Metroid Prime
The continuation to the story after Super Metroid, Metroid
Prime brings back to life the elements of this long cherished
series and thrusts it into a 3d universe. Adventurer-gamers and
fans of olde alike can enjoy this upcoming jem by Retro Studios.
Obviously two of the main differences is that this game isn't by
Nintendo and isn't a platform type of game. I am a little
skeptical of Retro Studios' ability to continue on what Nintendo
started BUT reassurance can be gained in that Nintendo is watching
over the shoulders of the Texas based group. I've long awaited
the appearance of a 3d Metroid to come on N64, though like many
other things it never came about. Many fans look down on the
3d style graphics, but c'mon, just look at how Zelda and Mario
have changed from 2d to 3d and still delivered solid gameplay.
The setting of the game is a planet called Taron which has been
put into chaos, probably by the Metroid that survived the
destruction of Zebes. Now you'd probably like to know how a
Metroid could end up from the destroyed Zebes to a new planet,
Taron. Supposedly the Metroid was carried along a heap of space
junk from the destroyed Zebes until it crashed into Taron.
-Tom G. |