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God Bless Our Troops

made by my friend talltexas

I Hear The Pain
In The Eyes Of The Ones
That Come Home From War
I See The Pain
In The Expressions
On Their Faces
As They Hobbled Down

Off The Plane
Tears Begin To Flow

Some Are Limping
Some Are Blind
Some Are Deaf
Some Are Missing Limbs
But They All Have That 1000 Yard Stare
And The Tears Continue To Fall

Made By My Friend Gloria

The Pain Is In Their Face
They Are So Tired
And That Pain Will Live
With Them The Rest
Of Their Lives
The Tears Continue To Fall

Their Wives And Children
Their Husbands And Their Family
Don't Understand Their Pain
They Tell Them Just To
"Get Over It"
But The Tears Continue To Flow

Written By
Debra Hankins (Peacemaker)
Jan 19, 2003

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