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The "Looking Good Feeling Great" project girls.

This is a picture of the girls opening outfits. From left to right we have: Krista, Charity Rae, Tammy and our MC, Terri.

First down the runway we have Candice. She is wearing the silver patterened dress that she made as her project.

Strutting around in her the prom dress she made we have Charity Rae. Her navy colored overlay adds style to the dress.

Here we have the odd one of the bunch. Instead of making prom dresses like the rest of the girls, Krista thought that she would be different and make these shorts. She actually made them out of scraps of old pairs of jeans. Is that talent or what!?

Last but not least we have Tammy. She is wearing the "Cinderella" dress she made. You feel as much like a princess as much as you look it when you wear this dress.

Now we have all four girls showing off their masterpieces. One last walk down the runway, and the show is over.