chemicals that can cause harm
                  to human beings and their environment and prosper at
                  the expense of others or the environment.
                  Business people who cause their employees harm by
                  their exploitive business practices and/or the paying
                  low wages and few if any benefits while they and their
                  family members prosper at the expense of their
                  Fishers who cause fish harm by their fishing practices
                  while they and their family members prosper at the
                  expense of the fish and the environment.
                  Fishers who cause their employees harm by their
                  exploitive fishing practices and/or the paying of low
                  wages and few if any benefits while they and their
                  family members prosper at the expense of their
Number 3  Those who were born on Prince Edward Island will be
                  given every opportunity possible to ensure that they
                  are reminded of the importance to love themselves so
                  that they are able to love another and cause the least
                  amount of harm possible in the world.
                  Those who were born off Island and have come to
                  Prince Edward Island as an adult will need to heal and
                  will also have to make up for the harm they have
                  to the people and the environment on Prince Edward
                  Island in any way that they can, for example, by
                  their money, their time, their energy, their ideas.
For further information contact the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS PARTY:
Blair Ross, c/o The Provincial Correctional Centre  (902) 368-4590
Deborah Kelly Hawkes, RR#2, Montague, PEI   C0A 1R0   (902) 838-3657